Since there IS going to be another patch, I'd like to report two bugs, just in case they haven't been addressed.
BUG 1: I cannot target a Mauler weapon with boarding parties. This is ridiculous as I can target any other weapon on a ship with boarders plus the transporters, tractor beams, sensors, and shuttle bays.
BUG 2: When playing as Mirak, upon getting any new ship with MIRV launchers, I must complete a mission before I can get my full missile loadout and load ammo for the MIRV launchers.
(BTW, calling them MIRV is rather a misnomer, MIRV = Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicles, usually used in ICBMs. These really are just cluster missiles. Even though you can fire them at a planet, it's not their intended purpose.)
Hope that helps with developing the new patch.