Bah! most likely the notes in the fed locker rooms depict myself performing an anatomicly impossible act witha dead Targ, or something along that line...
And Chutt, Vulcan Bartenders have two very marvelous traits. They are the best mixoligists in the galaxy. His Martini's are always perfect. ANd he is quite adept and adjusting the mix to your taste. He always remebers your favorite drink, and like nay good bartender he listens very well, and talks very litte. And when he does suggest a course of action, it is always a very good one, or one thats so bad that your own brain kicks into gear and you solve it your self!
And could one of you please drag Tracy G away from the ba. She's flirting with the Vulcan I swear! r? I hadn't heard she had a thing for Vulcans, and as vulcans go he's very tolerant of the more emotive races. I absolutly do not want to see a human female who is an admiral tearing ass around the galaxy in a CVA or a BB feeling nasty because she couldn't score...<shudders!> Perish the thought!
Khemaraa sends