Topic: OP Patch: PF Regeneration  (Read 5307 times)

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OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« on: June 12, 2003, 09:30:32 am »
Any news as to whether or not this is going to be addressed in the next OP patch?   As it is now, a PF held together with chewing gum and Duct tape can be picked up by it's tender and be fully repaired and re-armed in 1 game turn (30 seconds at speed 8).  

Fighter regeneration has been significatly nerfed (and rigthly so) from the initial relaese and I was wondering if anything is being planned for PFs.  

EDIT:  Removed the "M" word . . .
« Last Edit: June 12, 2003, 09:37:05 am by DH123 »


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2003, 07:05:28 pm »
I agree.  If I recall, repairing PFs would take hours, maybe even days (depending how badly damaged they are).  


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2003, 10:05:24 pm »
not really. While pretty much none of the "casual" PF tenders have the ability to repair in SFB, the full PFTs always were equipped to repair PFs in battle.

.. No. All ships should repair PFs. .. can you imagine SFC if all .. each and every one.. fighters were independant units instead of squads that can regenerate? Repairs would happen only whne a fighter took damage and survived. Dead fighters would never come back.

In light of this, repairing PFs is more of a balance than a quirk.
-- Luc


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2003, 10:59:12 pm »
I wonder if DH is merely asking for PF regen to slow down a bit?

BTW I believe the last EAW patch DOES take into account the condition of the fighter squadron into account. And it imposed a limit to Fighter Regen Amount. PF has no such limit and repairs at the same rate regardless of damage. (I am not sure if this policy if adopted for OP, if it's not, I think it should be.)

Perhaps a similiar policy can be adopted regarding PF's?

Say: 30 internals for every turn, rounded up to half-turns, plus a flat-fee of half turn to goes through the launch prep. i.e. "[number of internal damage/15] / 2 + 0.5" turns delay for PF recovered. (or whatever numbers play testing suggests)
So if the PF is recovered spotless, it's quicker to launch it again. (Have to watch for possible exploits with the "hot launch" rules so that no one uses recover to circumvent PF weapons loading) But if you got it near death, it takes a bit to piece it together again. (Doable but takes a while)

I fully suppoty that ALL PF tenders in SFC should be able to repair the PF's. But how about introducing a similiar penalty for the repair that actually make DAMAGING a PF WORTHWHILE?

That is the problem I have with PF's now, it makes no difference if it's near dead (chewing gum and duck tape) or pretine condition. If makes shooting at PF's useless unless you can kill it, and therefore make PF's bottomless pits as damage sinks.
Is it nerfing it, I am afraid so, a bit. But one has to pay for the damages one incurrs. You lose a fighter, the squad takes longer to prep. You lose a system, you pay for repair parts. And PFs should be no different.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2003, 11:01:57 pm by 3dot14 »


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2003, 11:08:15 pm »
1 turn to fully repair a PF is indeed insanely wrong andI agree with DH's proposal here-above: slow it down if damaged.
.. removing repairs? no.


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2003, 07:28:27 am »


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2003, 11:03:21 am »
no one suggested REMOVING regen. in fact FS, you are the first to say it in this thread.

DH is suggesting to "nerf" it in the fashion of EAW fighter.

So Firesoul and Nanner, any chance to pass this up as a "request"?

edit: Just read that FS can't take any more requests to DF... Well, who do I write to request it myself?

BTW I also meant to ask. Is the EAW fighter regen system in OP 2538? (the one involving longer timing to replace fighter, as well as a max regen limit)
« Last Edit: June 13, 2003, 11:09:14 am by 3dot14 »


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2003, 11:44:37 am »
Well while we are talking about nerfing the Pseudo Fighters a bit. Yes I could live with a longer recycle time for Pseudo Fighters. It doesn't hurt that much.

How about giving Pseudo Fighters the power they are missing in SFC.

Give each PF 2 more points of power. Bringing them up to SFB standards 12 warp 2 impulse 2 APR.

