Topic: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito  (Read 11736 times)

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Federation Mission: Terran Incognito
« on: June 10, 2003, 12:57:22 pm »
I'm stuck on this mission because I can't seem to scan all the Romulan facilites and could someone help me out this mission, please?  


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2003, 06:54:20 pm »
Make sure you scan them in the order they are given by your ops officer (the white objective arrow). and also make sure you dont have the scanner activated in proximety to any Romulan Ships.

I dont know why but the patch makes it impossible to scan the stuff out of order, I would always get the base last, since it was closest to the planet, but it wouldnt let me scan the last defense platform before the starbase.  


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2003, 06:58:28 pm »
  Get within 5. It's tough, but not impossible.

Just don't power up. Watch the MiniMap for nearby ships, and scan at will. Turn off your scanner between targets.



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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2003, 12:20:16 pm »
I also seem to have a problem with this mission.  However, my problem is quite different.  I manage to complete all my scans and then I attempt to go to the planet.  I follow the little arrow to no avail.  The planet simply does not exist.  I am using the beta patch and I am wondering both if anyone else has experienced a simular problem and how I can compleate or skip this mission and proceed with the campaign.  Thanks in advanced.  


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2003, 09:37:40 pm »
Did you ever get an answer on this.  I have the same problem and cannot complete this mission.  When entering the mission, the terrain preview clearly shows 2 planets in the sector, however, there are none in the actual mission sector.

I hope someone can help with this.



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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2003, 02:11:34 pm »
No, I have been forced to give up upon the game because I cannot proceed.  It really is frustrating (esspecially since my ISP blocks ports and I can't play the dynaverse), but there is nothing I can do about it.  If anyone cares, I have been playing with the beta patch.  Also, does anyone know if there is a way to bypass the one particular mission so at least I can finish up the campaign?  


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2003, 08:03:21 am »
I actually had the same problem before the patch was released.  Regardless of system specs, this is what I determined....

If you lose the Terran Incognito mission, then your screwed.  Subsequently, EVERY TIME you try to load your game from the autosave OR from a manual save JUST BEFORE THE MISSION, then the mission is totally BUGGED.

Fortunately for me, I like to keep multiple save points throughout a game. Therefore I was able to bypass the Bug by going to a previous save point which was one or 2 missions prior to Terran Incognito.  Of course, If I failed the mission again, I would have to keep going back two missions until I got it right.

Anyway, it's still early in the morning, so I hope my explaination is easily understood. (My thoughts are fragmented.)
If you have questions on how to get by the bug, feel free to pm me.


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2003, 09:45:29 am »
I have a question.  How would going back aid my problem?  When I first played the mission my problem was also with finding the planet.  I scanned everything but I could not find the planet.  Was the planet supposed to be there at least the first time?  


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2003, 09:51:43 am »
Im not a tekkie so I dont know the answer to your question.  All I know is that whenever the mission became bugged, my auto/exit save kept the bug, so that repeating the mission always resulted in the bug.  As I mentioned before, the only time I was able to finish the mission without a bug was when I backtracked my save points a bit.


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2003, 05:44:38 pm »
It's too bad that I don't keep many save files, so it looks like I will have to restart the campaign.  That's too bad for me, but oh well, I kind of want to see the end of the storyline anyway.  Thank you for your help and I hope that by saving frequently I will be able to get past this mission.  Although I must say that how you realized to try an older save file is beyond me, but that's okay, it is good that you did.  Thanks again for your help.  I'll try to remember to post again here once I get to the mission and detail if using your method was successful at getting past the mission.  


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2003, 07:26:29 pm »
Okay, I have done as you suggested and saved after every mission (about 10 save files up to the "Terran Incognito" mission).  When I played the game, I once again had the bug and I could not see the planet (at all -- not at any point in time).  I played from the previous same file, and then, after encountering the same problem, from a save file two missions back and I also encountered the problem.  I am now going to proceed to try again from an even earlier save file (although I must admit -- the scenarios are getting really boring since I have to play them so many time.

Perhaps you could tell us a little more as to what we could do to beat this mission.  I am wondering if the class of my ship has any effect (first time tried with a galaxy class, second time with an out-fitted intrepid); what were you using?  Any further assistance would be appreciated.  


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2003, 08:32:36 pm »
Everytime i have run this mission I have been in an Intrepid Class Starship.  Pre-Patch, this was the last ship I ever had in the Fed Campaign.  But post-Patch the Rommies get a little bit tougher and i went to a Galaxy.  I have never encountered the vanishing planet bug, ever.  Although the spontaneous combustion bug got annoying, after a while.  A suggestion to Taldren if they cant figure out how to quash that bug, let the shuttles live longer than the mother ship.  Theres no reason for the shuttles to go boom after the mothership goes up.

