Topic: @ Taldren; Any word on the official SFC3 patch!?  (Read 25391 times)

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Re: @ Taldren; Any word on the official SFC3 patch!?
« Reply #20 on: June 14, 2003, 11:01:58 pm »

So Interplay was the producer it was Interplay's fault, and when Activision is the producer its Activision's fault?  The only constant I see is Taldren and their consistently buggy releases, and failure to fix them.    

I can't  really defend Interplay, but Activision usually does pretty well by their customers.    

Agreed. I have long questioned the competancy of the Taldren staff but I gave them the benefit of the doubt when SFC 3 was made thinking they would get better but boy I could not have been further from the truth...

Alidar Jarok

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Re: @ Taldren; Any word on the official SFC3 patch!?
« Reply #21 on: June 14, 2003, 11:50:47 pm »
I don't want to start this again

No one can say Taldren has been this late on releasing a patch before

Erik Bethke posted an explanation, but removed it after he said things were worked out (or at least better)
The thread was turning into an Activision bashing thread, so it was probably good he removed it

After he said things were worked out, Taldren released the public data, and the weapons charts

I can't say I have all the facts, but I do know that this kind of thread will be annoying

Good night


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Re: @ Taldren; Any word on the official SFC3 patch!?
« Reply #22 on: June 15, 2003, 02:28:48 am »

No one can say Taldren has been this late on releasing a patch before

Well, not an intial patch maybe, but OP certainly had to wait over a year for it's latest patch, and we're still waiting on the promised D2 patch (promised to be released almost a year and a half ago, wasn't it?)  

Alidar Jarok

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Re: @ Taldren; Any word on the official SFC3 patch!?
« Reply #23 on: June 15, 2003, 09:43:37 am »
I was talking about the initial patch


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Re: @ Taldren; Any word on the official SFC3 patch!?
« Reply #24 on: June 15, 2003, 10:13:45 am »
Why aren't I this, why aren't I that- I stand on no one's back and proclaim nothing more than I would by myself... you shouldn't speak in such tones; it is the same tones I hear oh so often- the flailings of someone who is mad they don't have anything better to do, and of someone losing an argument.  


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Re: @ Taldren; Any word on the official SFC3 patch!?
« Reply #25 on: June 16, 2003, 04:21:39 pm »
Sorry to have to turn up the flames a bit, but I haven't touched SFC 3 in... a couple months now.

Yes, a beta patch was released.. with a big warning saying that this isn't for dial up users.  Well that excludes me.

Been waiting quite a long time for this patch...  Be there a GaW or SFC4, i'm voting with my pocketbook.  I'm not going to buy a Taldren (while under Activision, or probably anyone else) product again unless they manage to release a playable product that doesn't force a reboot of my computer every other battle, crashing single player about every 4th battle (the save button is my friend), and etc within a reasonable amount of time.  

It's both the fault of Taldren and Activision for SFC3.  It's a good game in concept, in execution it just blew.  When a product doesn't deliver, it's the fault of all involved.  Period.  The 4th (counting OP) iteration of SFC is just like the rest of them, buggy.  I should have learned my lesson around the 2nd time, but I am an SFB fan and was hoping for a good and STABLE game that delivers all that is promised on the box at least one of these tries (before patch.... heck, even after patch).  I understand that games are released to literally hundreds of different computer configs, but for crying out loud, there's an abundance of cutting edge games out there that run decently!  (admittedly there's another pile of junk games that don't deliver.  Taldren seems to be throwing their games in this pile).  I can't say that my rig really does deviate far from the 'optimal gaming machine', it's reasonably high end, STANDARD/POPULAR equipment with nothing funky done with the OS/Hardware/anything.

This thing was released over 8 months ago... Barely worked for me ~5 months ago, still barely works for me now.  (definition of barely working is less than 1 hour of playing before something cops out)

This is ridiculous, i'm not enough of a fanboy to keep waiting and looking at this forum every week or so.  I've waited long enough.  I give up.  You win Taldren, you got my 40 bucks (well.. times 4).  Your cd's have turned into expensive coasters.