If you want to nerf the PF further so they die faster remove all the center warp they have now and put it into the L\R warp that way engines will takes hits faster and be closer to SFB.

If we keep the PFE, which I reccommend unless you want to lose virtually every Lyran player in OP.

GIve it the additional power required to charge the 2 extra disruptors and the ESG a normal SFB Pseudo Fighter would not have. Great ideal to balance out the fact that no ship can carry a full flotilla but the PFE is underpowered.

The PFE is already an Illegal ship how about fixing it. A Pseudo Fighter should be able to fly at speed 31 with weapons armed



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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2003, 11:54:44 am »
Okay, it's Fast Patrol Ship or PF, not "Pseudo Fighter." They are not fighters. I know it's an old SFBism, but it's slang based on misreading the abbreviation.

Maybe if they weren't thought of as big fighters, they would have been done differently in SFC and we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Pet peeve. Sorry for the interruption.


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2003, 12:00:12 pm »
Well I've been calling them Pseudo Fighters since I first got them back in the '80s and I am not about to change now.




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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2003, 12:15:10 pm »
Well, Psuedo Fighters is what they were called in Expansion #2 waaaaayy back in the designers edition.  They were changed to Fast patrol ships in the commanders edition I think.  Fast patrol ship is a more appropriate name I think.  

I bet the Rom/Gorn/ISC wished that Pseudo Plasma were just bigger tougher and more powerful plasmas.


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2003, 12:29:59 pm »
Heh. Fair enough. You say tomato ...

Still, they are not fighters, not fake fighters, not sort-of fighters, etc. They are small ships with shields and crews (rather than a pilot or two). Of course, they should only have 2 shields, too, but we make our sacrifices.


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2003, 12:33:45 pm »

Heh. Fair enough. You say tomato ...

Still, they are not fighters, not fake fighters, not sort-of fighters, etc. They are small ships with shields and crews (rather than a pilot or two). Of course, they should only have 2 shields, too, but we make our sacrifices.  

Interceptors (the early, proof-of-concept trial versions) only had two shields.  All fast patrol ships (PFs) had 6 shields.

-S'Cipio the stickler
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Scipio_66 »


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2003, 12:59:30 pm »
Whoops, don't I feel silly?

Imagine what one can learn by simply posting things known to be wrong? Need an answer? Make one up and post it as truth -- someone will surely do you the favor of correcting you.



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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2003, 01:05:13 pm »
Personaly I always liked the term gun boats.

Regardless I want the Gorn, Romulan, and Lyran PFs fixed power wise.

If recycling is about to be nerfed its time to make a comprimise here and fix something thats been broke from the begining.



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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2003, 01:20:03 pm »

Personaly I always liked the term gun boats.

Regardless I want the Gorn, Romulan, and Lyran PFs fixed power wise.

If recycling is about to be nerfed its time to make a comprimise here and fix something thats been broke from the begining.


I don't think anything is going to get nerfed.  This was just something noted as wanting to be "fixed" by a few players not anything official or unofficial from the developers/playtesters.  The power thing can be fixed easily in the shiplist, this repair thing needs a code change and it doesn't sound like they(patch developers) are taking requests.


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2003, 02:01:20 pm »

Personaly I always liked the term gun boats.

Regardless I want the Gorn, Romulan, and Lyran PFs fixed power wise.


I agree about the power.  Fast Patrol SHIPS are supposed to be fast (duh?).  

In the mod I'm playing with, whcih will have PFs for all races, I give all PFs their full power as if they had WBPs.   To compensate for the combustible nature that this would give a ship, I remove 2 Hull and 1 Excess Damage.  PFs with this modification are fast, stay crispy in milk, yet make and nice crunch when hit with the appropriate amout of ordinance.

In a perfect world PF repair would take less time than ships repair, slighly more time than firghter repair, and both fighter repair and PF repair would use spare parts from the mothership.  Don't think we'll see this though  

About Gunbots, the Klink G1s are EVIL!  The AI really knows how to use them for some reason.  Extremely effective ships.  


