Topic: Die Hard Re-banned  (Read 74537 times)

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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #460 on: February 09, 2003, 11:00:59 pm »
Well . . . .   Time for an addition to J'inn's rules to live by.

1 - J'inn's Prime Directive:  No good deed goes unpunished.

2 -   It is good to be King.

3 - If you can't be King where your are, find a smaller pond.

4 -  Words and Letters mean a lot.  Hence the vast difference between Screwer and Screwee.  Choose your words wisely or you'll always be the latter..

5 - No matter how bad your day was, at least you're still breathing.

6 - Don't trust anyone over 30.  They were smart enough to make it that far and thus must be sneaky.

7 - Ignore everyone under 30.  

8 - Money cannot buy happiness unless you have the amount that will make you happy.

9 - When you are laying on your death bed you will not say "Gosh I wish I had squoze a few more days in at the office."

10 - If you are unhappy where you are, the wise thing to do is leave.  The cheaper thing to do is to stay and make everyone else miserable.

11 - J'inn's secret to a happy life: Find the part of your brain that wants you do be liked by others and turn it off.

12 - J'inn secret to dating.  See Rule 11.

13 - Be yourself.   If people don't like you as your are, they'll downright hate it if you fake being someone else.

14 - Life is not a game.  Games are not life.

15 -  Everything in moderation. (except sex with your spouse)

16 - Don't get married until you are five years older than you are.

17 - If you can't do something, teach others how.

18 - Never, ever, ever, film yourself doing anything even remotely embarrassing.

19 - Give a man an inch and he'll take a mile.   Charge by the inch and he'll take an inch.

20 - J'inn's Rule on meeting women.  Before 30, don't bother.  Work on getting your life together. After 30, they'll come to you.  At that point do the following:   be employed (or fake it well), tell the truth (women have a built in BS detector), smile, and shower once a day at least.

AND NOW . . . .   Drum Roll Please . . . .

21 - The J'inn Thread Theory -  Any thread over three pages long will turn into a discussion of drugs, booze or sex.  

Copyright 2002: JYB, Corporation


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #461 on: February 10, 2003, 12:04:54 am »
  Er... quick thing

I am for the reinstatement of these people, but for point of strict fact, there is a flaw in your arguement.

Freedom of speech laws mean that the GOVERNMENT cannot censor you. However, freedom of ASSOCIATION laws mean that any group can choose not to tolerate anything they bloody well please not to. It's how they keep homosexuals out of Boy Scouts. I know it SOUNDS barbaric, but you can't FORCE anyone to accept people.

Its one of those things... whose rights do you violate? Freedom to speak, freedom not to listen, which comes first?



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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #462 on: February 10, 2003, 12:48:18 am »
  I know, 2 posts in a row, shoot me now.

Anyhow, I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone asking a question here

what are the numbers for different ranks?

How many posts must a man post down, before you can call him captain?
and so on



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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #463 on: February 10, 2003, 01:19:29 am »
Hey, why don't you guys include some posts that these
people have made on other forums to show Taldren just
how sorry they are?

I really enjoyed this one by Die Hard:
"Screw Dave Ferrel. May his children die of cancer."
As you can see it just drips with remorse.



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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #464 on: February 10, 2003, 03:07:36 am »

Originally posted by CD NT
Hey, why don't you guys include some posts that these
people have made on other forums to show Taldren just
how sorry they are?  

Good idea.  Let's try this one from our old friend, likkerpig, posted weeks ago.  I find it completely in character for him.  (Hope he doesn't mind):