Vysander, Out.

Edit:  *sigh* used wrong word, all fixed now
« Last Edit: June 16, 2003, 06:47:05 pm by Vysander »

Captain KoraH

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Re: @ Taldren; Any word on the official SFC3 patch!?
« Reply #26 on: June 16, 2003, 06:54:29 pm »
I have to respectfully dissagree with Toasty on one point.  I will happily stand on the shoulders of giants and tell them that I would improve upon their game if only they would release their source code. Why not? How could Taldren see that statement to mean anything other than that I want to improve on something they made? I must have a special love for their game if I want to improve it instead of playing everquest or any of the 1000 other games out there. I consider myself a die-hard Taldren fan, and I'll be the first one to mod the game if they release the code to the community. To do anything otherwise would be un-fan-like.  

Erik Bethke

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Re: @ Taldren; Any word on the official SFC3 patch!?
« Reply #27 on: June 17, 2003, 12:39:53 am »
Hello All,

We have continually worked on patching SFC3 since Novemember, as you know from receiving the beta patch(es) earlier.

Recently we have gone through and did a big sweep of the remaining gameplay issues in SFC3 and have the D3 performance issues remaining.  These are tougher bugs and issues and it looks like it is going to take us a good portion of the summer to finish these items up.

In the meantime Activision has received our patch updates and is on top of the project.

Thank you for your patience,


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Re: @ Taldren; Any word on the official SFC3 patch!?
« Reply #28 on: June 17, 2003, 12:01:15 pm »

...and it looks like it is going to take us a good portion of the summer to finish these items up.

Most of summer?
Hope it's at least enjoyable in the process.



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Re: @ Taldren; Any word on the official SFC3 patch!?
« Reply #29 on: June 17, 2003, 12:29:50 pm »
I don't think it is anyone's fault. Ok, so some decisions may not have been the right one's in the opinion of some people.

I doubt anyone here has made a game like Activision or Taldren, let alone completley bugless. It is easy as a customer to lay the blame on someone else, much harder to try and address these problems as a developer/publisher with how game development/support works. I don't know anything about it, I am sure it is a lot more complicated then altering a text file and calling it 'bug fixed'.

Even if the patch addressed everything that has been reported there will still be some bugs that don't get fixed or are created with new hardware/software releases. Also there will always be someone out there that isn't happy with certain aspects of the game.

Once the patch is released I am sure many will be happy with it, of course there will be those that are not. The same happens with other games and game companies as well.  


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Re: @ Taldren; Any word on the official SFC3 patch!?
« Reply #30 on: June 17, 2003, 01:26:23 pm »
Lets just think for a minute.

Taldren released a beta patch a few mionths after the game was launched (correct me if im wrong). This is OK, however, Activision pulled their one-patch policy into this game too.

After Activision spotted a few problems with the pacth, it was hauled back to the drawing board. It took a couple of months to then make a BETA patch, which demostrates there are still problems with it.

What I dont get is: Why do Activision have a one-patch policy??

If they didnt, then a patch (1.1) could have been released, and every few months a new patch could replace that and be better until we get to the point where there are no or few bugs left (as in EAW - which went from 2002 to 2035 fro Christ's sake!!) The one-patch policy sucks and it doesnt increase their popularity either. Why have they failed to see this??

Opinions welcome,



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Re: @ Taldren; Any word on the official SFC3 patch!?
« Reply #31 on: June 17, 2003, 02:30:08 pm »
What source code? We don't have source code. We don't need no stinkin' source code...

I hope I don't come across as unkind, but I can't help but ask you a question or two; if you're such a seasoned programmer/producer/developer that you could accomplish better (in your humble opinion) why aren't you:
1.) Answering Taldren's help wanted ad?
2.) Raising the money;developing a like game;contacting Harry Lang to negotiate a licsense agreement...ect, then getting to it developing and distributing your vision of a cool Trek sim?

