Well, damn! I go away for one weekend of living in the really real world, and log back into Taldren to find that my favourite thread has been hijacked by wailings and gnashings of teeth about the dangers of bare bottoms and the scourge of all evil that is weed.
I agree that bare buttocks are dangerous. How many intense anti-war protests have revealed the bare-faced cheek of it all to have naked women running around spreading the good word of peace (sorry, Freudian slip there). Heck, even in America, nude women got together to lie in the snow, and used their exposed flesh to come up with two words... NO BUSH. Really? It's a shame the cameras weren't able to get in closer to confirm this.
As for weed... Hey, it might just be the next secret chemical weapon. See Iraq? Well, imagine squadrons, nay, fleets, of B-52s, flying over Baghdad and bombing them with the finest grown hashish the US Army could source. Well, maybe the second best after the testing samples have all been consumed. I mean tested, sorry another slip there. This serves two purposes of ridding the world of the most heinous chemical known to date, as well as stoning the Iraqis to death. Or peace, whichever comes first.
In the meantime, The Yankee capitalist western pigs (to date, Saddam's most wicked insult) can kick back in Camp Kuwait, and work on their suntan. And why ot? They need something to show for their campaign. Heading back to their hometowns in mid-April all fluffed and buffed would make them the envy of girls everywhere.
This is just my free speech, but as far as I can see, everybody wins. Or gets stoned. Now, wouldn't it be nice if we could have three banned members of this forum to contribute to this lively discussion?