Topic: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack  (Read 10754 times)

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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #60 on: June 13, 2003, 02:02:57 am »
Anyone seen the Mirak? LOL



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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #61 on: June 13, 2003, 05:08:32 am »

**ships to be released by stardate. this feature would revolutionize sfc as its known. you could have a multiera campaign with TOS connies and TNG sovies.. more importantly, though, it adds a HUGE strategic factor for the on line campaigns.

I like this idea - maybe it could be controlled by two methods.  The first by the economy of the race.  Make the advancement and new starship and component release date affected by a multipler based on economy.  But also let server admins turn off economic victories.

The second option would be a straight release date system.  Obviously here some attempt to mimic the shows timeline would have to be made.


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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #62 on: June 13, 2003, 07:22:51 am »
To follow up on the customization issue......  If SFC3 doesn't allow you to perform these "drastic refits", then what you have is a more strategic version of online Bridge Commander, where nobody resepects the small ships.  Hell, nobody even respects the big ships(AKA Neb and Galaxy).  Now, I'm not gonna try to fool anybody into thinking that I've been playing SFC since its first release. The truth is, that I was new to the SFC series when I first picked up my copy last November.  But, as a BC veteran, THE SINGLE FEATURE WHICH I MOST APPRECIATED ABOUT THIS GAME WAS THE SHIP CUSTOMIZATION.   The ship customization really helped me develop an appreciation for all of the vessels in the game including an appreciation for some of the smaller ships.   I mean, for example, if BC had included an Intrepid in the game, it would have been cool for what....about 10 minutes. Then, after getting pounded online by every sov and Heavy in the game, people would dump that Intrepid faster than you could say Seven has nice nockers.  But thats not the case  in SFC3.  In SFC3 Sure, we ALL agree that SFC3 has some balance issues yet to be resolved.  These balance debates will continue endlessly as long as people are partial to a certain race.  But the ship customization factor allows you to have more prolongued fun with all the ship models, and as Alexander intelligently noted, it also adds a strategic depth to this game that kicks butt on any other non-SFC Star Trek title.

Realism? Well, IMO realism and believeability are two seperate things.  I mean Star Trek by nature is not realistic.  It's science fiction.  The possibility of warp speed may be just as unrealistic as 5 minute refits.  But issues such as various trek technology that will most likely never happen are typically pushed out of mind for the sake of theatrics. And, in general, we the viewers are willing to forget about some unrealistic things because we love the special effects, focus on the story, or whatever other reason you may have.  Having said that,  games are the same.  If SFC3 was "realistic" then I'd be dead from the first time Sun crushed my puny little sabre with his sphere prime.  My officers would have mutinized my ship a thousand times over for taking them on reckless missions into the neutral zone, and I would be kicked out of the federation for repeatedly disobeying the Starfleet charter and the prime directive.  In other words you can have total realism, or you can have some fun.  SFC3 is a strategy game, not a sim. If you want realism, then I'd wait for "The Sims Online: 2372".  


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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #63 on: June 13, 2003, 09:42:28 am »
  The other thing I'd still like to see is the Doomsday Machine... C'mon Taldren.... Monsters... I miss the boulder chucking plasma.... Or the bird of Bethke... Man that  thing would give a Borg Cube trouble... Now a variety of Missions would do the D3 a world of good.  How about the Diplomat delivery mission on the D3? One side delivering the diplomat, the other trying to take him out...  The shipyard assault where ships in drydock become active when enemy ships show up.. But this time have CA's and DN's in the shipyard...  And finally for those people who love to  Alt... Since they don't want to leave the map, how about a worm hole to escape from? Which sends them across the map... Anyway some more random ideas.... Ciao..


Captain KoraH

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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #64 on: June 13, 2003, 12:30:46 pm »
As the administrator of the most popular SFC3 Dynaverse server on the planet, here are my opinions:

Stuff that  needs  to be implimented:

1. New weapons. If we can't add new weapons, then we could essentially do the same thing if we could just change the NAME of the weapons already in the game...

2. New races. Again, Even if we couldn't add more new playable races to the game, which WOULD be possible with some help from Taldren, if we could at least change the NAMES of the current races, we could achieve something almost as good.

The more minor things start here:

3. Gimme graphics for the starbase weapon arcs! If you don't want to take the time, then at least make them use one of the current similar arc graphics so people could use them in mods and players would see what direction their weapons shoot...

4. T-Bombs

5. Armor indicator

6. Make the Eras work again.

If Taldren would just allow me access to the right parts of the game code to accomplish these things, I would do this all for them, and I'd do it for free just because I love the game. I'd be releasing mods to the public that would make SFC3 like Counterstrike was for Half-Life. People would be reading about SFC3 mods in game magazines and they would be going out and buying more copies of the game. If they would only let me...


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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #65 on: June 13, 2003, 03:09:53 pm »
well said korah! i agree with you 100%!

