Well, I wasn't going to clutter up the thread with a redundant 'this is good news, thank you', but here it is. Especialy pleased to to hear that the McQuarrie and Decatur are going to get a rework. Those two are a joy to see in game. I like them about as much as the Churchill for the TMP era. And to beat it all I just happened to find the Decatur/Belknap a few weeks ago.
To voice an opinion from the peanut galerie... the hull weathering you (Anduril) did was a good touch if perhaps a little too much. I think if you toned it down by about half it would make it look a little more realistic. I certainly don't want you to feel discouraged by that comment. Because... gee, you have done so much for us. If you had not invested yourself in rendering so many of those that you have done, this game would be a lot more drab. The main thing is that you get a little joy out of modeling those starships.