Topic: WarPigeon  (Read 7103 times)

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Re: WarPigeon
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2003, 05:13:20 pm »
The Warbird doesn't need anymore engine-space than any of the other DN's

Maxed out DN's, all the Shield, Weapons, Hull and Bridge mass used. On top of that a Warp core X (10)

Engine-mass left after warp core X installed

Galaxy -------   1300
Sovereign ----  2300
Negh'var -----  2500
Warbird ------ 1850
Sphere prime - 2800

Now you are gonna say "Ha see, the Warbird needs more"
Well the Warbirds age is the same as a Galaxy, where both the Sovereign and the Negh'var are of a much newer date, the Sphere who knows, so looking at that I would say the mass seem fine.

Just a few more numbers, all ships as before, only thing added is a legendary crew.

Galaxy Thruster III + Impulse III -- Speed  17,31 Turn 0,42 Mass 47750
Sovereign Thruster V Impulse V -- Speed 21,81 Turn 0,48 mass 53700
Negh'var Thruster VI Impulse V -- Speed 28,36 Turn 0,70 Mass 52850
Warbird Thruster V Impulse V ---- Speed 26,37 Turn 0,56 Mass 47750
Sphere P. Thruster VI Impulse VI - Speed 37,81 Turn 0,76 Mass 33350

Let me guess now, what you are gonna say, "see it's about 6000 short in mass compared with the Sovereign or Negh'ver..."
Well Romulan shield X is 1500 less in mass than the same Federation or Klingon shield X, but at the same time it has same strenght and power need as the Klingons shield X, now add 1500 with 4.
Also adding to this is Romulan thrusters have less mass, but more power than Federation thrusters, Klingon thrusters lead the way. Impulse are almost the same as with thrusters, only that here Romulan lead the way with low mass, high output.

Now with all this said... do the Warbird still need more engine-mass ???  


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Re: WarPigeon
« Reply #21 on: January 28, 2003, 07:48:33 pm »

Now with all this said... do the Warbird still need more engine-mass ???  



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Re: WarPigeon
« Reply #22 on: January 29, 2003, 08:57:20 am »
I've never felt more engine mass was needed for the Warbird. According to the numbers above, it actually does quite well with the space it has -- in fact, the lower the mass, the better the speed and turns, so having low-mass systems with high efficiency is much better than having a hulking behemoth of a ship lumbering around like a Cube. If people want such a ship, add the Scimitar.


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Re: WarPigeon
« Reply #23 on: January 29, 2003, 09:59:28 am »

in fact, the lower the mass, the better the speed and turns, so having low-mass systems with high efficiency is much better than having a hulking behemoth of a ship lumbering around like a Cube. If people want such a ship, add the Scimitar  

That's why you should NEVER throw in lvl X shields into a warbird. You WILL get an even more lumbering heap of bolts, steel and high-tech machinery, just because shields are for all races (except the borg, for obvious reasons) so darned heavy. The Warbird shouldn't be flown like a brick, that's what we have sovereigns and spheres for. Next heavy thing though is the warpcore, and you'll need a big one if you want to be able to deal out some real damage. You wont be able to dish out the same large quantity of damage over a period of time, like Sphere Primes and Sovereigns can. That's why you must have a big warpcore. You must hit hard if you are able to, and you must be manouvrable to be able to do it. To have to warp around a sov to get to his back gives the problems of being easily detected by acs and flying on this low impulse just gives too much risk due to the probes. Even sovs can turn faster than you are able to fly past them, always nice if you are probed when doing that. Even a little increase in speed can bring somewhat more balance.

You might bring against me that you should turn if he rotates in the same direction as you try to get to his back, but then i might say that you can't actually turn your warbird like a b'rel, and that he will have another probe ready by the time you are already halfway turning.

I never cared much for figures as it comes to the warbird. There are lies, big lies and statistics as they say. I know how it flies, and it is extremely difficult to fly one well, though i can manage to some extent, because they either don't try to probe me, or they dont put on their acs-s or i was just a lucky guy to be able to warp behind them.

I invite everyone to fly the warbird for once and say how they handle it. Not the warbird battlecruiser outfit of course, which is just a warbird with lvl IX core, but so little power to  feed those heavy plasmas that you need to give others a punch, but moves a lot better; no, try the warbird dreadnought instead and tell me how you fly it to glory.


Max zero

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Re: WarPigeon
« Reply #24 on: January 29, 2003, 10:19:27 am »

Once question since Sov's have just as much (if not more) firepower to the rear as to the front why would you fly behind them? Wouldn't flying to the side of them make more sense?

Just curious thats all.


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Re: WarPigeon
« Reply #25 on: January 29, 2003, 10:23:25 am »

 Once question since Sov's have just as much (if not more) firepower to the rear as to the front why would you fly behind them? Wouldn't flying to the side of them make more sense?

Just curious thats all.

Well that depends really. If they have a heavily loaded back section i flank them, but since most concentrate their weapons on the front, i usually fly behind them, or under 30 degrees (to avoid the single quantum torpedo they might have there).

Not all feds design their ships the same way. Some go for equal heavies on both ends and some concentrate on the front arcs.  


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Re: WarPigeon
« Reply #26 on: January 29, 2003, 04:30:05 pm »
I have played on some server where the mass was upgraded and it does help.
The real problem is an alpha strike that is not sufficently powerfull.
Adding engine mass can help to have a level 10 warp core allowing more overload energy to the weapons while keeping adequate trusters and impulse.

Since the Rom's weapons are being reviewed with the patch, this need may be somewhat aleviated and the WB may not need additionnal engine mass.
I therefore, would rather reserve my opinion for later.



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Re: WarPigeon
« Reply #27 on: January 29, 2003, 05:26:14 pm »
I don't think that the warbird needs more engine space considering that it is a very big ship.  I think that it is fine the way it is with its current engine space.  I think that the weapons are terrible on romulan ships and that seems to be the biggest problem for the roms.  This supposedly will be fixed in the patch, though.