Mr. Hypergol

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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #66 on: June 13, 2003, 03:46:50 pm »
It's funny how different opinions can be.  Alexander thinks realism would make SFC3 suck....I think it sucks for the exact opposite reason.

Let me explain what I mean by realism.  One of the differences between the genres of science fiction and fantasy IS the element of realism.  Science fiction is about the world of the future.  A science fiction world usually is created by looking at the world as it is today and then extropolating the future over a given amount of time from a known starting state.  The new sci-fi world is still governed by the same physical laws that we are but advances in knowledge have created more ways to use these laws for the greater good (or bad).  So even sci-fi should have an element of realism and limits to it.  That's not the case in a fantasy world where nothing is governed by the rules of nature and magic rules the day.

As an space systems engineer in real life I don't see Star Trek as total fantasy, but more of a goal for mankind to work toward.  For me, Star Trek is literally a possible vision of our distant future.  It's something we can achieve given enough time and science advances.  I don't see genres like Tolkien or even Star Wars the same way, although a Mechwarrior or Blade Runner type future is also possible.  Yes there are some aspects of Star Trek that are probably humanoid aliens for example, but the technology of starships and faster-than-light space travel in particular are things that we should definately work hard to achieve.

This is how I see Star Trek and why the full customization thing had me rolling my eyes.  Even 200 years from now it's going to take a while to build or refit ships.  Ignoring this fact just detracts from the game for me.  I much prefer the SFC1 and 2 refit systems where you have many more ship classes and many defined varients.  Full customization also make it hopeless to expect SFC3 to ever be balanced.  
« Last Edit: June 13, 2003, 03:50:28 pm by Mr. Hypergol »


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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #67 on: June 13, 2003, 04:02:47 pm »
hence, hyper, my suggestion of giving the server admin control over whether things can be purchased or refitted. in my book, it is always best to develop somthing that gives people options rather than limiting it.

also hyper, balance is purely subjective to those who are judging it - and need to be taken with a grain of salt.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by NannerSlug »

Mr. Hypergol

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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #68 on: June 13, 2003, 05:30:29 pm »
Nanner, I liked your ideas along with Korah's.  Especially the T-bomb suggestion.

I also liked your OOB suggestion.  This is probably the area SFC is suffering the most.  The game needs a system to control the numbers of each ship class available and the numbers of varients.  It would be nice if production capacities and an economic system could be added.

I would welcome the option to turn off full customization or just give the server admin the ability to tailor the level of customization allowed.

I'm not totally against customization, I just want it to have tighter limits than we currently see in SFC3.

Good suggestions though.  


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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #69 on: June 13, 2003, 06:13:22 pm »
ive been doing some serious thinking. this (sfc3) is closer to delievering some people's promised land than they think. there simply need to be a few options made available to the modding community.. while probably not going to happen in a "patch" because of the work/money required to do some of the more, shall we say, time intensive coding and art - it could all be done in an expansion pack which resembles the TNZ/DW mod (that expansion pack would pay for the release of an SDK which would give the community tools to develop the GaW they want - while allow others to create completely new mods.. much like Counter-strike did for half life).

in a nut shell.. the sfc3 expansion pack would pay for what is needed to bring everyone under 1 big tent again. some of the ideas, though, which are expressed here i think could be done in a patch (like the shipyard/first year release date, limiting customization server option and arc artwork).

and yes, i want t-bombs back.


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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #70 on: June 13, 2003, 07:09:49 pm »
I hope TALDREN is still taking a look at the Forums.
IŽd be nice just to know they are aware of ours thoughts....
And I vote for more weapons, a lot more.


Mr. Hypergol

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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #71 on: June 13, 2003, 09:19:58 pm »
I still have hope that someday Taldren will make the source code for SFC2 and 3 available (I see there is a pettition for this that just got posted) and a team of talented volunteers can upgrade SFC into "Galaxies at War".  As an example, look at what is being done with the Myth series of games:  Those folks are as dedicated as it gets, and SFC fans are just the same sort of rabid.

There are actually several things I would like to see:

1)  A Star Fleet Battles total conversion.  And I don't mean a half ass conversion either.....we're talking detail, detail, detail.  I'd like to see other SFB features that would translate well to realtime added to the game like plasma bolts for example.  This version of the game would strive for the SFB accuracy we zeolots want so bad....down to the ship classes,  models, weapons, and systems.  We'd have Tholians and Andros too.  I guess this is what I think of when I say the words "Galaxies at War".

2)  An all eras game.  A game that encompasses everything from the Earth Romulan War to Nemesis.  Race, ship, and tech availability and the map configuration would be determined by specific year of play (not just broad eras) selected.  We could play out the great wars in Trek history in dynaverse camapigns or just fight famous individual battles in skirmish.  The online dyna could also be used to simulate great wars.  We would use Trek canon maps that were modified to add in the races like Hydrans and Lyrans in earlier Pre-TOS and TOS eras.  The theme of this game would be:  Experience the history and grandure of Trek.  Call it Star Fleet Command:  Total War.