  • Guest
Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2003, 02:09:07 pm »


Personaly I always liked the term gun boats.

Regardless I want the Gorn, Romulan, and Lyran PFs fixed power wise.


I agree about the power.  Fast Patrol SHIPS are supposed to be fast (duh?).  

In the mod I'm playing with, whcih will have PFs for all races, I give all PFs their full power as if they had WBPs.   To compensate for the combustible nature that this would give a ship, I remove 2 Hull and 1 Excess Damage.  PFs with this modification are fast, stay crispy in milk, yet make and nice crunch when hit with the appropriate amout of ordinance.

In a perfect world PF repair would take less time than ships repair, slighly more time than firghter repair, and both fighter repair and PF repair would use spare parts from the mothership.  Don't think we'll see this though  

About Gunbots, the Klink G1s are EVIL!  The AI really knows how to use them for some reason.  Extremely effective ships.    

The only reason I would not remove any hull or excess damage, is Fighters are not affected by damage as they should be so why bother trying to balance something that cannot be balanced.

For something evil throw MIRVs on a F-14.  If you don't overload the control channels of the CVA when they pop they are are murder on the target.



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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2003, 02:55:54 pm »
The only reason I would not remove any hull or excess damage, is Fighters are not affected by damage as they should be so why bother trying to balance something that cannot be balanced.

For something evil throw MIRVs on a F-14.  If you don't overload the control channels of the CVA when they pop they are are murder on the target.


Actually, fighters are.  It's called double internals.  Fighters are twice as fast and take just as many points to kill.



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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2003, 04:50:55 pm »

Actually, fighters are.  It's called double internals.  Fighters are twice as fast and take just as many points to kill.


This is not quite accurate. Like many things in SFC, the issue of fighters was generalized/simplified.

Fighters in SFC DON'T have 2x the internals of their SFB counterparts; they have about 1.66 times as many. Reason for this I suspect is that fighters in SFC cannot be crippled, and they in early and mid are faster than their SFB counterparts. In late, the SFC fighters are usually slower, however, the doubling damage effect that is added by the warp booster packs (after Y180+) is not computed by SFC. This makes the SFC fighters more powerful IMO in this respect.

However, fighters in SFC also don't have weapon pods, ecm pods, EW fighter capability, ability to recieve lended ECM from a carrier or scout, no ability to apply erratic manuvers to avoid fire, no ability to use close combat manuvering when at range 0 to always attack the down or weak shield of the target ship, no ability to dogfight, no ability to attack planets, no ability to have ace or legendary ace pilots, no ability to drop chaff to avoid incoming missiles, and no ability to break an enemy's annoying tractor attempt by employing the 1 free HET all fighters get every turn.

There's likely more, but I'd have to dig out module J.

All in all, personally I think that SFB fighters are more dangerous, especially considering that I can control them exactly to achieve the precise desired effect.  


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2003, 07:10:11 pm »
Damage is also spread across groups for area-effect weapons like mines.  In SFB, a single transporter bomb could cripple or kill an entire carrier load of fighters if it was in the right place at the right time.  In SFC, a single transporter bomb might kill a single fighter in a squad - if you are lucky.


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2003, 07:20:33 pm »

Damage is also spread across groups for area-effect weapons like mines.  In SFB, a single transporter bomb could cripple or kill an entire carrier load of fighters if it was in the right place at the right time.  In SFC, a single transporter bomb might kill a single fighter in a squad - if you are lucky.  

Oh good God I wish it worked like that in SFC!    


  • Guest
OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #22 on: June 12, 2003, 09:30:32 am »
Any news as to whether or not this is going to be addressed in the next OP patch?   As it is now, a PF held together with chewing gum and Duct tape can be picked up by it's tender and be fully repaired and re-armed in 1 game turn (30 seconds at speed 8).  

