Topic: Easiest race/cruiser for newbies?  (Read 3599 times)

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Easiest race/cruiser for newbies?
« on: June 06, 2003, 12:09:00 am »
What is the easiest and/or best race for newbies to play to learn the game? Which cruiser can they get a victory in soonest? If this has been hashed over already, I don't remember the popular take on it.

I'm mostly interested  in  SFC2/OP but I guess SFC3 opinions are okay.



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Re: Easiest race/cruiser for newbies?
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2003, 03:36:35 am »
Hmm....lemme look in the archives under Nannerslug interviews...yup, here it is.


...I would say the Federation cruiser class is the easiest for the new player to achive victory...




Alidar Jarok

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Re: Easiest race/cruiser for newbies?
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2003, 09:10:30 am »

Maybe you should try Romulans.  Plasma Torpedoes (sounds tempting )

Seriously, for SFC2, I think the Mirak might be a good choice for a beginner vs. the AI, or beginner vs. Beginner

For SFC3, The Blue Plague might be the best, you could try the Borg.  Romulans have Plasma, which does a bunch of damage, but you have slow rechage rates
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Alidar Jarok »


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Re: Easiest race/cruiser for newbies?
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2003, 09:14:41 am »
yes, would have to say that for a beginner, the mirak would be the easiest of races to get the hang of.


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Re: Easiest race/cruiser for newbies?
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2003, 09:31:44 am »
I would say that the Hydrans(hellbore ships) and feds would be easiest to learn as they have some pretty straight forward tactics that work.  Close the range and Alpha strike.  I'm not saying these are the ONLY tactics that they have just that those particular tacticss do work for them.


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Re: Easiest race/cruiser for newbies?
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2003, 10:25:15 am »

Essential reading for the Blue Plague Cadets.  


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Re: Easiest race/cruiser for newbies?
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2003, 10:33:15 am »
Hey Whiplash, I actually put some thought into this for you.  I came up with the following basic scenes/quotes from all newbies learning the game in history.  Pick which quote works best for you.

Federation: "Oh ya, I'm Kirk, I'm bad!  Those Klingons are toast!  I'm gonna hit you with photons and!....  Dangit, Kirk's never miss...  Ok, reload,  why aren't they reloading?   2 turns?  Ok, no problem.  Ow, stop shooting me.  Ow, stop!  Ok, loaded!  Put our nose on his hull and fire!  Ouch!  Still not dead, ok 2 more rounds of recharge, get him in front and kill!  Nice explosion, but that kinda stung."  Note that with heavy cruisers you will have to repeat this process.  Hint, vs ai fire photons at range 2.01, no feedback damage, and 83% hits.  Respect the phaser array of a federation ship, and it's abilities.  IMO too many people fly fed cause that's what they've seen in the movies/shows, and want to be the 'good guys'.  Play a villian Whiplash, you already have a good name for it.  =)

Klingon:  "Oh ya, I'm Klingon, Kirk's dead!  I'll pepper you with disruptors till your momma cries in her sleep.  Dangit, do some damage will ya?  Stupid disruptors. At least they charge really fast (fastest charing heavy weapon in the game, least damage). Ok, I'll fire my phasers with em (since they all have really good arcs and you usually have more power than the enemy, you can affoard this).  Hmm, still not through, ok get closer.  Ouch, stop shooting me!  Ok, fire!  Ooo, shield down, send over those kick butt klingon marines and!...  nothing?  They went over to play bridge and have a beer?  Sigh, just chuck drones at the ai till it's gone.  Hey, drones are neat."  For klingon you're really gonna have to whip out the manual and learn the best firing ranges (look for numbers that double at certian points), and learn to manage power.  Open the Energy managment panel on the left side of the HUD (little lightning bolt) and watch how your ship uses power.  This is best for learning the game, but tougher.

Romulan: "Drones were neat, but plasma, bwahey!  They can't be tractored or killed by AMD.  I'll just fire some plasma till my enemy is dead dead dead.  Hmm, slow load time.  Ugf, the enemy used a wild weasel.  Hmm, slow load time.  Ugf!  Wild weasel!  Maybe I'll try cloaking till I charge this time.  Hey, why can my enemy see exactly where I am, and even fire at me?  Doesn't seem to hurt too bad, sure wish he'd stop though.   Ok, finally charged, decloak, fire, hooray we won."  Romulans have to get an opponent to chase them (usually) and bombard with plasma.  Easy win, just do greater speed than opponent, and it takes awhile.  And it'll blow you away how different humans are vs plasma than AI.  Keep that in mind.