Originally posted by Likkerpig in another forum:
Thank you for including me in the list Chuut. I am somewhat ambiguous about how I feel about the whole thing. From what I gather Die Hard and Max were banned for making unflattering comments about Taldren. In my case I made a very offensive post insulting an RM (later two when Dogmatix tried to calm me down) and a server admin. The incident that led to my post was because two bull headed people locked horns and I was an idiot who kept the arguement going. I don't know that grouping me with Die Hard and Max is doing them any favors.
Since my banning I have lurked on the taldren boards, occasionally posting under another name when I had something to say (usually on the off topic forum) but staying under the radar and just keeping up on the current events of the d2. Still play occasionally, under various other names- I love this friken game!
I wrote an apology to the admin I slandered (Kosh I believe), in all sincerity. He posted it on the Taldren boards asking for my ban to be lifted. This suprised me, as I just wanted to apologise for being such a dick. After I recieved several emails from forum regulars expressing a variety of opinions and reasons why I should stay banned I wrote Kosh? again asking him not to push for my unbanning. Also spent some time answering some of the more vitriolic e-mails I had recieved.
Would I like to be unbanned? Sure! Should I be? I dunno, thats up to the Taldren people. I went way over the line (except for the off topic forum - no rules there, want to write about killing jews or americans, that's ok with the admins)(A little slash at the fluid morals of the admins).
I won't post on the Taldren boards under this name (don't know if they reinstated my ban with Die Hard and Max's or not, haven't tried). I'll just respect their wishes that I not post.
To sum up: I am humbled that anyone even remembered me, let alone wants to defend me. At the same time grouping me with Max and Die Hard seems to be an injustice to them, assuming why they were banned is what I gathered from other posts.
My apologies to all for my foul mouthed and offensive post that lead to my banning.

Of course, Taldren can do whatever they like.  It is the right to private property that matters on a private forum, not the (inapplicable) right of free speach.  (Which doesn't apply)  You can say what you like on the street corner, and if I don't like it that's too bad.  But if you say things I don't like in my house, I can toss you out.

Still, I'll always miss Likkerpig.  It's a shame that now his name  only shows up as a character in my RP threads.  And Max and Die Hard definitely added something to the forum experience.

Was this a bump?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Scipio_66 »

Credo Narth

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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #465 on: February 10, 2003, 04:58:43 am »
Well, damn! I go away for one weekend of living in the really real world, and log back into Taldren to find that my favourite thread has been hijacked by wailings and gnashings of teeth about the dangers of bare bottoms and the scourge of all evil that is weed.

I agree that bare buttocks are dangerous. How many intense anti-war protests have revealed the bare-faced cheek of it all to have naked women running around spreading the good word of peace (sorry, Freudian slip there). Heck, even in America, nude women got together to lie in the snow, and used their exposed flesh to come up with two words... NO BUSH. Really? It's a shame the cameras weren't able to get in closer to confirm this.

As for weed... Hey, it might just be the next secret chemical weapon. See Iraq? Well, imagine squadrons, nay, fleets, of B-52s, flying over Baghdad and bombing them with the finest grown hashish the US Army could source. Well, maybe the second best after the testing samples have all been consumed. I mean tested, sorry another slip there. This serves two purposes of ridding the world of the most heinous chemical known to date, as well as stoning the Iraqis to death. Or peace, whichever comes first.

In the meantime, The Yankee capitalist western pigs (to date, Saddam's most wicked insult) can kick back in Camp Kuwait, and work on their suntan. And why ot? They need something to show for their campaign. Heading back to their hometowns in mid-April all fluffed and buffed would make them the envy of girls everywhere.

This is just my free speech, but as far as I can see, everybody wins. Or gets stoned. Now, wouldn't it be nice if we could have three banned members of this forum to contribute to this lively discussion?  


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #466 on: February 10, 2003, 05:42:56 am »

Hey, why don't you guys include some posts that these
people have made on other forums to show Taldren just
how sorry they are?

I really enjoyed this one by Die Hard:
"Screw Dave Ferrel. May his children die of cancer."
As you can see it just drips with remorse.


Wow, where'd you find that stool of a post, CD?  


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #467 on: February 10, 2003, 09:45:33 am »


Hey, why don't you guys include some posts that these
people have made on other forums to show Taldren just
how sorry they are?

I really enjoyed this one by Die Hard:
"Screw Dave Ferrel. May his children die of cancer."
As you can see it just drips with remorse.


Wow, where'd you find that stool of a post, CD?  

You can find that post and a couple other DH gems over on
the SFC2.Net forum. To be fair, I did read posts from Max
and Likkerpig and they seemed sincere with what they had
to say. DH on the other hand seems only able to spew
venom and hate.


  • Guest
Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #468 on: February 10, 2003, 10:21:18 am »



Hey, why don't you guys include some posts that these
people have made on other forums to show Taldren just
how sorry they are?

I really enjoyed this one by Die Hard:
"Screw Dave Ferrel. May his children die of cancer."
As you can see it just drips with remorse.