Heh, speaking of going up, the last mission of the Fed Campaign, had a fully decked out Galaxy Class, and the fleet took out the last Warbird, a shame that they couldnt let me get just a little bit further away from it first.  The resulting explosion killed me, but the mission was still a success, shame I wasnt the Akira  


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2003, 06:55:52 pm »
I encountered this problem and an associated problem: the previous mission ends in the same sector, and at its conclusion it encourages me to visit the nearest starbase and re-equip. However, Terran Incognito becomes immediately active, which means I can't move out of the sector. It's annoying.

Anyway, I fixed the vanishing planet problem on my machine. I did so by re-installing the Beta patch. Previously I had installed the game, installed the Beta patch, and then installed the DX9 patch. And I got the vainishing planet bug. Installing the Beta patch again gave me the planets back, and also gave me a woman's voice telling me things like, "The port shield's at 50%!" I didn't have the voice before then.  


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2003, 08:06:33 am »
I just reinstalled the Beta patch as Kushana instructed and completed the mission without any problems.  Thank you Kushana for resolving this issue.  


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2003, 08:26:49 am »
I found a way to fix the voice bug without reinstalling.  First open up the the SFC3.ini file in the Sfc3 directory next scroll down to the line that says:


Change the 0 next to voice to 3 and it should work.

It should look like this:


Im not sure why its three, but thats what it it says in mine after a fresh install with the beta patch.

I found  this  on Activision's support site about planets disapearing.


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2003, 12:54:52 am »
Here's a hint...the DX9 patch screws up the game if you are running the beta patch as well. The DX9 patch is included in the beta patch...and having it in there twice seems to cause various problems.

So if you are running the DX9 patch and the beta then you need to uninstall and just use the beta patch.


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Federation Mission: Terran Incognito
« Reply #16 on: June 10, 2003, 12:57:22 pm »
I'm stuck on this mission because I can't seem to scan all the Romulan facilites and could someone help me out this mission, please?  


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito
« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2003, 06:54:20 pm »
Make sure you scan them in the order they are given by your ops officer (the white objective arrow). and also make sure you dont have the scanner activated in proximety to any Romulan Ships.

I dont know why but the patch makes it impossible to scan the stuff out of order, I would always get the base last, since it was closest to the planet, but it wouldnt let me scan the last defense platform before the starbase.  


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito
« Reply #18 on: June 10, 2003, 06:58:28 pm »
  Get within 5. It's tough, but not impossible.

Just don't power up. Watch the MiniMap for nearby ships, and scan at will. Turn off your scanner between targets.



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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2003, 12:20:16 pm »
I also seem to have a problem with this mission.  However, my problem is quite different.  I manage to complete all my scans and then I attempt to go to the planet.  I follow the little arrow to no avail.  The planet simply does not exist.  I am using the beta patch and I am wondering both if anyone else has experienced a simular problem and how I can compleate or skip this mission and proceed with the campaign.  Thanks in advanced.  


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2003, 09:37:40 pm »
Did you ever get an answer on this.  I have the same problem and cannot complete this mission.  When entering the mission, the terrain preview clearly shows 2 planets in the sector, however, there are none in the actual mission sector.

I hope someone can help with this.



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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #21 on: June 17, 2003, 02:11:34 pm »
No, I have been forced to give up upon the game because I cannot proceed.  It really is frustrating (esspecially since my ISP blocks ports and I can't play the dynaverse), but there is nothing I can do about it.  If anyone cares, I have been playing with the beta patch.  Also, does anyone know if there is a way to bypass the one particular mission so at least I can finish up the campaign?  


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #22 on: June 19, 2003, 08:03:21 am »
I actually had the same problem before the patch was released.  Regardless of system specs, this is what I determined....

If you lose the Terran Incognito mission, then your screwed.  Subsequently, EVERY TIME you try to load your game from the autosave OR from a manual save JUST BEFORE THE MISSION, then the mission is totally BUGGED.

Fortunately for me, I like to keep multiple save points throughout a game. Therefore I was able to bypass the Bug by going to a previous save point which was one or 2 missions prior to Terran Incognito.  Of course, If I failed the mission again, I would have to keep going back two missions until I got it right.

Anyway, it's still early in the morning, so I hope my explaination is easily understood. (My thoughts are fragmented.)
If you have questions on how to get by the bug, feel free to pm me.


