Topic: Looking for Starblazers/Space Battleship Yamato-type Earth Ships  (Read 1953 times)

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i am currently seeking to get my paws on to ship models from Starblazers/Space Battleship Yamato. In case anyone is wondering what I am prattling on about check this page and  this page to get an idea.
A few pictures

Thanks in advance!  


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Re: Looking for Starblazers/Space Battleship Yamato-type Earth Ships
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2003, 03:48:20 pm »
 Atrahasis made a Yamato model, but before he finished it there was the big flamewar and he took down all his models, and though he brought a few back on his new site, the Yamato isn't one of them.  I don't think anyone has offered to make any of the other ships, though it would make a great fleet.  I think we're out of luck, just one more thing that will never happen.  

Oh, I just remembered he did finish the Andromeda.  It is not available on his site, but someone might be hosting it, and if not, I can mail it to you if you're interested.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2003, 03:52:51 pm by Johanobesus »