Topic: OP Patch: PF Regeneration  (Read 5586 times)

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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #40 on: June 13, 2003, 02:55:54 pm »
The only reason I would not remove any hull or excess damage, is Fighters are not affected by damage as they should be so why bother trying to balance something that cannot be balanced.

For something evil throw MIRVs on a F-14.  If you don't overload the control channels of the CVA when they pop they are are murder on the target.


Actually, fighters are.  It's called double internals.  Fighters are twice as fast and take just as many points to kill.



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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #41 on: June 13, 2003, 04:50:55 pm »

Actually, fighters are.  It's called double internals.  Fighters are twice as fast and take just as many points to kill.


This is not quite accurate. Like many things in SFC, the issue of fighters was generalized/simplified.

Fighters in SFC DON'T have 2x the internals of their SFB counterparts; they have about 1.66 times as many. Reason for this I suspect is that fighters in SFC cannot be crippled, and they in early and mid are faster than their SFB counterparts. In late, the SFC fighters are usually slower, however, the doubling damage effect that is added by the warp booster packs (after Y180+) is not computed by SFC. This makes the SFC fighters more powerful IMO in this respect.

However, fighters in SFC also don't have weapon pods, ecm pods, EW fighter capability, ability to recieve lended ECM from a carrier or scout, no ability to apply erratic manuvers to avoid fire, no ability to use close combat manuvering when at range 0 to always attack the down or weak shield of the target ship, no ability to dogfight, no ability to attack planets, no ability to have ace or legendary ace pilots, no ability to drop chaff to avoid incoming missiles, and no ability to break an enemy's annoying tractor attempt by employing the 1 free HET all fighters get every turn.

There's likely more, but I'd have to dig out module J.

All in all, personally I think that SFB fighters are more dangerous, especially considering that I can control them exactly to achieve the precise desired effect.  


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #42 on: June 13, 2003, 07:10:11 pm »
Damage is also spread across groups for area-effect weapons like mines.  In SFB, a single transporter bomb could cripple or kill an entire carrier load of fighters if it was in the right place at the right time.  In SFC, a single transporter bomb might kill a single fighter in a squad - if you are lucky.


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #43 on: June 13, 2003, 07:20:33 pm »

Damage is also spread across groups for area-effect weapons like mines.  In SFB, a single transporter bomb could cripple or kill an entire carrier load of fighters if it was in the right place at the right time.  In SFC, a single transporter bomb might kill a single fighter in a squad - if you are lucky.  

Oh good God I wish it worked like that in SFC!