If it helps, I didn't like TNG at first either..... ?
ha ha
please do not stop making ships, Azel/Atolm- yours are always hands down the wildest yet tangible designs! Did you have any cooked up that didn't make the grade? If so, could you post them, just for fun at least? I'd sure like to see them, as well as everyone else.
According to what Stormbrtinger and Lestat said, maybe some of the S sectons would look nifty 90 degrees around- but I really do favor those TNG designs- they are totally original, and really...................... when you look at them a while, they really DO ''look like spaceships that dinosaur people would fly'', according to my girlfriend's (3rd person) opinion.... she only likes the Romulan ships because they look like birds, so... like Rod O'neal, you got that one too!
please hurry comrade Manitoba:)!