I'm actually in for a more-complete SFB conversion myself..
.. and the wishlist of things I'd like to see in it is so extensive, I could write a full blown manual. Let's not get TOO much into asking me what i mean. There are many many good ideas.
.. but for things you guys might not have thought about? Let me seed this following idea:
Make *2* APIs. 1 for missions, and 1 for the AI behaviour. The AI scripts could then be placed in a directory of its own, and be selected from the shiplist. To change the AI behaviour, a player would select from within the game which behaviour to use.
.. in other words.. Think of the AI Behavior selection ability in Baldur's gate.
For example, possible DEFAULT behaviours that would come with the game..
- Saber Dancer
- knife fighter
- Carrier, defensive
- carrier, offensive
- escort, defensive
- escort, offensive
- heavy hitter (Overloads?)
- Plasma ballet
- etc
What do you think? This is probably one of my better ideas that is *NOT* SFB, but could be used within SFC. Please remember that I am very pro-SFB, but I enjoy the real-time aspect of SFC itself.