Fighter regeneration has been significatly nerfed (and rigthly so) from the initial relaese and I was wondering if anything is being planned for PFs.  

EDIT:  Removed the "M" word . . .
« Last Edit: June 12, 2003, 09:37:05 am by DH123 »


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #23 on: June 12, 2003, 07:05:28 pm »
I agree.  If I recall, repairing PFs would take hours, maybe even days (depending how badly damaged they are).  


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #24 on: June 12, 2003, 10:05:24 pm »
not really. While pretty much none of the "casual" PF tenders have the ability to repair in SFB, the full PFTs always were equipped to repair PFs in battle.

.. No. All ships should repair PFs. .. can you imagine SFC if all .. each and every one.. fighters were independant units instead of squads that can regenerate? Repairs would happen only whne a fighter took damage and survived. Dead fighters would never come back.

In light of this, repairing PFs is more of a balance than a quirk.
-- Luc


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #25 on: June 12, 2003, 10:59:12 pm »
I wonder if DH is merely asking for PF regen to slow down a bit?

BTW I believe the last EAW patch DOES take into account the condition of the fighter squadron into account. And it imposed a limit to Fighter Regen Amount. PF has no such limit and repairs at the same rate regardless of damage. (I am not sure if this policy if adopted for OP, if it's not, I think it should be.)

Perhaps a similiar policy can be adopted regarding PF's?

Say: 30 internals for every turn, rounded up to half-turns, plus a flat-fee of half turn to goes through the launch prep. i.e. "[number of internal damage/15] / 2 + 0.5" turns delay for PF recovered. (or whatever numbers play testing suggests)
So if the PF is recovered spotless, it's quicker to launch it again. (Have to watch for possible exploits with the "hot launch" rules so that no one uses recover to circumvent PF weapons loading) But if you got it near death, it takes a bit to piece it together again. (Doable but takes a while)

I fully suppoty that ALL PF tenders in SFC should be able to repair the PF's. But how about introducing a similiar penalty for the repair that actually make DAMAGING a PF WORTHWHILE?

That is the problem I have with PF's now, it makes no difference if it's near dead (chewing gum and duck tape) or pretine condition. If makes shooting at PF's useless unless you can kill it, and therefore make PF's bottomless pits as damage sinks.
Is it nerfing it, I am afraid so, a bit. But one has to pay for the damages one incurrs. You lose a fighter, the squad takes longer to prep. You lose a system, you pay for repair parts. And PFs should be no different.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2003, 11:01:57 pm by 3dot14 »


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #26 on: June 12, 2003, 11:08:15 pm »
1 turn to fully repair a PF is indeed insanely wrong andI agree with DH's proposal here-above: slow it down if damaged.
.. removing repairs? no.


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #27 on: June 13, 2003, 07:28:27 am »


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #28 on: June 13, 2003, 11:03:21 am »
no one suggested REMOVING regen. in fact FS, you are the first to say it in this thread.

DH is suggesting to "nerf" it in the fashion of EAW fighter.

So Firesoul and Nanner, any chance to pass this up as a "request"?

edit: Just read that FS can't take any more requests to DF... Well, who do I write to request it myself?

BTW I also meant to ask. Is the EAW fighter regen system in OP 2538? (the one involving longer timing to replace fighter, as well as a max regen limit)
« Last Edit: June 13, 2003, 11:09:14 am by 3dot14 »


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #29 on: June 13, 2003, 11:44:37 am »
Well while we are talking about nerfing the Pseudo Fighters a bit. Yes I could live with a longer recycle time for Pseudo Fighters. It doesn't hurt that much.

How about giving Pseudo Fighters the power they are missing in SFC.

Give each PF 2 more points of power. Bringing them up to SFB standards 12 warp 2 impulse 2 APR.

If you want to nerf the PF further so they die faster remove all the center warp they have now and put it into the L\R warp that way engines will takes hits faster and be closer to SFB.

