Sorry to have to turn up the flames a bit, but I haven't touched SFC 3 in... a couple months now.
Yes, a beta patch was released.. with a big warning saying that this isn't for dial up users. Well that excludes me.
Been waiting quite a long time for this patch... Be there a GaW or SFC4, i'm voting with my pocketbook. I'm not going to buy a Taldren (while under Activision, or probably anyone else) product again unless they manage to release a playable product that doesn't force a reboot of my computer every other battle, crashing single player about every 4th battle (the save button is my friend), and etc within a reasonable amount of time.
It's both the fault of Taldren and Activision for SFC3. It's a good game in concept, in execution it just blew. When a product doesn't deliver, it's the fault of all involved. Period. The 4th (counting OP) iteration of SFC is just like the rest of them, buggy. I should have learned my lesson around the 2nd time, but I am an SFB fan and was hoping for a good and STABLE game that delivers all that is promised on the box at least one of these tries (before patch.... heck, even after patch). I understand that games are released to literally hundreds of different computer configs, but for crying out loud, there's an abundance of cutting edge games out there that run decently! (admittedly there's another pile of junk games that don't deliver. Taldren seems to be throwing their games in this pile). I can't say that my rig really does deviate far from the 'optimal gaming machine', it's reasonably high end, STANDARD/POPULAR equipment with nothing funky done with the OS/Hardware/anything.
This thing was released over 8 months ago... Barely worked for me ~5 months ago, still barely works for me now. (definition of barely working is less than 1 hour of playing before something cops out)
This is ridiculous, i'm not enough of a fanboy to keep waiting and looking at this forum every week or so. I've waited long enough. I give up. You win Taldren, you got my 40 bucks (well.. times 4). Your cd's have turned into expensive coasters.
Vysander, Out.
Edit: *sigh* used wrong word, all fixed now