Lyrans:  "To Ram or not to Ram, that is the question."  Sure, vs ai you can just ram, works great if it's 1 ship vs 1 ship, pretty easy wins.  Fire phasers at point blank as you overrun with the ESG (make sure it's fully powered, at least on the first pass you make).  Same type of direct fire weapons klingons have, similar numbers, just the firing arcs aren't quite as good as the better klingon models.  But you'll have to learn power management and ranges, scroll back up to Klingon.

Hydran: "What the hell are THESE weapons?"   Interesting choice for a new player.  Overloaded fusions vs ai will do heaps of damage (Whiplash, they have a cooldown cycle of 1 turn, so don't be surprised when they don't reload right away), so will the gatling phasers (fire really close, they're scary), and that gives them good crunch power.  But hydrans use alot of fighters, and I think most new players will be put off by how the AI with AMD or whatnot will kill fighters groups, costing you money.  It can be frustrating.  Fighter squads will come back at full strength if you recall them, even if they were down to only 1 fighter left.  The Hydran Hellbore is a cool weapon for an opponent that keeps at range, but only 1-2 hellbores take awhile to get through the shields (hence the fusions/gatlings/fighters.  They get you through 1 or more shields faster).  PS Use fighters on Harass it keeps them a bit safer.

Gorn:  "BWAHEY!  Lookit all THAT plasma!"  Ya, more plasma than a Romulan, and (usually) slower but tougher ships.  Better phasers as well.  No cloaking device, but with a gorns plasma, the opponent will be the one wanting to cloak.

ISC:  "Never heard of ISC, who are these guys? Frogs?!?  Well, let's look at their ships anyway.   Hmm, plasma, and some new weird thing(PPD).  Ok, charge weapons!  Why wont those I torps all charge?  I've got the power.  Still not charging, weird.  Maybe they're broken?  Ok, loaded, and... hmm, this weird weapon (PPD) seems to be a raged weapon.  Ok, fire weird thing (PPD)!   VooPa VooPa VooPA bleeeeerggghhh.  Well, it was hitting, wonder why it stopped? (Because you turned out of it's firing arc, it loses lock on)  Turn away and fire the I torps!  Now why can't I fire both of my I torps?  STOP BEEPING WHEN I HIT FIRE!  Just fire dammit!  (30 seconds of holding down the fire button and getting beeped at)  There, finally!   Recharge weird thing (PPD) and repeat as needed, fire plasma if enemy ever gets close enough."  Ok, good ships, good phasers, decent plasma, and a new weapon to learn.  ISC are nasty vessels PvP (player vs player) and rather cheesy.  Flying ISC will not cause you to learn the game, it's missions all take more time than other races, and, well, you really want to be a rabid frog with a nasal whine?  To charge all of the I torps, you have to set the weapon to Defensive, and can only fire one a turn, from either launcher, not both.

Mirak:  "Hey, thse guys got ALOT of drones.  Drones Drones Drones, kewl."  Mirak have the same direct fire weapons as lyran and Klingon, but less of the stronger phasers, more of the point defense ones (Ph3).  You won't have to be as fine with power management, or firing ranges, as mirak droes can overwhelm an ai rather quickly.  Miraks can do really fast missions (though are sub par vs humans).

Think I'd agree with mirak as easiest, least frustrating for a new player to learn. OK ships, decent hull strength, and lotsa lotsa drones.  Only thing is, you'll have more to learn when you start playing vs humans, and they just avoid and out run all your drones.  Choice is yours.

Problem with the plasma races is mostly recharge time, and getting the damn ai to chase you (sometimes it just runs away, very irritating if you only have phasers to fire back from range 20).  With mirak you have disruptors for that occasion.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by MadElf »


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Re: Easiest race/cruiser for newbies?
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2003, 10:46:48 am »
Nice effort there, MadElf!

I'm thinking that Hydran and Fed is probably the most intuitive race to learn for most people.  That doesn't mean they are easy, it just means that the usual default strategy of a new player is going to work fairly well in those ships.  Mirak are great vs. the AI, but not terribly hot in PvP battles (except for a few notable hulls).  The Mirak ships are a good place to start, though...especially if you think you might like to fly Klingon some time down the road.  The extra drone racks will get you out of far more pickles than the Klingon Ph2s...heheh.


