Topic: EAW / OP Configurable mission packs (D2) - beta (?)  (Read 12452 times)

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Klingon Fanatic

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Re: EAW / OP Configurable mission packs (D2) - beta (?)
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2003, 11:25:16 am »
Still crashing to desktop after d/l the beta missions twice.  I think I'll  reinstall the pre-6/10 beta and just wait for the official missions.

NW, you make really cool missions. Thank you for all your support.



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Re: EAW / OP Configurable mission packs (D2) - beta (?)
« Reply #21 on: June 18, 2003, 04:29:22 pm »
Weird, will see what I can find out

Is this OP or EAW?


Klingon Fanatic

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Re: EAW / OP Configurable mission packs (D2) - beta (?)
« Reply #22 on: June 18, 2003, 04:35:53 pm »

Weird, will see what I can find out

Is this OP or EAW?


The OP version crashes to desktop at the green loading screen (with the Orion DN pic)

 I'm sure you'll have this worked out for the official non-beta release. Thanks again.


« Last Edit: June 18, 2003, 06:12:42 pm by Klingon Fanatic »


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Re: EAW / OP Configurable mission packs (D2) - beta (?)
« Reply #23 on: June 18, 2003, 08:06:50 pm »
OK, the problem may have been in the way I had things packaged up - some undesirable old rubbish got included by accident.

Try going to your Assets/scripts folder and removing the following three files

Then grab the repackaged zip file from the link above, sorry for yet another download!

Hopefully this will clear up your problem
<crosses fingers>

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: EAW / OP Configurable mission packs (D2) - beta (?)
« Reply #24 on: June 19, 2003, 04:15:05 pm »

 Then grab the repackaged zip file from the link above, sorry for yet another download!

Hopefully this will clear up your problem
<crosses fingers>

Seems to have worked. No problems noted so far.

 I love these missions and am looking forward to playing many more you crank out for us.

Thanks for all your help.


Tumulorum Fossor

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Re: EAW / OP Configurable mission packs (D2) - beta (?)
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2003, 05:56:17 pm »
So when can we take the "Beta" designate off of the Config Mission Pack?

And thanks, Dave!



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Re: EAW / OP Configurable mission packs (D2) - beta (?)
« Reply #26 on: July 10, 2003, 08:31:29 am »
When will these become non-beta?

The Postman

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Re: EAW / OP Configurable mission packs (D2) - beta (?)
« Reply #27 on: July 10, 2003, 12:33:34 pm »
I downloaded these missions today (7/10) so you know which version I have. I was playing Planetary Defence as a Fed when I tried to switch to command to an SB when everything froze up. I could not get to the task manager to get out of it. I had to dump the power and reboot.

Great job on the missions.
What is the difference between Planet Defence and Planetary Defence?  


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Re: EAW / OP Configurable mission packs (D2) - beta (?)
« Reply #28 on: July 11, 2003, 08:51:26 am »
I also downloaded both sets 7/10 and installed them both on D2 servers. I noticed two things so far.
Neither OP nor EAW will validate the gf file when included in the server's ValidatedClientFiles folder.
(Maybe the gf file could be renamed and referenced in the scripts as an scr to fool the server validation?)
The EAW BattleLog.txt file lists all player names as "Gor" (who was not present of course), I have
not run any battles on the OP server yet, I'll try a few today.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Bonk »

The Postman

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Re: EAW / OP Configurable mission packs (D2) - beta (?)
« Reply #29 on: July 11, 2003, 01:27:31 pm »
Base Defence bug?
3 times I have played this mission and destroyed all attacking ships. The after battle report shows a loss and the hex flips neutral. The battles were not any where near the base and none of the infrastructure was damaged. the allied fleet did take losses and damage however.    


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Re: EAW / OP Configurable mission packs (D2) - beta (?)
« Reply #30 on: July 18, 2003, 12:23:26 pm »
Is it permitted to mirror these missions and if so who is?  The download speed from NW is running like 9k/sec.  That is just taking way too long.


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Re: EAW / OP Configurable mission packs (D2) - beta (?)
« Reply #31 on: July 23, 2003, 08:35:12 am »
In the OP mission packs:

spares permanently taken away bug is still persistant;  In no mission where I did not use spares did this occur, but several missions where I did use spares, the restricted spares are not restored, leaving you with only the spares remaining at the end of the mission.

Base defense mission in dense asteroid field has so many objects my computer slows to an unplayable state; ie hits don't register, ships jump about, several 'lag' hits, etc.

control vs. kaos master mission;  I'm not losing control of my ship for half a turn, it's just constantly turning itself to yellow alert every five turns or so.  As soon as it hits yellow alert, I can switch back to red alert.  Very annoying.

real mission names weren't enabled on bonk's server, so I don't know the specifics of which mission was doing what.

only the base defense mission had era specific missles or fighters.  All other missions encountered have default loadouts.

Snuffling bugs,




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Re: EAW / OP Configurable mission packs (D2) - beta (?)
« Reply #32 on: July 23, 2003, 11:05:58 am »
The parts not being restored bug is happening over on EAW, as well.  I lost 22 spares many, many times last night on LB4.


