Topic: Do any women play this game? Please don't tell me.  (Read 23180 times)

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Nicola Venra

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Re: Do any women play this game? Please don't tell me.
« Reply #100 on: January 25, 2003, 11:37:32 pm »
lol, no one's mentioned any of the Venra's in Trek...ok, most of us aint seen much in DynaVerse, but we are in GameSpy a lot...

[RS]Cpt Katie Venra
Member of RS, and runs The Star Trek Clan Directory

Nikki Venra
Me...clanless...runs the Star Trek Mod Directory

There was also Jennifer Venra in MPlayer before and after the takeover of it.  


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Re: Do any women play this game? Please don't tell me.
« Reply #101 on: January 26, 2003, 02:02:07 am »

It's a wonder the women haven't been scared off the forum  

I'd say the majority of them has vacated or don't bother much with the community.  These days there aren't really any more pleasant chats on the D2/D3 boards.  What was supposed to be a place to share stories of our experiences has turned into nothing more than a place to cry foul and present overanalysis of game data.    


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Re: Do any women play this game? Please don't tell me.
« Reply #102 on: January 26, 2003, 02:14:19 am »
EE=Empire Earth....*laffin*  


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Re: Do any women play this game? Please don't tell me.
« Reply #103 on: January 26, 2003, 11:11:32 pm »


It's a wonder the women haven't been scared off the forum  

I'd say the majority of them has vacated or don't bother much with the community.  These days there aren't really any more pleasant chats on the D2/D3 boards.  What was supposed to be a place to share stories of our experiences has turned into nothing more than a place to cry foul and present overanalysis of game data.    

Too much testosterone perhaps??? Personally, I just ignore all the 'bitching'... LOL!!!


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Re: Do any women play this game? Please don't tell me.
« Reply #104 on: January 26, 2003, 11:38:52 pm »
Easy for you to do Tracey, your a woman.

Us men have trouble letting the bitching go, it reminds us of home.. makes us biter.. we come here to escape the women in our lives.... or just our lives



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Re: Do any women play this game? Please don't tell me.
« Reply #105 on: January 27, 2003, 12:01:16 am »
What're you talking about? LOL I come here to amuse myself with EE's avatar!! That's too funny!!!

I think I played against a chick once, and it was on MPlayer with SFC1... that was the only battlefest anyone's ever agreed to play with me too.... she kicked my ass!!!  

Don't remember her callsign though...


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Re: Do any women play this game? Please don't tell me.
« Reply #106 on: January 27, 2003, 03:10:53 am »
I'm usually calm and relaxed...It's the forums that get me wound up.  


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Re: Do any women play this game? Please don't tell me.
« Reply #107 on: January 27, 2003, 04:28:02 am »


Too much testosterone perhaps???

This is tamer than most other boards.  Sure, there's plenty of testosterone, but it's mature and well-aged testosterone.  Heck, one of the dwellers around here is a grandfather.  

I think there are a few of us here Ratboy.  Damn you make it sound like were on our last legs
« Last Edit: January 27, 2003, 04:29:13 am by Soreyes »


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Re: Do any women play this game? Please don't tell me.
« Reply #108 on: January 27, 2003, 06:18:55 am »


Too much testosterone perhaps???

This is tamer than most other boards.  Sure, there's plenty of testosterone, but it's mature and well-aged testosterone.  Heck, one of the dwellers around here is a grandfather.  

Yup. Gotta love being *mature*.  One has already prooved what the yougun is not even sure exists.  


SSCF Hooch

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Re: Do any women play this game? Please don't tell me.
« Reply #109 on: January 29, 2003, 11:10:59 am »
Ohio huh?

 Well now my young friend you ought not to start ugle rumors about SSCF fleet members, we are not FJ's but we tend to not forget those who attack us, either in  game or out.

For the record SSCF KRolling is not my nurse, I am TraceyG's pet lackie and boot kisser on the other hand. I have sent your name to our "fixer" known as SSCF Aussie, he would like to meet you soon D2 or D3 it matters very little.

Captain Rolling please remind me of this next time you see mister Coles name on a server list, if he is allied there is always planet ramming. Please keep me posted.  

SSCF Hooch

SSCF Hooch

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The rest of the girls are...
« Reply #110 on: January 29, 2003, 11:22:14 am »
Chutt-Ritt and most all of the Kats and Koth are female Kats (pussy kats)...well they fight that way most of time.

Rumor has that nearly all the Klingons, (including Dogmatix), SPQR, and the Bruces are all girls too.

Or so I hear...

