Topic: New Yahoo Group for SFC models  (Read 1185 times)

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New Yahoo Group for SFC models
« on: June 15, 2003, 11:52:34 am »
I just made a new yahoo group for those of us having a hard time getting our models and mods up for d/l. It's open to anyone who wants to join, just follow the few rules and you'll be ok. I'll be going back and u/l the few models I have completed, and I hope to see more people join.
 SFC Models Group


James Formo

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Re: New Yahoo Group for SFC models
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2003, 12:32:10 pm »
Thanks Sandman. I just got that spacemod up at my club. It downloads ok. I had used Yahoo before for ship models, and it kept cutting the d/l short. I must have been over the max file size.

Brad Bowermaster

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Re: New Yahoo Group for SFC models
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2003, 02:29:20 pm »
You do know you can upload models to the SFU Model Repository, right?
Just click the submit file link, fill out the form and upload the file and it will be added once approved.


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Re: New Yahoo Group for SFC models
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2003, 11:01:37 am »
Thanx Brad...that'll help. This group is a backup for all other methods. I have a website I pay for, but d/l's get corrupted, so this will help, and so will the files site. I would like to see this group do well, and anyone who joined let me know if you have suggestions for it. Already have 7 members besides myself, and if that's all I get that's cool...just as long as we utilize it. If you don't want to use as a d/l site for models, maybe as a place to get together on collaborations. Take me for example...I meshed the Remora and Alec is going to do the textures, and this way we have a place to confer on things before releasing to make sure everything works right and looks good.

Come by and help make the group successful.



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Re: New Yahoo Group for SFC models
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2003, 10:42:05 am »
Your models can also be found at Yahoo Photos. I've been catalogueing the interesting ones.