To follow up on the customization issue...... If SFC3 doesn't allow you to perform these "drastic refits", then what you have is a more strategic version of online Bridge Commander, where nobody resepects the small ships. Hell, nobody even respects the big ships(AKA Neb and Galaxy). Now, I'm not gonna try to fool anybody into thinking that I've been playing SFC since its first release. The truth is, that I was new to the SFC series when I first picked up my copy last November. But, as a BC veteran, THE SINGLE FEATURE WHICH I MOST APPRECIATED ABOUT THIS GAME WAS THE SHIP CUSTOMIZATION. The ship customization really helped me develop an appreciation for all of the vessels in the game including an appreciation for some of the smaller ships. I mean, for example, if BC had included an Intrepid in the game, it would have been cool for what....about 10 minutes. Then, after getting pounded online by every sov and Heavy in the game, people would dump that Intrepid faster than you could say Seven has nice nockers. But thats not the case in SFC3. In SFC3 Sure, we ALL agree that SFC3 has some balance issues yet to be resolved. These balance debates will continue endlessly as long as people are partial to a certain race. But the ship customization factor allows you to have more prolongued fun with all the ship models, and as Alexander intelligently noted, it also adds a strategic depth to this game that kicks butt on any other non-SFC Star Trek title.
Realism? Well, IMO realism and believeability are two seperate things. I mean Star Trek by nature is not realistic. It's science fiction. The possibility of warp speed may be just as unrealistic as 5 minute refits. But issues such as various trek technology that will most likely never happen are typically pushed out of mind for the sake of theatrics. And, in general, we the viewers are willing to forget about some unrealistic things because we love the special effects, focus on the story, or whatever other reason you may have. Having said that, games are the same. If SFC3 was "realistic" then I'd be dead from the first time Sun crushed my puny little sabre with his sphere prime. My officers would have mutinized my ship a thousand times over for taking them on reckless missions into the neutral zone, and I would be kicked out of the federation for repeatedly disobeying the Starfleet charter and the prime directive. In other words you can have total realism, or you can have some fun. SFC3 is a strategy game, not a sim. If you want realism, then I'd wait for "The Sims Online: 2372".