Well there are 2 of my pipe dreams....I can't believe I still write these long posts on this stuff.  
« Last Edit: June 13, 2003, 09:21:05 pm by Mr. Hypergol »


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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #72 on: June 14, 2003, 12:45:50 am »
  Why stop there?

With our modding community, we can go straight to the 29th centure and the USS Premonition.



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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #73 on: June 14, 2003, 01:11:59 am »
hyper.. in a nut shell it sounds like to me what needs to happen is that there needs to be some sort of SDK developed either post patch or in an expansion pack which would pay for it - to allow those who want to make an sfb conversion for sfc3. if that were the case - would you buy it? (the expansion pack)

my feelings and thoughts have brought me to this conclusion: GaW does not have the market base to support 5-10 million investment in game production. an sfc3 domion war expansion MIGHT - and included in that expansion is somthing like bungie did with marathon in marathon infinity.. they basically gave the community all the tools they needed to convert the game into many, many mods out there.. in this case, taldren could release tools and what not which would allow those who are wanting Galaxies at war badly the opportunity to do just that.

of course the nice thing on top of that is that everyone would win.. (i am hoping that we see some options patched into sfc3 like releasing ships during certain years, restriction of refitting and user interfact art for new arcs)

did i forget t-bombs?


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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #74 on: June 14, 2003, 01:19:34 am »
I'm actually in for a more-complete SFB conversion myself..
.. and the wishlist of things I'd like to see in it is so extensive, I could write a full blown manual. Let's not get TOO much into asking me what i mean. There are many many good ideas.

.. but for things you guys might not have thought about? Let me seed this following idea:

Make *2* APIs. 1 for missions, and 1 for the AI behaviour. The AI scripts could then be placed in a directory of its own, and be selected from the shiplist. To change the AI behaviour, a player would select from within the game which behaviour to use.
.. in other words.. Think of the AI Behavior selection ability in Baldur's gate.

For example, possible DEFAULT behaviours that would come with the game..
  - Saber Dancer
  - knife fighter
  - Carrier, defensive
  - carrier, offensive
  - escort, defensive
  - escort, offensive
  - heavy hitter (Overloads?)
  - Plasma ballet
  - etc

What do you think? This is probably one of my better ideas that is *NOT* SFB, but could be used within SFC. Please remember that I am very pro-SFB, but I enjoy the real-time aspect of SFC itself.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by FireSoul »

Mr. Hypergol

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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #75 on: June 14, 2003, 08:29:59 pm »

 would you buy it? (the expansion pack)

Nanner I would definately buy an expansion pack to SFC3 even if it approached the 100 dollar range even though I don't particularly like I qualify as a rabid fan.

As for there not being a market for GAW, I pretty much agree, but.....I actually don't think there is a market for a dominion war mod either right now.  Maybe after a few years like Erik said....but for some reason right now people aren't buying SFC like they were before.

But hey, I think the Myth series is in the same situation....the market got saturated for that type of game after they put out Myth 3 (actually right after Myth 2 it might have been that way).  But that didn't stop a small team of programmers who got a hold of the Myth 3 source code and they fixed most of it's problems and have been adding more content.  It didn't take many people to do it either....and they're all volunteers (no millions of dollars needed).  I think the same can happen with SFC2/3 source code if Taldren would allow it.

I think Firesoul is thinking exactly like me based on his post.  
« Last Edit: June 14, 2003, 08:31:55 pm by Mr. Hypergol »


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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #76 on: June 15, 2003, 10:46:13 am »
eaw races similar playin style and u compare rom with gorn and call it "similar way"........gorns have about 30% more ph1 s,3 or 4 shuttle bays and a very decent gorn u can do MUCH more offensive than a rom could - since most run of plasma and as always....ph1 s win the game not plasma 8)
@ writinit......MiRaK in sfc3 d been awsome  just imagine -straight anf clean......swift death 8)
to fly mirak reqires most skill since its a mixture of plasma/drone tactic due the reliability of drones.
fed is just boring like hell,no good fed will loose vs a plasmachucker - but possibly vs a "ppd" cheezer,then the proxy and 15.99 tactic will not work 8)

Captain KoraH

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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #77 on: June 16, 2003, 07:02:50 pm »

 GaW does not have the market base to support 5-10 million investment in game production

This is irrelavent since there are so many community members with the skills needed and the willpower required to make a GAW, DW or SFC3 expansion product for free. Don't underestimate the capability of a few passionate, talented people who have a dream...


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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #78 on: June 16, 2003, 07:18:22 pm »
exactly korah.. they just need the right tools.


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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #79 on: June 16, 2003, 07:53:03 pm »

  Why stop there?

With our modding community, we can go straight to the 29th centure and the USS Premonition.


Some one got a sponge? I just peed my pants I laughed so hard.
