Oh my,
Hooch, Karnak come over here so I can whop you both of your heads and knock some sense into yas.......


I agree tha CD took Die Hards post out of the proper time line. But that is no reason to bash him for using the post to support his argument, that is his right, and we shouldn't get upset by it. I just wish that the time frame be considered regarding this.
As you said, with regard to that remark, you do not condone it, neither do I, but like others have posted I understand the frustration he must feel at the initial banning. If your boss fires you due to a misunderstanding, and you cuss him out for it, once he comes to realize he was mistaken in his initial assumption, he should still hire you back. That why we continue to support Die Hard, although I feel he should delete that 1 remark (it really isn't kosher) as I posted long ago on that very thread.
I can understand Karnak's defense of CD, and I feel he was correct in this, so dont get so upset by it. Whatever the cause the fact is the two of you got a little heated and started flaming, well stop it and get on with the purpose at hand. Flame wars are not what we are here for.

If you believe in the un-banning cause as you say you do, it is counterproductive to tell Hooch it is a "lost cause" as your post implied. In this matter I support Hooch 100%. A "lost cause" is worth fighting for when it is just (and not sure that it is a lost one myself). Die Hard's continued anger over the banning is not unlike your own over the AOTK issues, but if you will kindly recall, I still went to bat for your return to the campaign as a valued player and community member despite your venomous responses after the incident of your removal as ARM. Later you did admit to a certain unjustness,and render an apology about your negetive responses as I hope Die Hard will do if his situation is corrected. I hope this may prove to be the case and that he will follow that example. Some called the AOTK " Karnak situation" a "lost cause" but it proved worth the effort, as you validated my efforts on your behalf. So don't let it arise again.
I also ask you to remember that Fluf and I were SFC2.net RM and A/RM respectively, and we did our best towards you, so please do not direct criticism towards the SFC2.net RMs without considering this.
I agree in your defence of CD and his rights to disagree, but I think I detected some holdover venom from the AOTK issue, this likely triggered Hooch's response, please let it drop.
Well, either 2 things can happen here, #1 you both give an apology for letting this misunderstanding become a minor Flame, and your heated words, and shake hands, or #2 you both start flaming me for playing peace broker or misunderstanding the issues at hand. I hope you both are men enough to do the former without a "him first attitude". If you can do this, I will hold you both in higher regard. ...........

Now lets get on with it and Bump this sucker!!!!!
my 2 cents plus tax.........