Wow, where'd you find that stool of a post, CD?  

You can find that post and a couple other DH gems over on
the SFC2.Net forum. To be fair, I did read posts from Max
and Likkerpig and they seemed sincere with what they had
to say. DH on the other hand seems only able to spew
venom and hate.

Give it up Hooch.

I don't think you are  gonna win this one.  See Exhibit A above.

DH, delete that post if you know what's good for you.  

Credo Narth

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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #469 on: February 10, 2003, 10:35:20 am »
Coreen Dallas is Borg, gee, the Delta Quadrant is looking better and better...

DieHard was out of line with that one, I won't deny that, but he was a part of the community here, and a long-standing one at that. Imagine all the time he spent typing out all those posts... He must ahave devoted a HUGE amount of time to it. Far more than I would.

And now he's banned, ostracised for being critical of Taldren, and also by being out of line. I don't think many people would deny that he should have been banned for a few days, been sent an email informing him why, and displaying Taldren displeasure at what he did. He should then have been given the opportunity to redeem himself. He wasn't, and now is really pissed. A very significant part of his life is now gone, and for some people to be scorned in a place where they were formerly accepted is very hard to accept.

I don't condone what DieHard said about Dave's kids, but I do understand why he said it. What I don't condone, nor understand, is Taldren's continued reaction. Take Dave, for instance. He now has a new signature, a quote from the bible. This makes him Christian, right? To turn the other cheek and forgive is also Christian, yet do we see any sign of this in the Taldren Three's case? No. This makes him unChristian... It's illogical behaviour, and Dave really does run the risk of being thought of as a hypocrite.

My personal belief is that Dave should remove his signature, or unban the Three. I personally feel it is wrong that a person espousing Christianty so iopenly would also demonstrate such non-Christian values. Which is why I'm BUMPing this back to the top of the pile.  


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #470 on: February 10, 2003, 11:00:21 am »
Christans are not Logical ????

but I dont know what was said so Im not going to judge ,,,  I personally dont think any1 has to turn the other cheek  ( but im not christan at all)... a second chance would be nice since he contributed so much  .... but like i said I dont know what its all about..... I just wanted  to get in a negative remark on christans ....


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #471 on: February 10, 2003, 11:10:16 am »

A very significant part of his life is now gone, and for some people to be scorned in a place where they were formerly accepted is very hard to accept.

So, what's going on in the RM/ARM Forums on forum, eh?  Maybe, we should ask one of the banned who was oh so magnanimous a couple of months ago.  Now, I don't care but the facts can never be denied.

Next, y'all go around asking for forgiveness, make sure your own house is in order first.

Anything less smacks of hypocrisy.

A ARM spokesman would have served the banned's interests better.  

There a lot other threads in this forum that need more attention particularly the ones about games issues and how to make SFC3 a more balanced game.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »

SSCF Hooch

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Re: Die Hard Re-banned *DELETED*
« Reply #472 on: February 10, 2003, 01:33:20 pm »
Post deleted by SSCF Hooch


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #473 on: February 10, 2003, 02:28:45 pm »
int iThreadAirSupply = 200;

for (i = 0; i < INFINITY; i++)  {

if (iBannedRemoved == TRUE)  {

switch (Forum_Resp) {

case NO_RESP:



iThreadAirSupply -= 1;

}  // end for INFINITY ever

printf("Purgatory Jail Break\n");  


  • Guest
Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #474 on: February 10, 2003, 02:41:56 pm »

Now there is an ugly and unexpected turn on the Fora's most viewed (I think) thread.

Will the Taldren Three be re-instated?

Will Taldern even post on this thread?

Will Hooch turn Blue?

Will Chuut get himself banned?

Will others develop an uncontrolable urge to post negative remarks about other groups?

Will Taldren do anything about it?

What would Paramount say about all this?

Will Die Hard ever learn when it is best to STFU?

Will J'inn ever get back to work and quit wasting time on the forums?

None of this matters, J'inn.  The only thing that truly matters in this situations is:  what would Brian Boytano do?



