Topic: There *IS* going to be another OP patch.  (Read 40283 times)

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Re: There *IS* going to be another OP patch.
« Reply #220 on: June 07, 2003, 10:46:09 pm »
Could you imagine what would happen if the cloak code was improved in OP? At least all the Romulans would play OP. I guess the same could be said for improving AI fighter code to get around certain Issues. Lead a thirsty horse to water and he will drink.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Cleaven »


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Re: There *IS* going to be another OP patch.
« Reply #221 on: June 07, 2003, 11:02:35 pm »
Hey.. don't shoot the messenger. The cloak request has already been passed a little while ago. We'll see if he'll pick up on it.
-- Luc


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Re: There *IS* going to be another OP patch.
« Reply #222 on: June 08, 2003, 12:09:53 am »
Hey Firesoul, nope, I don't have a Firewall.  I have not clue why OP just doesn't work for me on GSA.  I agree with you, I prefer OP to EAW anyday.  I was one of those guys that thought OP just didn't have any more features that warented it, but I"m glad I found out differently!  I only paid 9 bucks for this baby a few months ago and never regreated it since.  

As for my Multiplayer problems, I have no clue why I can't play the game against anybody.  I have tired everything I can think of and it still doesn't work.  Good news is that I was able to install SFC1 Gold and have had no problems playing multiplayer games on GSA with it.  At least I can play some SFB rule with some people with it, but even 4 years after it was published, SFC1 is still a fun game to play.

On a side note, I'm about 85% complete with my first ever SFC model.  Its based on SFB rules and such and I'm really hoping the SFC community (especiall the SFB fans) like it.  I'm still a novice with Milkshape, but I'm getting better and this model is not bad in my opinion with such a simple 3D program.  

I just hope the next OP patch can solve my problems.


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Re: There *IS* going to be another OP patch.
« Reply #223 on: June 08, 2003, 12:11:32 am »
wait.. have you made your GSA rescan for all games installed on HD?


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Re: There *IS* going to be another OP patch.
« Reply #224 on: June 08, 2003, 12:35:49 am »
hmm... if I understand what you mean, I would have to say no.  How exactly would that help?  GSA does identify OP when I login.  


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Re: There *IS* going to be another OP patch.
« Reply #225 on: June 08, 2003, 12:43:23 am »
next.. uhm..

.. what's your OS? Who's your ISP? What type of connection? Which DirectX is used?

Let me explain: SFC EAW and OP were both based on DX7. To play on GSA, you need the DirectPlay TCP and UDP ports to work, as well as the GSA-related ports. Anything higher or equal to DX9 should be good.

.. now, by firewall, I mean any device or software that may filter the network traffic between you and GSA. It could be within your OS , turned on, without you knowing it. (Windows XP). It could be the device you may be using for net connectivity. (ie: linksys router).
.. and it could be at your ISP's.

If you can positively say you have all of these items covered and double-checked, then I too don't know what's wrong.


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Re: There *IS* going to be another OP patch.
« Reply #226 on: June 08, 2003, 02:07:10 am »
Also describe stepwise what happens when you are in an OP room on GSA, ready, and the game is started.

Does the same thing happen if you make your own room, ready up and start the game by yourself (alone that is)?  


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Re: There *IS* going to be another OP patch.
« Reply #227 on: June 08, 2003, 02:45:56 am »
3 Things I'd like to see:

1. Fix the LWX arc. It annoys me.
2. Fix the stop dead in space fighter bug/defend me bug. It's repeatable, happens every time. Corbormite has all the details on this one.
3. Give the poor romulans their SFB cloak. They'd be much safer when cloaked, though when cloaking they'd be a bit more vunerable. They already don't have bolts or carriers.

Things I'd love to have them add (IE, cold day in hell):
Fighters and PF functionality for all races. You don't need to add the content, we'll do that. And it would be nice if they were to do this that they would allow fighters and PF's on the same ship at the same time.


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Re: There *IS* going to be another OP patch.
« Reply #228 on: June 08, 2003, 09:07:12 am »
Actually, "cold day in hell" might be more apt a description for some of these (still would be awfully nice to have):

1. Webs
2. PA Panels
3. Displacement Device
4. Stasis Field Generator
5. "Extra" race slots on the empire map for modders to add races

Or, more reasonable:

6. Abililty to turn off engine doubling for individual cartels (again for race modders)
7. Fighter loadout restrictions
8. ACTUAL combat BPVs taken into account for matching/scoring (so whatever damage and supplies/fighters/PFs a ship has at the start affect the baseline BPV)
9. Plasma-I that follow the rules
10. Offensive Plasma-D for fighters

Sure, there's a whole lot more we could ask for. At this point, anything we get is gravy. Thanks Dave, for working on another patch. Thanks testers, for helping him and suggesting fixes.


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Re: There *IS* going to be another OP patch.
« Reply #229 on: June 08, 2003, 12:36:31 pm »
How about adding special drones for extra pp? The swordfish drone would be a cool addition for the Mirak and pirates only.


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Re: There *IS* going to be another OP patch.
« Reply #230 on: June 08, 2003, 02:38:03 pm »
that would be complex.
You would need to be able to select the swordfish, pick it's target, and launch it. There's no interface to do that.
Creating a drone that matches speed of target and generates a constant ECM stream would be easy enough I imagine, getting it out the launch tube would be hard.


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Re: There *IS* going to be another OP patch.
« Reply #231 on: June 08, 2003, 03:01:47 pm »

that would be complex.
You would need to be able to select the swordfish, pick it's target, and launch it. There's no interface to do that.
Creating a drone that matches speed of target and generates a constant ECM stream would be easy enough I imagine, getting it out the launch tube would be hard.  