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Re: EAW / OP Configurable mission packs (D2) - beta (?)
« Reply #33 on: August 04, 2003, 06:24:40 am »
Now that we have a NEW patch, NEW ships and playlist to play it with, how about some info on how it is all tied with the DEFAULT mission pack how does it all mix? Any problems?  

Rod O'neal

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Re: EAW / OP Configurable mission packs (D2) - beta (?)
« Reply #34 on: August 10, 2003, 09:40:51 pm »
Thought that this needed a bump!!! It's good stuff.  


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Re: EAW / OP Configurable mission packs (D2) - beta (?)
« Reply #35 on: August 11, 2003, 11:45:06 am »
There will be a release to fix the remaining bugs sometime in the next few weeks - sorry for the long delays, but this summer has turned out to be hellishly busy.

The only changes over the past month or so have been a fix for "spare parts not returned" in the 17Patrol and 2DataRecovery missions, and a fix for the allied base defense mission that was returning a loss result when the player actually won.

If folks have spotted other specific bugs please list them here and I'll be back to go through them all in a week or so and apply some fixes  (plus anything that folks have already posted above of course).  I'm not likely to have a lot of time, so no new features or sweeping changes are likely, but bug fixes and small specific items should be managable.



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Re: EAW / OP Configurable mission packs (D2) - beta (?)
« Reply #36 on: August 17, 2003, 08:29:26 am »
Ah, just noticed your post. The biggest issues I recall are double firing plasma (legendary officers? connection issues?), AI stripping for PvP does not seem to work (fought a lot of 3vs3's with one human per side) and the file can not be included in validation (perhaps rename and reference it as a .scr?).

I think both TraceyG and Karnak have solutions/ideas on the double firing issue, and perhaps the AI stripping is working as it should I'm not sure, maybe just the 3vs3 mission is too frequent? (2vs1 humans still ended up as 3vs3 in it)

You may want to check the triggering on your base missions, they seem to be showing up in non-base hexes ocassionally. (though this may have been LB4 settings, but I noticed the same on my server but not as frequent, with closer to default settings)

There may have been a few other issues, let me dig round a bit, and just ask if you have any particular questions. The mission pack as last used on LB4 (EAW) is still in use on the the Masters Arena EAW D2 server (hehe, thanks for the name...). The files to login are here:  Litterbox 4 Round 3 Installer or here: Current Masters Arena Files. The server will only be up for another week as I am moving.  You may want to check with Fluf if he hasn't been in contact with you as I think he will recall more details.

I had the OP pack in use on my OP server for a time but didn't leave them up long enough to get much testing done or feedback. There has been some hesitance to use the OP pack until the issues found in the EAW pack are addressed (though they all may not even carry over to OP...). I've been using your standard pack on my current OP server with OP+ 3 and it has been working well.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Bonk »

The Postman

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Re: EAW / OP Configurable mission packs (D2) - beta (?)
« Reply #37 on: August 30, 2003, 12:24:37 pm »
Diplomatic Delivery
I just played this mission. The first thing I noticed was that no enemy AI was spawned. I did have an allied AI. So I delivered the diplomat to the planet and grabbed the spare parts for my ship. The mission would not end. Sorry, I did not think to fly off the map to see what would happen. If I get this again I will do just that.  


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Re: EAW / OP Configurable mission packs (D2) - beta (?)
« Reply #38 on: September 08, 2003, 01:14:02 pm »
OK, both beta packs have been updated.  Well, the OP beta pack is just uploading now, but should be ready in 2-3 minutes.

The configuration files now use the .scr extension, and can (in fact, should) be included in the servers list of validated files.

The problems with disappearing spares have been eliminated - if you spot any straggler missions that don't restore spares let me know and I should be able to fix them quite quickly.

A number of other bugs (most of those listed above, plus some bits and pieces involving results reporting and prestige awards) have also been fixed, and many of the bug fixes that appeared ages ago for the EAW pack are now in the OP pack as well.

The configurable packs will now replace the older non-configurable versions, mostly to eliminate the hassle of trying to keep up bug fixes on both versions.  If admins don't want the "configurable" behaviour then just set the spares limits to 40 (or higher) and the probability of base destruction to 1.0 and the behaviour will be the same as the old packs (except less buggy and more balanced).

There are still a small handful of missions that don't limit spares - mostly the specialized missions (from the old ISC storyline campaign) plus a couple of the convoy missions and the OP-specific missions.

The links are below, note I'm leaving the OP version under the "beta" link until SS2 finishes to avoid screwing up anyone who needs to reload their SS2 missions.

  EAW missions

OP missions

Let me know if other issues come up!


Klingon Fanatic

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Re: EAW / OP Configurable mission packs (D2) - beta (?)
« Reply #39 on: September 08, 2003, 05:45:29 pm »
Thank you for the update Nuclear Wessels!

BTW: Are you still working on SFC1 style missions?
