Topic: Die Hard Re-banned  (Read 74521 times)

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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #60 on: January 30, 2003, 04:28:46 pm »

There is no free speech on a privately owned  board. You all agreed to the terms of use when you  joined this board. If you violate those terms of use then Taldren is well within their rights to ban you permanently. And complaining about it will get you no where.


Quite true.  It must be.. someone always posts something virtually identical on every board I've ever visited when this subject comes up  

That said, whatever the "terms of use", there's no harm in giving these folks another chance, particularly if a full apology has been given.   Being "within your rights" is no excuse for not doing the "right thing".   I'd agree Taldren are pretty lenient though... I remember I really let rip at them over the Euro SFC2 fiasco, and that did'nt seem to trouble them unduly.  

Alidar Jarok

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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #61 on: January 30, 2003, 04:29:14 pm »
I wish Taldren would tell us if they were re-banned because of something else they did since the new forums were put in place, or because they were correcting an error that caused them to be able to come back during the switch.

If it was something new, what was it?

I think we could at least use some info.


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #62 on: January 30, 2003, 07:10:57 pm »



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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #63 on: January 30, 2003, 08:12:58 pm »

Ok... my turn to take some heat.  

I own sfc3.  Haven't played it in two months, might after a patch, probably not.  Just not a game I like all that much.

I have yet to see anyone who complains about the game get banned.  As long as they do it right.  For example:

Taldren, I find the lack of diversity in the heavy weapons of this game to lead to a very boring game.  I also find the lack of exact data on how the weapons/shields/systems work to be very problematic in devising workable strategies within the game.

Now that is puts your points out there but attacks no one.  However this:

Taldren is full of a bunch of no talented programmers.  My Dead grandma sports less bugs than the piece of SH!T software this waste of a company produces.  Dave smells of hamster vomit and Erik buggers little boys for Activision's viewing pleasure.

This does nothing but piss someone off.  In what I have seen hundreds of people have posted like the first thread.  A few post like the second thread.  Some are in between.  But lets face it folks.  Taldren can just close the forum doors if they like.  If they wish to allow those people back that is their perrogative.  If you want them to let them back in you can ask nicely.  But don't insult everyone's intelligence by making it sound like those who got banned did nothing to deserve it.  They obviously did at some point (no matter how fed up they were) and they broke the rules.

Well, flame away if you like but I think Taldren has every right to ignore you (and me for that matter) if they wish.  But perhaps if you wish you can get letters of apology from those in question and post them in their stead.  A contrite apology normally goes a lot farther than a mob screaming foul play.

One Gorn's opinion.


Raven max did email an apology he never got a reply back
Yes they were out of line but so are many many others take arab man look at what he has posted and got away with
Whats worst posting raceist remarks or putting down a game
Its taldrens fourm and so are the only ones with any rights here and have every right to ban who ever they wish
and if they wish to ignore us so be it
But we will keep posting (till they ban us)


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #64 on: January 30, 2003, 08:57:03 pm »


I wonder if this has anything to do with

"He who shall not be named"

being promoted to

"He who should not have been named a moderator"

The world wonders....


This is un-called for, Nanner had NOTHING to do with this. Do the community a favor and delete your post.


Well Hooch, I see that button still works...  

I reserve the right to question Taldrens judgement on issues, as long as I do it within some arcane parameters that noone seems to be able to provide.

The person you mentenioned HAS played a key role in similar situations in the past.

The re-bannings occured right after they announced the new moderators.

The fact that they were announced as moderators very likely had nothing to do with it.  TostyO? posted that as admins they did not have the ability to ban someone.  I have no reason to doubt him.

Here's my challange to you.  Get the person you named to post in one of these threads supporting re-instating these 3 and I will delete my post.        With the support these three are getting it should not be that hard for a reasonable person to do, right?

I won't hold my breath.

I will challange all the mods to support the un-bannings.  They must have some pull with taldren or they would not be moderators, right?


« Last Edit: January 30, 2003, 09:08:54 pm by KBF-JD »


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #65 on: January 30, 2003, 09:06:17 pm »

 The only point of banning people is to not let them defend their pont of view.  That being said, their transgressions (whatever they were) were on the other boards and Die Hard and Kai Lae were behaving themselves.  I have NO FREAKING CLUE what Kai Lae might have done to piss off the Taldrenites, and Die Hard... ummm... well he seemed a bit edgy to me, but that alone is no reason to permanently ban someone.  I mean, the image tag is back for pete's sakes, so I guess y'all have forgiven the porn-poster!

To back off the tangent a bit... Why are they banned? I mean, Likkerpig REALLY REALLY didn't seem the sort to be banned, and I was wondering why I hadn't seen him on in a while.

