Topic: Die Hard Re-banned  (Read 76222 times)

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SSCF Hooch

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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #300 on: January 30, 2003, 01:08:29 pm »

There is no free speech on a privately owned  board. You all agreed to the terms of use when you  joined this board. If you violate those terms of use then Taldren is well within their rights to ban you permanently. And complaining about it will get you no where. Taldren puts up with more crap then alot of the boards that I check out. To get banned here you have to really screw up.  

Did they give you money to say this or are you just content to curry favor with those that find this ethical?

Yes it's thier nickle, but if you go to the off topic forums,  there you will find posters saying it's cool to kill Jews and fly planes into building in the name of freedom and alla or what ever they call him, oddly these people do not get banned.

GOOD NIGHT! They voiced concerns about a game that they paid money for and have every right to say it and got banned.

Some have taken to post scripture of late, well I got one for those who banned these people.

John 8, verse 7 (NIV)
"If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone"  


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #301 on: January 30, 2003, 01:26:18 pm »
Ok... my turn to take some heat.  

I own sfc3.  Haven't played it in two months, might after a patch, probably not.  Just not a game I like all that much.

I have yet to see anyone who complains about the game get banned.  As long as they do it right.  For example:

Taldren, I find the lack of diversity in the heavy weapons of this game to lead to a very boring game.  I also find the lack of exact data on how the weapons/shields/systems work to be very problematic in devising workable strategies within the game.

Now that is puts your points out there but attacks no one.  However this:

Taldren is full of a bunch of no talented programmers.  My Dead grandma sports less bugs than the piece of SH!T software this waste of a company produces.  Dave smells of hamster vomit and Erik buggers little boys for Activision's viewing pleasure.

This does nothing but piss someone off.  In what I have seen hundreds of people have posted like the first thread.  A few post like the second thread.  Some are in between.  But lets face it folks.  Taldren can just close the forum doors if they like.  If they wish to allow those people back that is their perrogative.  If you want them to let them back in you can ask nicely.  But don't insult everyone's intelligence by making it sound like those who got banned did nothing to deserve it.  They obviously did at some point (no matter how fed up they were) and they broke the rules.

Well, flame away if you like but I think Taldren has every right to ignore you (and me for that matter) if they wish.  But perhaps if you wish you can get letters of apology from those in question and post them in their stead.  A contrite apology normally goes a lot farther than a mob screaming foul play.

One Gorn's opinion.



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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #302 on: January 30, 2003, 01:35:21 pm »
Has anyone else noticed that since Taldren's union with Activision their customer relations (both in forums and game) have dropped dramtically to what we used to have?

Just wondered.

About time Taldren admitted over reacting and reinstated these people. If not reinstate them, enforce the SAME rules in all forums. I remember some threads in the Off Topic forum that were both racist and outragious in their content. THAT was allowed to continue.

And to you Moderators.... I recall a post a while back by Taldren stating that they ... and I think I quote 'Would NEVER put any community member as a moderator'.



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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #303 on: January 30, 2003, 02:00:51 pm »
That's a good point, they have made less effort to be friendly with us for the last while.  


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #304 on: January 30, 2003, 02:26:20 pm »
If you examine people's behavior in these forums, many have not exactly been nice to Taldren either.  People tend to pick apart the game and demand perfection.  Some scream that something is a bug when it clearly is not.   They just wish it worked differently. Others are totally upset because the SFB based SFC did not continue into SFC3.  Oh well too bad.  And some are rightfully mad because of real bugs that have hampered play.  But civility will get you a lot farther than insult.

IMO those who violated the rules:  If you can't do the time then don't do the crime.

Or just log on with a new ID and be good.

Many people seriously act like school children on these forums.  Taldren gave you a new forum.  Dave even took time to put up Avatars.  They have worked on a SFC3 and a OP patch while full force into a new game.  Of course they are not going to come out on the forum and hold your hand every day.


That's a good point, they have made less effort to be friendly with us for the last while.  



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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #305 on: January 30, 2003, 02:46:37 pm »
See, if public perception is that they made a lousy game and even so far as ripped us off, then the smart thing for Taldren to do would be to sweeten up the Public Relations...because as you said you get a lot farther with honey than with disrespect.

However, the facts are: The recent model contest which should habe been a great PR boost ended in a nightmare, and is still an ongoing nightmare. It was handled very poorly and with not a lot of deft political maneuvering which they should have done to increase a positive image. One Taldrenite even called a long-time modeler a loser (in both the literal sense and the disrespectful sense).

Then there's the matter of killing the political dissidents. I guess it was their right but obviously it did not refelct well on a lot of us.

I can understand them....they are a bunch of computer geeks...hey, just like most of us. And sometimes people-relations can be confusing and tough.