Alidar Jarok

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Re: Easiest race/cruiser for newbies?
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2003, 11:38:36 am »

I would say that the Hydrans(hellbore ships) and feds would be easiest to learn as they have some pretty straight forward tactics that work.  Close the range and Alpha strike.  I'm not saying these are the ONLY tactics that they have just that those particular tacticss do work for them.  

Isn't close range alpha strike better for Fusion ships?

I love playing Hydran, but have a nasty habit of blowing up, getting angry, playing a SP skirmish with a ton of ships (being the Mirak) and just hitting the Z key when my Drones reload

I think I'm going to go back and play Romulans again.  As soon as I can find my CD and install it on my cool new Laptop...


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Re: Easiest race/cruiser for newbies?
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2003, 03:38:43 pm »

 STOP BEEPING WHEN I HIT FIRE!  Just fire dammit!

MadElf, I´ve played OP such a long time ago that I almost forgot about that.
You made me laugh with this....thank you...

I am going to re-install OP/EAW this weekend to remember old times......



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Re: Easiest race/cruiser for newbies?
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2003, 04:59:29 pm »
I find the "marine beaming over to play bridge and have beer" the funniest...

IMHO, for SFC2/OP: Either Mirak or Gorn should be ok. (given the opponent doesn't know about proper point defense and seeking avoidance tactics (i.e. Run away))

The X cruisers are really easy to fly. (except when against an equally competent opponenet. then its gets frustrating)
Without X tech (EAW), I'd say the CCH or NCA level cruisers are the easiest to fly. Unlike BCH which have too many weapons and require careful management, or the lighter cruisers which are not strong enough to endure much punishment.

For SFC3, Fed with Pulse and Quantum Torps.

I know this has been said and rebuked many times, but I still believe it to be true:
A fully loaded Defiant can take any ship short of the Dreadnaught (Soveriegn) level. Since it's a good balance between firepower and maneoveurablity.

Alidar Jarok

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Re: Easiest race/cruiser for newbies?
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2003, 04:14:59 pm »
Since this has one of my earliest posts, I thought it would be a good idea to post it (and it is relavent too )

Page One
Page Two


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Easiest race/cruiser for newbies?
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2003, 12:09:00 am »
What is the easiest and/or best race for newbies to play to learn the game? Which cruiser can they get a victory in soonest? If this has been hashed over already, I don't remember the popular take on it.

I'm mostly interested  in  SFC2/OP but I guess SFC3 opinions are okay.



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Re: Easiest race/cruiser for newbies?
« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2003, 03:36:35 am »
Hmm....lemme look in the archives under Nannerslug interviews...yup, here it is.


...I would say the Federation cruiser class is the easiest for the new player to achive victory...




Alidar Jarok

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Re: Easiest race/cruiser for newbies?
« Reply #14 on: June 06, 2003, 09:10:30 am »

Maybe you should try Romulans.  Plasma Torpedoes (sounds tempting )

Seriously, for SFC2, I think the Mirak might be a good choice for a beginner vs. the AI, or beginner vs. Beginner

For SFC3, The Blue Plague might be the best, you could try the Borg.  Romulans have Plasma, which does a bunch of damage, but you have slow rechage rates
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Alidar Jarok »


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Re: Easiest race/cruiser for newbies?
« Reply #15 on: June 06, 2003, 09:14:41 am »
yes, would have to say that for a beginner, the mirak would be the easiest of races to get the hang of.


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Re: Easiest race/cruiser for newbies?
« Reply #16 on: June 06, 2003, 09:31:44 am »
I would say that the Hydrans(hellbore ships) and feds would be easiest to learn as they have some pretty straight forward tactics that work.  Close the range and Alpha strike.  I'm not saying these are the ONLY tactics that they have just that those particular tacticss do work for them.


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Re: Easiest race/cruiser for newbies?
« Reply #17 on: June 06, 2003, 10:25:15 am »

Essential reading for the Blue Plague Cadets.  


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Re: Easiest race/cruiser for newbies?
« Reply #18 on: June 06, 2003, 10:33:15 am »
Hey Whiplash, I actually put some thought into this for you.  I came up with the following basic scenes/quotes from all newbies learning the game in history.  Pick which quote works best for you.

