It amazes me how many people scream about their "Rights", yet take so little time in understanding them. Blitzkrieg posted quite well about the fallicy of "Free Speech". Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say anything you want, anywhere you want. Try yelling "Fire" in a movie theater. Try yelling "Bomb" or "Gun" on an airplane or in an airport.
What you have a right to is a different opinion. Don't like Taldren? That's fine. Don't like Activision? That's fine too. Don't like SFC3? The Programmers? Your dog? All fine. You can even SAY you don't like them. But, what you CAN'T do is go to THEIR house and blast them from end to end. Why? Because now you're violating THEIR rights.
So, someone said something that ticked someone else off. I'm pretty sure that I've ticked off a few people right now. Likely, they will do 1 of 3 things:
1: Ignore me and continue with this crusade - just as they have ignored Blitzkrieg, Raven, and TalonClaw (nicely written posts btw - little edgy on Raven's part, but effective).
2: Insult me and continue with this crusade - Just as one of these was insulted with insinuation that they were "Paid to post" (hope you can do better here, that was pretty weak. If your best counter-point is an insult, you have a pretty pathetic platform).
3: Stop and think.
Based on the track record of EVERY forum I've ever seen, these options are listed in their likely order.
For those of you who opt for #1 or #2, save it. I could personally care less. You affect my life as much as I have obviously affected yours - not at all.
For those who stop and think, advise your friends to let it rest for awhile. After a couple weeks (Months, years, whatever) have passed, advise those who were banned to PRIVATELY write letters of apology to the moderators, CC'ing those whom they directly offended (Some may need to shorten that list to allow their email account to process it - Send it to group heads if you must).
That will allow Taldren (And/or the Moderators) to cool off a bit. This constant badgering only keeps the offence fresh. The longer you hound them, and the harder you press, the LESS likely they will reconsider their position.
Think about it. If YOU banned someone and THEIR friends started screaming at YOU, what would you do? Compound that by having some say, "Admit your mistake and unban them". What message is being sent? If you unban, you lose. No one can ever get banned again because you caved in to pressure. Right or wrong, at this point you have NO ALTERNATIVE but to maintain the ban, or cede all power to the posters (inmates running the asylum).
So, let Taldren do what they must. The more you press, the more you FORCE them to dig in. Back off. They're good people at heart, I'm sure that time will heal all.