Topic: Also in the works. The remake of Fleetdock 13's Romulan King Condor.  (Read 7131 times)

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Re: Also in the works. The remake of Fleetdock 13's Romulan King Condor.
« Reply #40 on: June 12, 2003, 06:27:14 pm »
Yo Anduril, love the textures on this puuppy, very schmoove! I can't stand the design of the ship though (the SFB ship, not your or FD13's model) it's just an enlarged War Eagle with a neck and sphere stuck to it to make it look slightly Klingon, and who'd put plasma launchers INSIDE the bussard collectors!?!! LOL Oh those crazy SFBers! Nice to see another model from you Anduril, I still got all your pre-tos Feds gathering dust all over their MSpaint textured hulls.


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Re: Also in the works. The remake of Fleetdock 13's Romulan King Condor.
« Reply #41 on: June 12, 2003, 06:50:02 pm »
Woohoo! Let me make this perfectly clear... You Rock guy! Thank you much for taking the time to put the download link up.  


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Re: Also in the works. The remake of Fleetdock 13's Romulan King Condor.
« Reply #42 on: June 12, 2003, 06:56:47 pm »
I was aghast to say the least when they first released the design for the Condor being a Rom at heart and all.  I was always buggered a bit that SVC and the design boys didn't follow a more graceful birdlike line for the newer Rom ships.  

All the early designs will get their due eventually.  The Asia went first of course since it's such a sweet design.  The Eclipse was a natural since it uses the same nacelles.  And no the Eclipse hasn't been released but I may drop the link sooner or later if we don't get things up and running.

Now that I'm getting back to the ships a bit the Bird of Vengeance is getting very close to being done and I've started re-meshing the pre TNG era Sirius.

Rod O'neal

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Re: Also in the works. The remake of Fleetdock 13's Romulan King Condor.
« Reply #43 on: June 13, 2003, 11:43:41 am »

It won't get misplaced.

It's in orbit awaiting The Galactic Fringe's rebirth.  If that doesn't become a reality fairly soon I'll just post a link.  

Alright!!! You're a man of your word. (I was beginning to worry though.   ) Great ship! I'm lookig forward to more. Thanks.