<and my Romulan side wonders if this post will get myself banned>    


You really missed the thread that got likkerpig banned.  He was mad and well, he really went over the top.  I thought he was trying to get banned.  I talked to him later and  he wanted to get back in.  He has also been banned for longer than die hard and max put togather.

I support letting these 3 back in.


Brad Bowermaster

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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #66 on: January 30, 2003, 09:46:25 pm »
[quoteThe fact that they were announced as moderators very likely had nothing to do with it.

Just to clear something up, the moderators were selected based on the fact that they are beta testers. Since they are bound by an NDA, Taldren knows they are trustworthy based on almost a year (some more than a year) of there participation in testing and their ability to keep information secret.  Their main purpose is to make sure no more porn is posted, as that is what got the image tags taken away in the first place. There is some debate as to whether they are actually allowed to edit posts, but that's another topic.  


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #67 on: January 30, 2003, 09:47:11 pm »
Live from a place where the banned can speak:

SSCF Hooch

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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #68 on: January 30, 2003, 09:59:43 pm »
Your point is taken, however if you where to not make a broad stroke statement I would not bother to respond. You have no reason to call Nanner into question here. The odd thing is he has laid rather low considering the time the game has been out. He has only chosen to remark on game related issues and far as I have seen.

I am not a Nanner hot button, or cheer leader for that matter. I only want my friends and fellow gamers un-banned that is all. It is most likely Ferrell's call and his alone. To bring Nanner into this is just plain silly and not worthy of discussion.



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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #69 on: January 30, 2003, 11:51:54 pm »

Live from a place where the banned can speak:  

Well, from Die Hard's reply to that thread, it looks like he has learned absolutely nothing from his vacation.  What a class act  


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #70 on: January 31, 2003, 12:34:43 am »
  hmm... Die Hard's reply was a smidge over the top, but I think I might be too if I got banned for voicing my opinion when others can voice theirs on killing jews and plane-ramming buildings and get away with it.   IF this were a democracy, I'd say post links to the offending posts and let the forum members vote on the action to be taken (hell, do it anyway, I'm curious!).  But, as we are in the People's Republic of Taldren, it's their board.  I come here by choice, and I know their rules, though I haven't actually seen nor read them.  Therefore, if I want to piss off a programmer, it's my choice, but I do so knowing full well I may be banned the next day (or sooner).  Sometimes I forget how good these forums really are (no I wasn't paid off).  The last time I was a forum member of somethign remotely as free as this, they shut themselves down due to lack of money. My point?  The next time you see me bitching about so and so getting banned it'll be Sub-Commander Accersitus arguing on my behalf  lol...  Seriously, I'm signing off this futile task.  


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #71 on: January 31, 2003, 02:10:11 am »
A good morning bump from the U.K.  

Credo Narth

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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #72 on: January 31, 2003, 06:40:37 am »
And a good morning comment, too. It's snowed here, no-one made it into work, so I can post in peace...

I must say that this little stunt of Taldren's has certainly backfired. Were they trying to keep personal attacks on themselves? Were they trying to keep attention focussed on SFC? Whatever the motive, banning the Taldren Three (or now Four?) certainly hasn't been the best handled effort Taldren have done.

The fact is that, whilst these guys' collective manner was wrong, their core matter was largely correct. SFC is a brilliant, brilliant gaming idea. But what have Taldren done with that idea? SFC1 was playable out of the box, but SFC2 was a complete shambles. Who remembers the increasing interminable delays, or the cloaking farce? Yes, it was corrected in patches, but it was completely unplayable off the shelf.

With SFC 3, I don't think that Taldren have really learned their lesson. the game doesn't work right... I've yet to finish the Romulan or federation SP campaigns, because the game hangs in the middle of loading certain missions. Ships explode. There's a power drain bug. There are ghost enemies that don't exist that you cannot defeat because they are not there, so you have no choice but to forfeit and lose prestige. It's not as bad as EAW, but let's be honest, it's not a lot better.

Waiting for the patch, I've been playing a couple of Activision's releases, Soldier of Fortune 2 and Voyager Elite Force. Unpatched, these games are brilliant. I downloaded the patches for them, and in playing terms, they are minor tweaks, at best. Nothing like the substantial fixing that appears to be required for SFC 3. Which leads me to wonder what Activision really think of Taldren. Professional workers getting a workable game out on schedule, or amateurs getting a shambles out and hoping that patches can fix it? It's a democracy, so you guys decide.

Now, Taldren has compounded their failings by withdrawing almost completely from commenting on the Forums. I remember when SFC 2 came out, that Erik and Dave were posting in the forum all the time explaining what they were doing to try to get things right. I was impressed by how honest they were, and how hard they were obviously working to get things straight. They were talking about patches after the patches, and what would get fixed when... Excellent PR stuff.