Or, would you rather stand of the shoulders of giants and tell the giants that you could do better than the giants if only the giants would give you their source code?

I don't mean this as flame, but it may come across as one none the less. My apologies if it does.


I'm glad to see someone else thinking like I do.  As stated multiple times in these forums, Taldren would have been more than happy to release multiple patches to fix issues IF THEY WERE ALLOWED TO.  Also, I know that OP was buggy.  I know that they have been promising a patch but, one question...


God knows that they aren't making any revenue off of EaW or OP.  Heck, in todays world of "take it or leave it" customer service, it amazed me to see any new patches being developed for OP AT ALL.  I do agree with KoraH however, it would be nice for modders such as himself (and Pelican for instance) to be able to change as much as they liked but I understand the issues between Taldren and Activision.  In other words, due to contractual stipulations, ACTIVISION OWNS THE CODE and I don't think they are going to chance giving it up to anybody that can get ideas on how to do something (big corporations are paranoid like that).  I don't think that Taldren would mind a limited release of the source code, (didn't they do that already once to Khromag((I think was his name))?) maybe for a one time "licensing fee".

In the final analysis, if you can do it better, WHY HAVEN'T YOU?!?!?
« Last Edit: June 17, 2003, 02:32:30 pm by starwolf3500 »


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Re: @ Taldren; Any word on the official SFC3 patch!?
« Reply #32 on: June 17, 2003, 04:13:57 pm »

Lets just think for a minute.

Taldren released a beta patch a few mionths after the game was launched (correct me if im wrong). This is OK, however, Activision pulled their one-patch policy into this game too.

After Activision spotted a few problems with the pacth, it was hauled back to the drawing board. It took a couple of months to then make a BETA patch, which demostrates there are still problems with it.

What I dont get is: Why do Activision have a one-patch policy??

If they didnt, then a patch (1.1) could have been released, and every few months a new patch could replace that and be better until we get to the point where there are no or few bugs left (as in EAW - which went from 2002 to 2035 fro Christ's sake!!) The one-patch policy sucks and it doesnt increase their popularity either. Why have they failed to see this??

Opinions welcome,


They don't have a one patch policy, that is official. Activision posted a response not long ago.

I don't know how Taldren make the patches for EAW. I guess don't get any money themselves from doing it and have to pay their staff, or it is done for free (anyonee know how it works?). Activision is like Microsoft, a lot of people hate it but we still buy their products. The smaller companies woudln't be able to exist without them (if they suddenly dissapeared over night).

Everything is about money, but that is not to say that all the decisions Activision make are money based. If there were as many patches for SFC3 as EAW I expect Activision would have lost money with SFC3, it doesn't look like it has sold very well and that would probably effect any decision for future SFC games. I doubt anyone would want to see that happen. For every action there is a re-action. There are probably one's that we will never know about.

I am not siding with Activision or Taldren. Do I think certain things could have been done better with SFC3, yes I do, I also think that with every game I have bought. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy it any less.


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Re: @ Taldren; Any word on the official SFC3 patch!?
« Reply #33 on: June 17, 2003, 04:39:44 pm »

I don't think it is anyone's fault. Ok, so some decisions may not have been the right one's in the opinion of some people.

I doubt anyone here has made a game like Activision or Taldren, let alone completley bugless. It is easy as a customer to lay the blame on someone else, much harder to try and address these problems as a developer/publisher with how game development/support works. I don't know anything about it, I am sure it is a lot more complicated then altering a text file and calling it 'bug fixed'.

Even if the patch addressed everything that has been reported there will still be some bugs that don't get fixed or are created with new hardware/software releases. Also there will always be someone out there that isn't happy with certain aspects of the game.