  • Guest
Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #475 on: February 10, 2003, 03:08:02 pm »


int iThreadAirSupply = 200;

for (i = 0; i < INFINITY; i++)  {

if (iBannedRemoved == TRUE)  {

switch (Forum_Resp) {

case NO_RESP:



iThreadAirSupply -= 1;

}  // end for INFINITY ever

printf("Purgatory Jail Break\n");    

Is this really what computer code looks like?   I have to assume so.  I don't see how computer code guys can do this all day.  I got a headache just trying to figure this little bit out.  I'm serious here.  

Ya know there is a whole philosophiical thingy about what happens when only a few people in society control everything that keeps that society at a certain level of civilization..  I think we are getting close to The Tyranny of the Computer Aware.  Followed eventually by the Luddite Revolution led by J'inn the Roundhead.   Followed shortly thereafter by The Dark Ages Part Deux.

Seriously, does computer code HAVE to be this hard to understand??   Or is it all some vast Techie conspiracy to take over the world.  I think it just might be . . . . .  <ZZZZIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPPPP>

This post has been deleted by Microsoft, Inc.  J'inn has been "deleted" as well.  Please move along.


Actually the fun part comes when you try to take this mush, compile it into object libraries and then link them into an executable.  Or, in SFC2's case make a .scr exe.

Bus Error, Core Dump.

Hiring Manager: "So, do you know how to debug a core file?"
Eager Candidate Borg-rammer:  " use VI?"
Hiring Mananger: *makes mental note to scratch candidate*  

Or in Windows you get the dreaded:

"Illegal program error, etc."  aka as the CTD of your SFC2/3 client.

Hiring Manager: "So, do you need those pesky MFC/ATL Dlls?"
Eager Candidate Borg-rammer:  "Ummm....No?"
Hiring Mananger: *makes mental note to scratch candidate*  

Seriously, though, the code you saw represents instructions to the machine to solve whatever problem is being solved.  It's more psuedo-code, or an code snippet, cuz many of the instructions are not defined.

In plain English the code means:

For an eternity, if no response is given then someone will bump the thread.  If alternate criticism is given then someone will either:
a)  Make up a witty list
b) Convienently, cover up any personal faux pas and still argue
c) Name call
d) Make in-game threats

For every succeeding iteration of thread posts in the above train of thought the amount of thread vitality will diminish.

If the banned are released then they have made a jail break from purgatory.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »

SSCF Hooch

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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #476 on: February 10, 2003, 03:47:28 pm »
You know Karank, right about the time I think your not as big of a newt as I might have thought, you come back and remind me just why I wrote you off the first time and called you a self absorded windbag.

I suggest that you re-read your GFL rules of conduct that you so kindly pointed out to me a while back.


Abusive behavior is grounds for removal from the dyna.  For GFL members it may result in punitive action up to, and including, execution and removal from the League roster.  Abusive behavior includes personal attacks on other players via text chat, voice, e-mail or forum posting.  Keep your fights to the battle field.

In addition to personal attacks, foul language can be grounds for banning.  Many players have children who watch or participate in the dyna.  In addition, many players have parents who they do not want seeing foul language on a game ... and thus lose their access to the game.  

Now please read slowly, I have no intention of letting this thread die. If I get deployed to the gulf soon I bet that somebody else will keep it going until I get back.

Mocking me in your current manner only motivates me all the more.



  • Guest
Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #477 on: February 10, 2003, 04:19:10 pm »

Will J'inn ever get back to work and quit wasting time on the forums?


Keep this as the first thread and Taldren can't possibly ignore it!  Oh well...

Quick question: Who did the bannings?  Is this person currently doing moderating on the forum?  Has this person been known to say things on the forum that Taldren later had to formally withdraw?  If so, does that mean that this moderator is competant to make the decision to ban instrumental members of the D2 community?

Ok, the last sentence was directly refering to the Hydran RM, so ban me..  


  • Guest
Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #478 on: February 10, 2003, 04:21:00 pm »

 Originally posted by Hooch:
Cheap shot you creep!

Well, I supposed this was posted by SSCF's finest, also.

All, CD did was take reference of an actual post.  Your response  is threats and name calling.  Well, excuse me if I think that's wrong and say so.

It's your blatant name-calling and threats of in-game intimidation that really are at issue here.

Maybe you should go reread the warning label you put on SSCF's D2 server. Something about no abusive behavior, etc.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #479 on: February 10, 2003, 04:33:14 pm »
<barges into the creche>

Unban the banned!!  And get some lolly pops in here! :P