And now what? I've posted complaining about certain bugs many times, offering to send my savegames in, even offering to be a beta tester when Taldren recently asked for them. What did I get in response? Nothing, nada, jack s**t, not even a postcard from the delta quadrant. What's up with that? Have they been replaced by imposters put in place by the Dominion? It sure seems that way.

I wanted the Taldren of old to succeed in making SFC2 the cracking game that it turned out to be. Now, I am starting to hope that the Taldren of today will go bust, and from the ashes a bunch of programmers will arise that will get SFC 4 out that will be everything that SFC 3 should have been. I'm really not seeing that Taldren care about the game the way they used to. Their PR efforts have really gone up the spout. What happened, guys? The cone of silence is supposed to be from Maxwell Smart, not the Enterprise.

They can ban me for saying this, but it's my honest opinion. And I think a lot of other people that have all three games sitting on their shelves would at least accept my point.  


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #73 on: January 31, 2003, 07:44:04 am »

 I only want my friends and fellow gamers un-banned that is all. It is most likely Ferrell's call and his alone. To bring Nanner into this is just plain silly and not worthy of discussion.



Please understand my position, having been banned once.  My experience is sometimes the only way to seperate the two people you mentioned in your post with respect to banning is with a CROWBAR.

There seems to be a double standard in banning.  History has proven that some people have better access to the powers that be.  So the best way to get these people unbanned is to get the people with the pull working on it.

If they don't want these people unbanned, I think that as people with power, they should stand up and tell us why.  Especially in the face of the ammount of support generated by the community.



Alidar Jarok

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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #74 on: January 31, 2003, 08:01:49 am »

If they don't want these people unbanned, I think that as people with power, they should stand up and tell us why.  Especially in the face of the ammount of support generated by the community.

I agree.  They explained why they were previously banned, but haven't given any info now.

We don't know if they haven't been forgiven originally, or if they did something new.

With 70 replys, they would have to have noticed this thread.  


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #75 on: January 31, 2003, 08:10:05 am »

  hmm... Die Hard's reply was a smidge over the top, but I think I might be too if I got banned for voicing my opinion when others can voice theirs on killing jews and plane-ramming buildings and get away with it.   IF this were a democracy, I'd say post links to the offending posts and let the forum members vote on the action to be taken (hell, do it anyway, I'm curious!).  But, as we are in the People's Republic of Taldren, it's their board.  I come here by choice, and I know their rules, though I haven't actually seen nor read them.  Therefore, if I want to piss off a programmer, it's my choice, but I do so knowing full well I may be banned the next day (or sooner).  Sometimes I forget how good these forums really are (no I wasn't paid off).  The last time I was a forum member of somethign remotely as free as this, they shut themselves down due to lack of money. My point?  The next time you see me bitching about so and so getting banned it'll be Sub-Commander Accersitus arguing on my behalf  lol...  Seriously, I'm signing off this futile task.  

First all the people in question were banned for making personal attacks against individuals or companies and not providing any worthwhile posts, they were just bitching with no constructive critism and being rude.

As for the jew-killing comments, those are no worse than the nuke the Mid-East comments, etc.....those aren't personal attacks just opinions. If they offend you then don't read them and don't reply. Too many people bring grief upon themselves because they don't restrain themselves. If Taldren were to ban people for these types of comments there would be no-one left on the boards.

As for Taldren not posting on the forums lately, they are very busy with several projects...mostly their new game they are working on. They don't have time to post.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2003, 08:13:13 am by Aldaron »

Credo Narth

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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #76 on: January 31, 2003, 08:43:57 am »
Yes, but they had time to post aplenty when the SFC 2 CDs were as much use as a pair of hoop earrings. Aldaron, you've been here longer than I have, you should remember when Dave and Erik would constantly be telling us all what the status of the patch was, what bugs were going to be fixed first, what was going to be fixed next, and so on. It was simple stuff, but so effective.

I remember one ROm player going ballistic after a patch because he could cloak, but had lost the cloaking sound effect. Almost straightaway, I think Erik told him that they had to do this to allow the cloaking function to work, and that it would be fixed in the next patch. And it was. These days, what do we get? Very, very few responses. It's not hard, it doesn't take much time, and it certainly doesn't hurt how people feel about you.

As for being too busy on new projects these days, come on... A prime law of American business is that you serve your customers, and serve them well. American business turned customer service into an art form, but Taldren are turning it into a dog's breakfast. Ignoring ardent fans today for the sake of possible ones tomorrow is dangerous territory, and many a company has gone out of business through damaging their corporate reputation this way.