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #23 on: June 20, 2003, 09:45:29 am »
I have a question.  How would going back aid my problem?  When I first played the mission my problem was also with finding the planet.  I scanned everything but I could not find the planet.  Was the planet supposed to be there at least the first time?  


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #24 on: June 20, 2003, 09:51:43 am »
Im not a tekkie so I dont know the answer to your question.  All I know is that whenever the mission became bugged, my auto/exit save kept the bug, so that repeating the mission always resulted in the bug.  As I mentioned before, the only time I was able to finish the mission without a bug was when I backtracked my save points a bit.


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #25 on: June 20, 2003, 05:44:38 pm »
It's too bad that I don't keep many save files, so it looks like I will have to restart the campaign.  That's too bad for me, but oh well, I kind of want to see the end of the storyline anyway.  Thank you for your help and I hope that by saving frequently I will be able to get past this mission.  Although I must say that how you realized to try an older save file is beyond me, but that's okay, it is good that you did.  Thanks again for your help.  I'll try to remember to post again here once I get to the mission and detail if using your method was successful at getting past the mission.  


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #26 on: June 21, 2003, 07:26:29 pm »
Okay, I have done as you suggested and saved after every mission (about 10 save files up to the "Terran Incognito" mission).  When I played the game, I once again had the bug and I could not see the planet (at all -- not at any point in time).  I played from the previous same file, and then, after encountering the same problem, from a save file two missions back and I also encountered the problem.  I am now going to proceed to try again from an even earlier save file (although I must admit -- the scenarios are getting really boring since I have to play them so many time.

Perhaps you could tell us a little more as to what we could do to beat this mission.  I am wondering if the class of my ship has any effect (first time tried with a galaxy class, second time with an out-fitted intrepid); what were you using?  Any further assistance would be appreciated.  


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #27 on: June 21, 2003, 08:32:36 pm »
Everytime i have run this mission I have been in an Intrepid Class Starship.  Pre-Patch, this was the last ship I ever had in the Fed Campaign.  But post-Patch the Rommies get a little bit tougher and i went to a Galaxy.  I have never encountered the vanishing planet bug, ever.  Although the spontaneous combustion bug got annoying, after a while.  A suggestion to Taldren if they cant figure out how to quash that bug, let the shuttles live longer than the mother ship.  Theres no reason for the shuttles to go boom after the mothership goes up.

Heh, speaking of going up, the last mission of the Fed Campaign, had a fully decked out Galaxy Class, and the fleet took out the last Warbird, a shame that they couldnt let me get just a little bit further away from it first.  The resulting explosion killed me, but the mission was still a success, shame I wasnt the Akira  


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #28 on: June 27, 2003, 06:55:52 pm »
I encountered this problem and an associated problem: the previous mission ends in the same sector, and at its conclusion it encourages me to visit the nearest starbase and re-equip. However, Terran Incognito becomes immediately active, which means I can't move out of the sector. It's annoying.

Anyway, I fixed the vanishing planet problem on my machine. I did so by re-installing the Beta patch. Previously I had installed the game, installed the Beta patch, and then installed the DX9 patch. And I got the vainishing planet bug. Installing the Beta patch again gave me the planets back, and also gave me a woman's voice telling me things like, "The port shield's at 50%!" I didn't have the voice before then.  


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #29 on: June 29, 2003, 08:06:33 am »
I just reinstalled the Beta patch as Kushana instructed and completed the mission without any problems.  Thank you Kushana for resolving this issue.  


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #30 on: June 29, 2003, 08:26:49 am »
I found a way to fix the voice bug without reinstalling.  First open up the the SFC3.ini file in the Sfc3 directory next scroll down to the line that says:


Change the 0 next to voice to 3 and it should work.

It should look like this:


Im not sure why its three, but thats what it it says in mine after a fresh install with the beta patch.

I found  this  on Activision's support site about planets disapearing.


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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito; Another problem.
« Reply #31 on: June 30, 2003, 12:54:52 am »
Here's a hint...the DX9 patch screws up the game if you are running the beta patch as well. The DX9 patch is included in the beta patch...and having it in there twice seems to cause various problems.

So if you are running the DX9 patch and the beta then you need to uninstall and just use the beta patch.

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Re: Federation Mission: Terran Incognito
« Reply #32 on: February 16, 2016, 07:03:33 pm »
So I never played the campaign before, just online campaigns and ladder play. Having just recently reinstalled the game, nice to see what a piece of garbage this really was. Direct x 9 not an issue these days. Can't play past incognito mission. Way to go taldren and activision.  Great to realize just how much those money sucking something or others short changed their customers.  :banghead:
Suspected leader of Prime Industries, #1 Pirate Cartel