OK, I've posted beta mission packs for the new configurable missions (the same set of missions as the standard ED packs, but now configurable as per the notes below)
The EAW pack is at
http://www.sfcx.org/downloads/mirrors/NuclearWessels/EAWMissionsBeta.zipand the OP is at
http://www.sfcx.org/downloads/mirrors/NuclearWessels/OPMissionsBeta.zipEDIT: both packs have been updated as of 11:30pm (PDT) June 10. Testing, both server and SP, seems to be going well. There were a few minor bugs with supplies and with text reporting in some missions, but those have been cleaned up with the update -- hopefully we're close to a release versionHere's the description from the configuration.gf file (aw hell, here's the file itself)
// ================ GENERAL NOTES NWMissionConfig.gf ================================
// This file contains configuration specifications for most of the missions in the NW mission pack,
// allowing you (or a server admin) to adjust the following settings:
// - the level of supplies carried by AI ships (drones, bombs, parts, marines)
// - the probability of legendary officers on AI ships
// - the number of repair parts a ship may actually use in a single mission
// (more can be carried, but won't generally be usable in a single mission)
// - prestige bonus awards for PvP missions
// - the level of AI present in PvP missions
// - the probability of a base being removed from the dynaverse map by a single successful
// mission (only for online servers which have the appropriate server settings enabled)
// The configuration file is supported in both the EAW and OP mission packs,
// and should result in similar effects in each game
// To use this file it MUST be in your Assets/scripts folder,
// along with the mission Met_NWConfig.scr
// (servers should put copies of both these files in their ValidatedClients folder after
// establishing the settings they want in this file, and provide the edited file as part
// of the necessary download for the server)
// Note on Met_NWConfig.scr
// Simply by having the Met_NWConfig.scr in your scripts folder it automatically carries out some
// initialization when the game is run and/or a campaign is loaded - it is probably best NOT to
// include this script in the mission list in the .mct file for a campaign. I have attempted to
// ensure that if it is accidentally included in the .mct list it will run as a normal patrol,
// but that is not the primary purpose of the script and is not recommended.
// ================= BATTLE LOGS =================================================
// The missions will also generate summaries of each battle, adding them to the end of a file
// named "BattleLog.txt" in your main SFC folder
// If you find the log is not being generated then create an empty file named "BattleLog.txt"
// in that folder (e.g. using Notepad) and the next time you run the game you should
// find it adding data to the log.
// ================= MISSION CONFIGURATION SETTINGS ===============================
// AI BPV modifiers - for non-drafted opponents, multiply the AI's BPV by this value,
// any value in the range 0.5 to 2.0 is valid
AIBPVModifier = 0.9
// Note that the MissionMatching.gf file controls the drafting BPV modifiers,
// using variables CaptainDiff, CommodoreDiff, and AdmiralDiff
// (either on the server or in your MetaAssets\ServerProfiles\Singleplayer folder)
// Disable AI in PvP situations:
// 0 is default (normal AI levels),
// if set to 1 then some missions will reduce the amount of AI in the mission
// during PvP battles
DisableAIDuringPvP = 0
// Bonus PP for PvP missions:
// this is a flat bonus given to the players for the specified results in any PvP mission
AstoundingVictoryPvPBonus = 500
VictoryPvPBonus = 400
DrawPvPBonus = 300
DefeatPvPBonus = 200
DevastatingDefeatPvPBonus = 100
// AI legendary officer probabilities:
// values 0.0 to 1.0 are valid
// (e.g. LegendAICook = 0.10 means there is a 10% chance an AI ship would have a legendary cook on board)
// Note: use of the legendary helm officer is not recommended
LegendaryAICaptain = 0.01
LegendaryAIWeapon = 0.05
LegendaryAIEngineer = 0.10
LegendaryAIScience = 0.15
LegendaryAIMarine = 0.10
LegendaryAIComm = 0.15
LegendaryAIHelm = 0.05
// AI supply modifiers - multiply the default amount of AI supplies by this value,
// any value in the range 0.0 to 2.0 is accepted
AIDroneModifier = 3.0
AIPartsModifier = 2.0
AIBombsModifier = 2.0
AIMarinesModifier = 1.5
// Limit the number of spare parts a ship can use in one mission:
// set by the ship's hull class, 0 means no limit
// For example, if a player's frigate has 20 spares, and the per-mission limit
// for frigates is set at 8, then 12 spares are deducted from the player's
// supplies at the start of the mission and restored at the end of the mission
// NOTE: in fact, the player can actually use more than the limit in mission by
// stealing parts off other ships, planets, etc.
FreighterSpareLimit = 2
FrigateSpareLimit = 4
DestroyerSpareLimit = 8
WarDestroyerSpareLimit = 5
LightCruiserSpareLimit = 8
HeavyCruiserSpareLimit = 12
NewHeavyCruiserSpareLimit = 10
HeavyBattlecruiserSpareLimit = 14
CarrierSpareLimit = 16
DreadnoughtSpareLimit = 16
BattleshipSpareLimit = 20
BaseSpareLimit = 12
BatsSpareLimit = 16
StarbaseSpareLimit = 20
PlanetSpareLimit = 25
SpecialSpareLimit = 8
OtherSpareLimit = 4
// For servers which enable "one shot" destruction of bases,
// these probabilities control the likelihood that any one successful mission
// will remove the base from the map
BaseDestructProb = 0.0
BatsDestructProb = 0.0
SBDestructProb = 0.0