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #77 on: January 31, 2003, 08:52:24 am »
I also think that there is one important difference between the banned people who lashed out against the company and those who think Jews should all be killed (Again I would ban both).  The likes of Arabman sticks to the OT forum.  The rules there have always been more lax.  I think there is less moderation there, as there should be as it has nothing to do with Taldren.  However the on topic area of the forum has had lots of threads that are asking for things to be changed, fixed, revisted, etc... However, in each of the cases where some one was banned they broke from constructive criticism to the "Taldren Sucks" arguement.  

Not a very effective way to get change.  You attack a company and they will circle their wagons.  You offer ideas and they "might"  be evaluated and possibly incorporated in to the game.  As far as earlier insinuations that "I have made it to the top".  Get real, if you had decided to do something for the company (albeit nothing more than a gesture) as opposed to complain endlessly about how you were ripped off (my copy of SFC 3 seems to work quite well even though I am non to fond of the game) you might have had a little better response.  

I also notice an extreme double standard by some who would call for the banning of DD who has made several mistakes but has apologized most every time.   He has been banned, rightfully so, and has been banned several times.  Perhaps you could take the sage words of wisdom offered to him and send them you those who "need to be freed"  

Make a new callsign
Don't let on you were ever banned
Don't screw up again

TA DA!!!!  You political prisoners are now free to post with impunity on the board.  This assumes that their IP range wasn't blocked but I haven't heard of that measure being taken by against any that haven't tried hacking (and that was years ago).



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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #78 on: January 31, 2003, 09:25:06 am »

And a good morning comment, too. It's snowed here, no-one made it into work, so I can post in peace...

I must say that this little stunt of Taldren's has certainly backfired. Were they trying to keep personal attacks on themselves? Were they trying to keep attention focussed on SFC? Whatever the motive, banning the Taldren Three (or now Four?) certainly hasn't been the best handled effort Taldren have done.

The fact is that, whilst these guys' collective manner was wrong, their core matter was largely correct. SFC is a brilliant, brilliant gaming idea. But what have Taldren done with that idea? SFC1 was playable out of the box, but SFC2 was a complete shambles. Who remembers the increasing interminable delays, or the cloaking farce? Yes, it was corrected in patches, but it was completely unplayable off the shelf.

With SFC 3, I don't think that Taldren have really learned their lesson. the game doesn't work right... I've yet to finish the Romulan or federation SP campaigns, because the game hangs in the middle of loading certain missions. Ships explode. There's a power drain bug. There are ghost enemies that don't exist that you cannot defeat because they are not there, so you have no choice but to forfeit and lose prestige. It's not as bad as EAW, but let's be honest, it's not a lot better.

Waiting for the patch, I've been playing a couple of Activision's releases, Soldier of Fortune 2 and Voyager Elite Force. Unpatched, these games are brilliant. I downloaded the patches for them, and in playing terms, they are minor tweaks, at best. Nothing like the substantial fixing that appears to be required for SFC 3. Which leads me to wonder what Activision really think of Taldren. Professional workers getting a workable game out on schedule, or amateurs getting a shambles out and hoping that patches can fix it? It's a democracy, so you guys decide.

Now, Taldren has compounded their failings by withdrawing almost completely from commenting on the Forums. I remember when SFC 2 came out, that Erik and Dave were posting in the forum all the time explaining what they were doing to try to get things right. I was impressed by how honest they were, and how hard they were obviously working to get things straight. They were talking about patches after the patches, and what would get fixed when... Excellent PR stuff.

And now what? I've posted complaining about certain bugs many times, offering to send my savegames in, even offering to be a beta tester when Taldren recently asked for them. What did I get in response? Nothing, nada, jack s**t, not even a postcard from the delta quadrant. What's up with that? Have they been replaced by imposters put in place by the Dominion? It sure seems that way.

I wanted the Taldren of old to succeed in making SFC2 the cracking game that it turned out to be. Now, I am starting to hope that the Taldren of today will go bust, and from the ashes a bunch of programmers will arise that will get SFC 4 out that will be everything that SFC 3 should have been. I'm really not seeing that Taldren care about the game the way they used to. Their PR efforts have really gone up the spout. What happened, guys? The cone of silence is supposed to be from Maxwell Smart, not the Enterprise.

They can ban me for saying this, but it's my honest opinion. And I think a lot of other people that have all three games sitting on their shelves would at least accept my point.  

I agree 100%.  If you ban him, ban me too!  


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #79 on: January 31, 2003, 10:02:07 am »
Just my 2 pence worth but if companies release products with so many blatant, unfixed bugs they should be prepared to suck it up from people who have paid a lot of money for a faulty product.

How long has SFC3 been out?  Is there a patch yet?

Me, I'm simply not going to buy another Activision/Taldren product, having been burned one to many times.