Well, I had a little bit of time tonight after dinner to try and straighten out my copy of 3dsMax r3 on my texturing machine. I've had a problem with it for a long time when it simply came to rendering. I could work with it, but renders came off.. odd.
Well, since I'd replaced the video card in it a few months back, I decided to play with settings tonight, and finally got things to where they needed to be. Then I worked on something that Atolm did up for me at my request. A Vorlon battleship for the B5FC project.
It'd been on hold while I tried to fix two white areas and work and everything else took precedence. Tonight, I decided to finish it, and tomorrow I'm going to game test it. But, at any rate, here's the release shot for Atolm's Vorlon Battleship.
Again, I'll try to get this out tomorrow, and now that I finally have Max running perfectly on the texturing machine, I may get projects completed sooner. My wife likes to use her system too much.