I for one think that they need to hire a full-time PR person, probably a woman. Her job would be to represent Taldren here at the boards and just be really nice and win us over with sweet words rather than be silent and ban people left and right while still not delivering a working product. WOuldn't it be a lot better if they were to sweet talk us and still not deliver a working product? Hey at least we get warm fuzzy feelings along with a defective product.

A little honey could go a long ways, but do they have anybody on staff that can do that? They should consider it. Too much testosterone is not a good thing. Men are accustomed to issuing commands, not taking them. Women are used to taking [censored] and being nice, that's what nmakes them so good at PR.

Hey just a thought.



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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #306 on: January 30, 2003, 02:52:46 pm »
That PR person would need a Salary.  I doubt that fits in the budget.

I also don't feel like public perception is that we have been ripped off.  I think you just have a bunch of nerdy people that want it their way.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by TalonClaw »


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #307 on: January 30, 2003, 02:55:51 pm »
But I dont see you arguing that they don't need one. "D


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #308 on: January 30, 2003, 03:00:26 pm »
No I'm not arguing with you there.  I just think it's not in the budget or they would have one like the Bigger gaming companies like Blizzard etc have.    


But I dont see you arguing that they don't need one. "D  


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #309 on: January 30, 2003, 03:13:15 pm »

I also don't feel like public perception is that we have been ripped off.  I think you just have a bunch of nerdy people that want it their way.

TalonClaw buddy, you're a moderator but let the human being inside you come out for a sec and admit that the latest game is just a wee bit broken.

When you've screwed up, that's when you really need to look after the PR! Hey you just admitted they need to bump up the PR, so you must also be admitting to some extent that they have screwed up at least a wee bit.

Thta's good, because denial is what they are indulging themselves in right now. That's just not the way to go.    


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #310 on: January 30, 2003, 03:24:44 pm »
Just about every game released these days is a we bit broken.  That's what patches are for.  Yeah I agree PR is a good tool.

The fact is, I can still play the game.  Nothing keeps me from playing.  The game is playable but does have some bugs.  There is a patch being tested.  Will it ever be totally perfect in everyone's eyes.  No.  That's not possible.



I also don't feel like public perception is that we have been ripped off.  I think you just have a bunch of nerdy people that want it their way.

TalonClaw buddy, you're a moderator but let the human being inside you come out for a sec and admit that the latest game is just a wee bit broken.

When you've screwed up, that's when you really need to look after the PR! Hey you just admitted they need to bump up the PR, so you must also be admitting to some extent that they have screwed up at least a wee bit.

Thta's good, because denial is what they are indulging themselves in right now. That's just not the way to go.    


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #311 on: January 30, 2003, 03:31:02 pm »
A PR person, probably a woman?

Good lord, maybe they should offer a topless picture of that person as well.  The inference that one sex is better than the other at PR is absolutely nuts!!!  When I look out at the people who have been banned I see all have them have "lost it" at some point.  

I hear the cry thatTaldren no longer has any PR stuff going.  Odd... I just recently got an update on Taldren's new project from the head guy himself.  Wonder why?  Oh yeah, I haven't called him a loser lately, and I have appreciative of all they have done.  It also helps that a few of us have this fun little PR thing going FOR taldren.  For those who haven't checked out the SETI project, you should.

I am sorry but to say Taldren hasn't been friendly lately is just a little insulting to those of us who have heard about their programmers sleeping on cots and showering at nearby homes.  (I know guys that was our secret but I am tired of this crap)  I challenge anyone here to show me a forum that has more interaction AND as much freedom as this one.  They have given an off topic area, when many boards would just delete OT threads.  They have given us peer moderators who are here to ensure that image posting and such are used correctly.  All of this for the annual fee of NOTHING.  But I am sure bandwidth is free for them.  Well I guess I have said enough.  I am off to go thank a wonderful company for giving me so much for less than $150 over 4 years.



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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #312 on: January 30, 2003, 03:38:07 pm »
It amazes me how many people scream about their "Rights", yet take so little time in understanding them.  Blitzkrieg posted quite well about the fallicy of "Free Speech".  Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say anything you want, anywhere you want.  Try yelling "Fire" in a movie theater.  Try yelling "Bomb" or "Gun" on an airplane or in an airport.  

What you have a right to is a different opinion.  Don't like Taldren?  That's fine.  Don't like Activision?  That's fine too.  Don't like SFC3?  The Programmers?  Your dog?  All fine.  You can even SAY you don't like them.  But, what you CAN'T do is go to THEIR house and blast them from end to end.  Why?  Because now you're violating THEIR rights.