Once the patch is released I am sure many will be happy with it, of course there will be those that are not. The same happens with other games and game companies as well.  

Using your logic, if I went to see a movie and one of the workers by the food (if you can call it that) area took a cup of coke and threw it on me, I can't lay blame on them because I don't work there? Please. It is the responsibility of the company, not the customer to make sure the buyer enjoys their product. I have to say that Taldren games are like the Houston Rockets, lots of potential, but they don't have a damn clue how to execute properly.  


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Re: @ Taldren; Any word on the official SFC3 patch!?
« Reply #34 on: June 17, 2003, 04:58:07 pm »
I pretty much left SFC3 behind last January, after playing it relatively heavily for a few months.  I got tired of waiting for the public release patch and I wasn't interested in applying a beta patch.  Maybe when the game is done I'll give some consideration to installing it on my latest system (already has OP and EAW, both of which I still avidly play, even now).

Good luck with the bug squashing, Erik!



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Re: @ Taldren; Any word on the official SFC3 patch!?
« Reply #35 on: June 18, 2003, 01:36:10 am »
For those wondering on why it takes so long for patches to come out for SFC OP & 3 keep this in mind. David Ferrel is the one doing the fixing...with whatever help he can get from other Taldrenites...while they are all in the process of working on Black9.

Some people play golf in their spare time...Dave plays with cut them a little slack. It's not like there is this big team doing the patches...just a couple of people...when they have the time.

As for how they are paying for the patches,I would assume they got their advance for Black9...and are putting some of that money into the patches.  


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Re: @ Taldren; Any word on the official SFC3 patch!?
« Reply #36 on: June 18, 2003, 03:27:34 am »
Overall SFc3 was pretty clean.  Yes it has/had bugs.  Most games do.  And we worked on a patch for SFC3 right after it shipped (before even).


 I had written a details list of stuff we got hosed on, but I changed my mind.  Just remember that patch Taldren Leaked out, we were out of time and being ignored, it was desparate and it seemed at the time to wake Activision up, but of course how long has it been since then?  Now B9 is taking up most of Taldrens time.  I have heard that Scott did some optimizations to the ship update code that freed up some major bandwidth.  I have no idea if Activision is even looking at it (Don't read into that one, I don't work at Taldren anymore so I am out of the loop on recent stuff.) But I know that they had not been allocating QA for SFc3 Taldren for a long time.  Who knows if they will.



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Re: @ Taldren; Any word on the official SFC3 patch!?
« Reply #37 on: June 18, 2003, 06:27:07 am »
Dang, dude, where'd you head to?



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Re: @ Taldren; Any word on the official SFC3 patch!?
« Reply #38 on: June 18, 2003, 12:40:36 pm »
I jumped out of the gaming business. Now working on thermal imaging stuff.  It was great, but I have a growing family and it took way too much out of their time. Aside from the time, stress due to milestones and people who bag on every flaw in the game (which I really feel bad about and hoped a patch would have been out long ago.) it is a great gig.  Working with cool people, and creating something fun to play is pretty good fun, but it can be HELL on relationships and other aspects of life.

Jester_OC (Marc Hertogh)  


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Re: @ Taldren; Any word on the official SFC3 patch!?
« Reply #39 on: June 18, 2003, 04:03:43 pm »

For those wondering on why it takes so long for patches to come out for SFC OP & 3 keep this in mind. David Ferrel is the one doing the fixing...with whatever help he can get from other Taldrenites...while they are all in the process of working on Black9.

Some people play golf in their spare time...Dave plays with cut them a little slack. It's not like there is this big team doing the patches...just a couple of people...when they have the time.

As for how they are paying for the patches,I would assume they got their advance for Black9...and are putting some of that money into the patches.    

Absolutely.  Given the age of games like EAW and OP, I think it understandable that there are few resources available and I feel like anything additional we get at this point is a bonus.  SFC3 is a different matter altogether.