Topic: Maybe a little OT, maybe old news, but...  (Read 2209 times)

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Maybe a little OT, maybe old news, but...
« on: June 10, 2003, 01:35:51 am »

If you've been under an especially large, mossy rock lately, you may not have heard that Frost-Works is creating a total Star Trek conversion for Freelancer.

Because BattleClinic is now supporting both SFC and Freelancer, I just wanted to drop a line here. If you're interested in helping out, VIP and his crew at could use any effort. Check this thread:;action=display;threadid=329

(Register with BC to get access)

I know, I know, it's not SFC, but there are plenty of talented people around here who can multi-task.  Plus, I think the games can co-exist on your HD nicely...