So, someone said something that ticked someone else off.  I'm pretty sure that I've ticked off a few people right now.  Likely, they will do 1 of 3 things:

1:  Ignore me and continue with this crusade - just as they have ignored Blitzkrieg, Raven, and TalonClaw (nicely written posts btw - little edgy on Raven's part, but effective).

2:  Insult me and continue with this crusade - Just as one of these was insulted with insinuation that they were "Paid to post" (hope you can do better here, that was pretty weak.  If your best counter-point is an insult, you have a pretty pathetic platform).

3:  Stop and think.  

Based on the track record of EVERY forum I've ever seen, these options are listed in their likely order.

For those of you who opt for #1 or #2, save it.  I could personally care less.  You affect my life as much as I have obviously affected yours - not at all.

For those who stop and think, advise your friends to let it rest for awhile.  After a couple weeks (Months, years, whatever) have passed, advise those who were banned to PRIVATELY write letters of apology to the moderators, CC'ing those whom they directly offended (Some may need to shorten that list to allow their email account to process it - Send it to group heads if you must).

That will allow Taldren (And/or the Moderators) to cool off a bit.  This constant badgering only keeps the offence fresh.  The longer you hound them, and the harder you press, the LESS likely they will reconsider their position.

Think about it.  If YOU banned someone and THEIR friends started screaming at YOU, what would you do?  Compound that by having some say, "Admit your mistake and unban them".  What message is being sent?  If you unban, you lose.  No one can ever get banned again because you caved in to pressure.  Right or wrong, at this point you have NO ALTERNATIVE but to maintain the ban, or cede all power to the posters (inmates running the asylum).

So, let Taldren do what they must.  The more you press, the more you FORCE them to dig in.  Back off.  They're good people at heart, I'm sure that time will heal all.



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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #313 on: January 30, 2003, 03:42:27 pm »

I hear the cry thatTaldren no longer has any PR stuff going.  Odd... I just recently got an update on Taldren's new project from the head guy himself.  Wonder why?  Oh yeah, I haven't called him a loser lately, and I have appreciative of all they have done.  It also helps that a few of us have this fun little PR thing going FOR taldren.    

Good, GE-Raven, looks like you really made your way to the top!  


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #314 on: January 30, 2003, 03:44:03 pm »
Taldren Admins,

I realize that business cost of keeping the Taldren 3 banned is negligible and you probably are not losing sleep that anyone in the SFC community will stop playing any SFC games in spite of whatever the protesters may post in this thread. However, the banned posters deserve a 2nd chance. Possibly, consider unbanning the one banned poster that committed the least offence to start and see how it goes?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #315 on: January 30, 2003, 03:59:35 pm »

The fact is, I can still play the game.  Nothing keeps me from playing.  

TalonClaw buddy, are you sure about that?

Then why does everybody's ships keep exploding?

SSCF Hooch

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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #316 on: January 30, 2003, 04:13:04 pm »

IMO those who violated the rules:  If you can't do the time then don't do the crime.  

The "crime" as you put it was to voice an opinion, when you make a forum for those who buy your game to comment then you perhaps might expect to hear some comments that are less than high praise all the time.

Me? I like all their games and have brought all of them repeatedly for myself and to pass out as gifts. I do not expect much from a game except to have fun, and I have fun with all of them, BUGS and all. I have spent well over $500 on these games because they are good games, and when they offer me not just one but multiple forums to make comments in then I feel they have given me the right to do so. Therefore if I make a "bad" comment about something should I expect to be banned as well? Or since they have given me the forums to comment in are they not saying "lay it out" so we can make a better game next time, or can we make your current game better. So why would you ban anyone for saying what they think about your game, since you gave them the place to do it in?

Let this issue pass, and un-ban these guys.



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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #317 on: January 30, 2003, 04:28:46 pm »

There is no free speech on a privately owned  board. You all agreed to the terms of use when you  joined this board. If you violate those terms of use then Taldren is well within their rights to ban you permanently. And complaining about it will get you no where.


Quite true.  It must be.. someone always posts something virtually identical on every board I've ever visited when this subject comes up  

That said, whatever the "terms of use", there's no harm in giving these folks another chance, particularly if a full apology has been given.   Being "within your rights" is no excuse for not doing the "right thing".   I'd agree Taldren are pretty lenient though... I remember I really let rip at them over the Euro SFC2 fiasco, and that did'nt seem to trouble them unduly.  

Alidar Jarok

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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #318 on: January 30, 2003, 04:29:14 pm »
I wish Taldren would tell us if they were re-banned because of something else they did since the new forums were put in place, or because they were correcting an error that caused them to be able to come back during the switch.

If it was something new, what was it?

I think we could at least use some info.


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Re: Die Hard Re-banned
« Reply #319 on: January 30, 2003, 07:10:57 pm »