Modify a fighter to look like a drone, set it permanently on "Defend Me" and drop it out the shuttle bay. Of course, when the drone stops dead at range 6 from your target due to the fighter stopping bug people will scream bloody murder!  


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Re: There *IS* going to be another OP patch.
« Reply #232 on: June 08, 2003, 03:03:09 pm »
Firesoul, is there any chance your OP+ shiplist will be official in the new patch? Besides the neutral coop DV fix, that would make the OP patch really cool.

I'll keep my fingers crossed!


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Re: There *IS* going to be another OP patch.
« Reply #233 on: June 09, 2003, 03:17:59 pm »
I haven't installed the last patch because I read that G2 phasers are completely broken by it.  Is this true and is it something which is likely to be fixed in the next patch?  I like the look of a lot of what is in the latest patch but as a Hydran fan the cons (i.e. broken G2's) outweigh the pros.  


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Re: There *IS* going to be another OP patch.
« Reply #234 on: June 09, 2003, 03:19:52 pm »

Firesoul, is there any chance your OP+ shiplist will be official in the new patch? Besides the neutral coop DV fix, that would make the OP patch really cool.

I'll keep my fingers crossed!  

I know you asked last night via D2, but I'll respond here for everyone..
.. no, it's a mod. Besides, it could contain material that Taldren hasn't signed an agreement for.

Besides, I'm not done yet. I'm waiting for some times to happen first.. then I intend to do a big release version.
-- Luc
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by FireSoul »


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Re: There *IS* going to be another OP patch.
« Reply #235 on: June 09, 2003, 04:02:14 pm »
Actually - I can tell you that the LWX arc is fixed, and some other arcs requested by Firesoul have been implemented besides (The graphics depictions of the new arcs on your ship weapons overlay will not be right, but that would require making new graphics - not gonna happen). That will allow him to do some pretty wonderful stuff to his custom shiplist.

There are lots of other goodies too - we all hope that this WILL be the patch that makes OP D2 a reality, but only time will tell.



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Re: There *IS* going to be another OP patch.
« Reply #236 on: June 09, 2003, 04:20:12 pm »

Actually - I can tell you that the LWX arc is fixed, and some other arcs requested by Firesoul have been implemented besides (The graphics depictions of the new arcs on your ship weapons overlay will not be right, but that would require making new graphics - not gonna happen). That will allow him to do some pretty wonderful stuff to his custom shiplist.

I'm hoping that some work will be done for these arcs.. because there are very close analagous arcs that could be used for the UI... and a couple of arcs that are not in SFC actually showed up in the random'd UI for these arcs. We'll wait and see.

Edit: If the extra work would have to be at the sprites.q3 level, then.. no. We'll have incorrect UI arcs for these additional arcs.
Edit2: PS. I was hoping the news about the added arcs would have stayed.... a surprise.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2003, 05:10:07 pm by FireSoul »


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Re: There *IS* going to be another OP patch.
« Reply #237 on: June 09, 2003, 04:53:38 pm »

I asked David Ferrell if it was allright to let people know about the patching work currently in progress for SFC:OP.  I just got the OK from David Ferrell:


At least it lets them know there is another patch coming.

Well, we've been at it for a few weeks now. DavidF has been swamped with bugfix requests and .. well.. just plain old requests... but I think all the issues have been mentioned so far. Currently we, the testers, have a debugging serverkit up which logs massive amounts of data after each mission. The goal is to collect hard valuable data about the "Neutral Coop Bug", and possibly any Pirate Map layer interaction bugs. It could be that both are related and are one and the same.

This post is in reaction to something I spotted lately in the forums:

I have no idea what is or isn't planned in terms of future OP patches. I wouldn't hold my breath for another one, that's for sure.  

You can breathe now.    

That's definitely good to hear, but I'm still thinking it won't be a good idea for one to hold his or her breath in anticipation. Even under the best of circumstances, patches for the SFC series have been mighty slow in coming.  I mean, SFC3 was released about seven months ago and I think we're still waiting for the first (non-beta) patch, aren't we?  OP went about a year between patches?

Again...I'm very gratified that there is some hope and that maybe the neutral co-op bug will be red-carded and a sent off.  I just hope it happens in my lifetime....  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dogmatix! »


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Re: There *IS* going to be another OP patch.
« Reply #238 on: June 09, 2003, 05:06:58 pm »
Well.. let me share with you what's going on concerning the Neutral Coop bug at this moment.

The big problem with that bug, and the pirate map interaction problems I might add, is the sheer lack of information.
  "It sometimes occur when I do this."
  "It doesn't happen all the time."
  "It's only when under these circumstances.. but sometimes actually works."

So what was done is a non-fixed serverkit (for the current tester build only, sorry) which logs additional information. Testers would log into the test D2, and play a few games specifically to generate data.
ie: "10:10 pm EST. Hex: x,y. This guy drafted me. We're both klingons. Neutral coop bug occured."
The logs generated gave an idea of where to look, but the exact bug was not tracked down.

So another serverkit with even MORE log spammage was compiled and put in place. Some fixes are going to be attempted. Etc. This cycle will continue at need.

If the Neutral Coop Bug hasn't been squashed yet, it will be.

-- Luc


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Re: There *IS* going to be another OP patch.
« Reply #239 on: June 09, 2003, 07:48:59 pm »
Firesoul, that sounds great. I hope you smash the neutral coop bug. If push comes to push, delete the damn pirate map so the normal map works. That might be extreme, but who plays pirate anyway? It would be better to have a working D2 than have a broken map with no pirate players.

Unless of course you are going to fix the pirates!