To All,
I think that after reading this never to die topic that I would like to place myself in hot water here.
First, I presume that I am allowed my opinion. That my opinion might be correct or incorrect, and that I will not be punished for expressing my opinion.
Second, I presume I am allowed to gripe, complain and nag at the creators of a product I have purchased. Now, I agree that it would be PREFERABLE for me to do so in a civilized and respectful manner, but that it is not manditory. I am, after all, the customer who paid for the product. I am, after all, one of many such customers who put food on the table of each and every employee who helped create the product I purchased, a product I expected to operate under the parameters that it was sold to me with.
If you agree with the first two presumptions I have made, then we can look at these forums as a place to compliment and congratulate the folks who made our game SFC3 what it is today. Given that, the forums are also a place to share ideas, have questions answered, and gripe about those facets of our game that have yet to function properly.
That is what I believe the folks who have been banned were in the process of doing.
Now, regarding the forum operation itself, I hope we can all agree that whatever rules are in place they should apply equally to all persons irregardless of ethnic background, religion or whatever. I also think it should apply to the content of what is said, be it positive or negative. It doesn't seem to me, in my opinion, that the banning of these chaps is being applied in a neutral and unbiased fashion. Just an opinion.........
Several point have been raised in this particular thread (or whatever you call it) that I would like to address. Please note that I am NOT quoting any single individual here, just ideas that I have gleaned from reading this.
#1) "How long someone has played." I don't give a damn whether someone has been playing for two minutes or twenty years! They bought the same game we all did and are certainly entitled to air their opinion without being put down for the duration of how long they have owned it! Who knows, the new guys may actually have some new takes that some of the old fuddy-duddies have overlooked.
#2) "This is owned/run by Taldren and they can do what they want." This I do mostly agree with, but not entirely. Here is why. Taldren wouldn't own/run this forum or any of the urinals in their office building without all of us paying for it. It is the money we spent that pays for this forum along with everything else they have or own. Not a single soul there endowed Taldren with Uncle Joey's inheritance to buy diddly with. It is by our good graces that and continued support that any of this exists at all, remember that. This just isn't Taldren by the way, it is every single company each and every one of us does business with!
#3) "Other games need patches too, we shouldn't complain." In a nutshell I don't give a damn what other companies do, I only care what the company I purchase from does! If the industry standard sucks, does that mean I shouldn't expect the company I pay good money to "to rise above the suckiness and excel where others have lagged behind". This is a PATHETIC defense of Taldren or any other company for that matter! When I purchase a product I expect it to be fully, completely 100% functional! Realize that if all of us complained as loudly and vehemently as the "Taldren Three" did, then perhaps we would have much fewer lousy products out there. Call me silly, call me strange, say I'm not living in the real world, but that's just the way I am.
#4) "Taldren has made their decision and they don't have to respond." This may be correct, here. However, for a company to not respond to the legitimate concerns of it's patrons is, in a word, stupid. Any intelligent company will bend over backwards to at least try to smooth over ALL gripes its patrons have. And in this case, where the unbanning of chaps costs not one penny, (or pence for you chaps in Brtitany) and yet would make many folks content, well......
Please forgive my rambling. I tend to drift from topic to topic as the mood hits me.
One final note. An idea for those who TRULY wish answers and are willing to spend postage on it. Find out where Taldrens home office is, and file a complaint regarding this matter with their Better Business Bureau. If you truly believe that you or others have been wronged then move to the next level of complaining and do it where they can't just ignore it. Where they are compelled by basic business practices to respond. I am certain that there are other organizations where the same results could be found, but the BBB is the first that comes to mind with me. They are a business after all, and not just on line but in the real world.
PS - I do enjoy the game, but I also look forward to the patch.