Hooch the truthful, beloved of all Federation player


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Re: The rest of the girls are...
« Reply #111 on: January 29, 2003, 11:35:56 am »
If memory serves we had three women at once in GE (get your minds out of the gutter you dirty dogs).  Heavenly, Dreamy, and Nitengale7.  I know Nite was a personal friend of mine who moved on soon after sfc2 (remember early on it wasn't much fun to be a gorn) was released.  

I sure do miss them all as well as SSazzix, The Witmaster (the original moofighters), Daozb, etc...

Pardon me while I go sob myself to sleep?





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Re: Do any women play this game? Please don't tell me.
« Reply #112 on: January 29, 2003, 12:09:47 pm »

Ohio huh?

 Well now my young friend you ought not to start ugle rumors about SSCF fleet members, we are not FJ's but we tend to not forget those who attack us, either in  game or out.

For the record SSCF KRolling is not my nurse, I am TraceyG's pet lackie and boot kisser on the other hand. I have sent your name to our "fixer" known as SSCF Aussie, he would like to meet you soon D2 or D3 it matters very little.

Captain Rolling please remind me of this next time you see mister Coles name on a server list, if he is allied there is always planet ramming. Please keep me posted.  

SSCF Hooch  

Ooooohhh, ya gotta love those SSCF men!!!  


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Re: Do any women play this game? Please don't tell me.
« Reply #113 on: January 29, 2003, 01:52:16 pm »

I was once part of a RPG where two women absolutely hated each other.  Now that was a flame war.  The only problem was that it never ended, even after months and months of it, cuz they never could let it go.  So, each of the women started manipulating the men, especially tne single/divorced,  players to line up on their side.  You know the deal. Bat the eyes, flash the sigfiles et al.  So, the RPG became the Woman A side vs. the Woman B side.  I once made the mistake of flaming both of them cuz I wanted my "independence".  Well, that's how I learned my flame war skills, hehe.  If you can beat a scorned woman in a flame war you can do anything in a forum.

Anyway, the RPG eventually petered out due to lack of player interest...and you wonder why, LOL.
It's also why I hate flame wars now. Don't ever want to go back to that miserable experience.


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Re: Do any women play this game? Please don't tell me.
« Reply #114 on: January 29, 2003, 04:14:29 pm »
You all forgot Furrygirl a.k.a SFCVixon.  I haven't seen her in a while either.


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Re: The rest of the girls are...
« Reply #115 on: January 29, 2003, 05:12:10 pm »

, and the Bruces are all girls too.

Or so I hear...


Don't make me lift my tutu to prove my man....errr....lizardhood. I'll get banned from the "scaly lizard" again for life.


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Re: The rest of the girls are...
« Reply #116 on: January 29, 2003, 07:03:56 pm »


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Re: Do any women play this game? Please don't tell me.
« Reply #117 on: January 29, 2003, 09:43:12 pm »


I was once part of a RPG where two women absolutely hated each other.  Now that was a flame war.  The only problem was that it never ended, even after months and months of it, cuz they never could let it go.  So, each of the women started manipulating the men, especially tne single/divorced,  players to line up on their side.  You know the deal. Bat the eyes, flash the sigfiles et al.  So, the RPG became the Woman A side vs. the Woman B side.  I once made the mistake of flaming both of them cuz I wanted my "independence".  Well, that's how I learned my flame war skills, hehe.  If you can beat a scorned woman in a flame war you can do anything in a forum.

Anyway, the RPG eventually petered out due to lack of player interest...and you wonder why, LOL.
It's also why I hate flame wars now. Don't ever want to go back to that miserable experience.  

I have to agree with you. Women have the hardest  time getting along with other women.  I am sorry about your experience with women in your fleet.  That should have been taken care of immediately.

I am so glad that, so far, I have not ran into any problems. I get along with the other ladies in my fleet and have nothing but respect for TraceyG.  I cannot see myself ever getting into a flame war with another woman or man, for that matter.  I try to always think about what I am doing and saying.

As for being manipulative? That is definately not me.  I made a vow to be true to myself, the most high, and my husband.  I will not use sex, or any other tool, to manipulate members of my fleet or anyone else.  I could not live with myself if I did.

It is a pity that some may think that they have nothing more to offer then that.  That they are not good enough being who they are. I like the way I am, and do not appoligize for it.

But, don't get me wrong.  I like to have fun.  Good, clean fun.  And that, my dear, is the way I see it.

I have been very fortunate to have been treated with respect, from my fleetmates, from the players, and even from those who like to post those certain pics that really floored me (LOL!!).  I thank you all for that.  You have all made my experience here a wonderful and memorable one.  

Now, let's have some more fun!!!


SSCF Flt Capt K Rolling