If we keep the PFE, which I reccommend unless you want to lose virtually every Lyran player in OP.

GIve it the additional power required to charge the 2 extra disruptors and the ESG a normal SFB Pseudo Fighter would not have. Great ideal to balance out the fact that no ship can carry a full flotilla but the PFE is underpowered.

The PFE is already an Illegal ship how about fixing it. A Pseudo Fighter should be able to fly at speed 31 with weapons armed



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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #30 on: June 13, 2003, 11:54:44 am »
Okay, it's Fast Patrol Ship or PF, not "Pseudo Fighter." They are not fighters. I know it's an old SFBism, but it's slang based on misreading the abbreviation.

Maybe if they weren't thought of as big fighters, they would have been done differently in SFC and we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Pet peeve. Sorry for the interruption.


  • Guest
Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #31 on: June 13, 2003, 12:00:12 pm »
Well I've been calling them Pseudo Fighters since I first got them back in the '80s and I am not about to change now.




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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #32 on: June 13, 2003, 12:15:10 pm »
Well, Psuedo Fighters is what they were called in Expansion #2 waaaaayy back in the designers edition.  They were changed to Fast patrol ships in the commanders edition I think.  Fast patrol ship is a more appropriate name I think.  

I bet the Rom/Gorn/ISC wished that Pseudo Plasma were just bigger tougher and more powerful plasmas.


  • Guest
Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #33 on: June 13, 2003, 12:29:59 pm »
Heh. Fair enough. You say tomato ...

Still, they are not fighters, not fake fighters, not sort-of fighters, etc. They are small ships with shields and crews (rather than a pilot or two). Of course, they should only have 2 shields, too, but we make our sacrifices.


  • Guest
Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #34 on: June 13, 2003, 12:33:45 pm »

Heh. Fair enough. You say tomato ...

Still, they are not fighters, not fake fighters, not sort-of fighters, etc. They are small ships with shields and crews (rather than a pilot or two). Of course, they should only have 2 shields, too, but we make our sacrifices.  

Interceptors (the early, proof-of-concept trial versions) only had two shields.  All fast patrol ships (PFs) had 6 shields.

-S'Cipio the stickler
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Scipio_66 »


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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #35 on: June 13, 2003, 12:59:30 pm »
Whoops, don't I feel silly?

Imagine what one can learn by simply posting things known to be wrong? Need an answer? Make one up and post it as truth -- someone will surely do you the favor of correcting you.



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Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #36 on: June 13, 2003, 01:05:13 pm »
Personaly I always liked the term gun boats.

Regardless I want the Gorn, Romulan, and Lyran PFs fixed power wise.

If recycling is about to be nerfed its time to make a comprimise here and fix something thats been broke from the begining.



  • Guest
Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #37 on: June 13, 2003, 01:20:03 pm »

Personaly I always liked the term gun boats.

Regardless I want the Gorn, Romulan, and Lyran PFs fixed power wise.

If recycling is about to be nerfed its time to make a comprimise here and fix something thats been broke from the begining.


I don't think anything is going to get nerfed.  This was just something noted as wanting to be "fixed" by a few players not anything official or unofficial from the developers/playtesters.  The power thing can be fixed easily in the shiplist, this repair thing needs a code change and it doesn't sound like they(patch developers) are taking requests.


  • Guest
Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #38 on: June 13, 2003, 02:01:20 pm »

Personaly I always liked the term gun boats.

Regardless I want the Gorn, Romulan, and Lyran PFs fixed power wise.


I agree about the power.  Fast Patrol SHIPS are supposed to be fast (duh?).  

In the mod I'm playing with, whcih will have PFs for all races, I give all PFs their full power as if they had WBPs.   To compensate for the combustible nature that this would give a ship, I remove 2 Hull and 1 Excess Damage.  PFs with this modification are fast, stay crispy in milk, yet make and nice crunch when hit with the appropriate amout of ordinance.

