Hmm I hold a similiar position Hooch. I see that I have been here (assuming this is your only name here) not quite 2 years longer than you. I guess I am not qualified to have an opinion either
Fact 1 - They screwed up
Fact 2 - I have never once seen any statement that re-instatement was ever an option for anyone. Taldren has never said that you CAN be re-instated (yes I know it is possible) so they obviously are not willing to do this. That IS their perrogative.
Fact 3 - Nothing is stopping them from posting with a new name.
Fact - Ok not a fact, but, If I were Taldren I sure and Heck would not unban anyone because a few (yes few less than 10 seem to have not let this go) people won't let it drop. For if I did it sends a message that the rules only apply to those who aren't willing to apologize and/or don't have a bunch of friends look out for them.
They are banned. So what?!? Tell them to play nice, grab a new name, and join in the fun. Or you can just keep on screaming and waste valuable bandwidth.