In a perfect world PF repair would take less time than ships repair, slighly more time than firghter repair, and both fighter repair and PF repair would use spare parts from the mothership.  Don't think we'll see this though  

About Gunbots, the Klink G1s are EVIL!  The AI really knows how to use them for some reason.  Extremely effective ships.  


  • Guest
Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #39 on: June 13, 2003, 02:09:07 pm »


Personaly I always liked the term gun boats.

Regardless I want the Gorn, Romulan, and Lyran PFs fixed power wise.


I agree about the power.  Fast Patrol SHIPS are supposed to be fast (duh?).  

In the mod I'm playing with, whcih will have PFs for all races, I give all PFs their full power as if they had WBPs.   To compensate for the combustible nature that this would give a ship, I remove 2 Hull and 1 Excess Damage.  PFs with this modification are fast, stay crispy in milk, yet make and nice crunch when hit with the appropriate amout of ordinance.

In a perfect world PF repair would take less time than ships repair, slighly more time than firghter repair, and both fighter repair and PF repair would use spare parts from the mothership.  Don't think we'll see this though  

About Gunbots, the Klink G1s are EVIL!  The AI really knows how to use them for some reason.  Extremely effective ships.    

The only reason I would not remove any hull or excess damage, is Fighters are not affected by damage as they should be so why bother trying to balance something that cannot be balanced.

For something evil throw MIRVs on a F-14.  If you don't overload the control channels of the CVA when they pop they are are murder on the target.



  • Guest
Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #40 on: June 13, 2003, 02:55:54 pm »
The only reason I would not remove any hull or excess damage, is Fighters are not affected by damage as they should be so why bother trying to balance something that cannot be balanced.

For something evil throw MIRVs on a F-14.  If you don't overload the control channels of the CVA when they pop they are are murder on the target.


Actually, fighters are.  It's called double internals.  Fighters are twice as fast and take just as many points to kill.



  • Guest
Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #41 on: June 13, 2003, 04:50:55 pm »

Actually, fighters are.  It's called double internals.  Fighters are twice as fast and take just as many points to kill.


This is not quite accurate. Like many things in SFC, the issue of fighters was generalized/simplified.

Fighters in SFC DON'T have 2x the internals of their SFB counterparts; they have about 1.66 times as many. Reason for this I suspect is that fighters in SFC cannot be crippled, and they in early and mid are faster than their SFB counterparts. In late, the SFC fighters are usually slower, however, the doubling damage effect that is added by the warp booster packs (after Y180+) is not computed by SFC. This makes the SFC fighters more powerful IMO in this respect.

However, fighters in SFC also don't have weapon pods, ecm pods, EW fighter capability, ability to recieve lended ECM from a carrier or scout, no ability to apply erratic manuvers to avoid fire, no ability to use close combat manuvering when at range 0 to always attack the down or weak shield of the target ship, no ability to dogfight, no ability to attack planets, no ability to have ace or legendary ace pilots, no ability to drop chaff to avoid incoming missiles, and no ability to break an enemy's annoying tractor attempt by employing the 1 free HET all fighters get every turn.

There's likely more, but I'd have to dig out module J.

All in all, personally I think that SFB fighters are more dangerous, especially considering that I can control them exactly to achieve the precise desired effect.  


  • Guest
Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #42 on: June 13, 2003, 07:10:11 pm »
Damage is also spread across groups for area-effect weapons like mines.  In SFB, a single transporter bomb could cripple or kill an entire carrier load of fighters if it was in the right place at the right time.  In SFC, a single transporter bomb might kill a single fighter in a squad - if you are lucky.


  • Guest
Re: OP Patch: PF Regeneration
« Reply #43 on: June 13, 2003, 07:20:33 pm »

Damage is also spread across groups for area-effect weapons like mines.  In SFB, a single transporter bomb could cripple or kill an entire carrier load of fighters if it was in the right place at the right time.  In SFC, a single transporter bomb might kill a single fighter in a squad - if you are lucky.  

Oh good God I wish it worked like that in SFC!