Federation: "Oh ya, I'm Kirk, I'm bad!  Those Klingons are toast!  I'm gonna hit you with photons and!....  Dangit, Kirk's never miss...  Ok, reload,  why aren't they reloading?   2 turns?  Ok, no problem.  Ow, stop shooting me.  Ow, stop!  Ok, loaded!  Put our nose on his hull and fire!  Ouch!  Still not dead, ok 2 more rounds of recharge, get him in front and kill!  Nice explosion, but that kinda stung."  Note that with heavy cruisers you will have to repeat this process.  Hint, vs ai fire photons at range 2.01, no feedback damage, and 83% hits.  Respect the phaser array of a federation ship, and it's abilities.  IMO too many people fly fed cause that's what they've seen in the movies/shows, and want to be the 'good guys'.  Play a villian Whiplash, you already have a good name for it.  =)

Klingon:  "Oh ya, I'm Klingon, Kirk's dead!  I'll pepper you with disruptors till your momma cries in her sleep.  Dangit, do some damage will ya?  Stupid disruptors. At least they charge really fast (fastest charing heavy weapon in the game, least damage). Ok, I'll fire my phasers with em (since they all have really good arcs and you usually have more power than the enemy, you can affoard this).  Hmm, still not through, ok get closer.  Ouch, stop shooting me!  Ok, fire!  Ooo, shield down, send over those kick butt klingon marines and!...  nothing?  They went over to play bridge and have a beer?  Sigh, just chuck drones at the ai till it's gone.  Hey, drones are neat."  For klingon you're really gonna have to whip out the manual and learn the best firing ranges (look for numbers that double at certian points), and learn to manage power.  Open the Energy managment panel on the left side of the HUD (little lightning bolt) and watch how your ship uses power.  This is best for learning the game, but tougher.

Romulan: "Drones were neat, but plasma, bwahey!  They can't be tractored or killed by AMD.  I'll just fire some plasma till my enemy is dead dead dead.  Hmm, slow load time.  Ugf, the enemy used a wild weasel.  Hmm, slow load time.  Ugf!  Wild weasel!  Maybe I'll try cloaking till I charge this time.  Hey, why can my enemy see exactly where I am, and even fire at me?  Doesn't seem to hurt too bad, sure wish he'd stop though.   Ok, finally charged, decloak, fire, hooray we won."  Romulans have to get an opponent to chase them (usually) and bombard with plasma.  Easy win, just do greater speed than opponent, and it takes awhile.  And it'll blow you away how different humans are vs plasma than AI.  Keep that in mind.

Lyrans:  "To Ram or not to Ram, that is the question."  Sure, vs ai you can just ram, works great if it's 1 ship vs 1 ship, pretty easy wins.  Fire phasers at point blank as you overrun with the ESG (make sure it's fully powered, at least on the first pass you make).  Same type of direct fire weapons klingons have, similar numbers, just the firing arcs aren't quite as good as the better klingon models.  But you'll have to learn power management and ranges, scroll back up to Klingon.

Hydran: "What the hell are THESE weapons?"   Interesting choice for a new player.  Overloaded fusions vs ai will do heaps of damage (Whiplash, they have a cooldown cycle of 1 turn, so don't be surprised when they don't reload right away), so will the gatling phasers (fire really close, they're scary), and that gives them good crunch power.  But hydrans use alot of fighters, and I think most new players will be put off by how the AI with AMD or whatnot will kill fighters groups, costing you money.  It can be frustrating.  Fighter squads will come back at full strength if you recall them, even if they were down to only 1 fighter left.  The Hydran Hellbore is a cool weapon for an opponent that keeps at range, but only 1-2 hellbores take awhile to get through the shields (hence the fusions/gatlings/fighters.  They get you through 1 or more shields faster).  PS Use fighters on Harass it keeps them a bit safer.

Gorn:  "BWAHEY!  Lookit all THAT plasma!"  Ya, more plasma than a Romulan, and (usually) slower but tougher ships.  Better phasers as well.  No cloaking device, but with a gorns plasma, the opponent will be the one wanting to cloak.

ISC:  "Never heard of ISC, who are these guys? Frogs?!?  Well, let's look at their ships anyway.   Hmm, plasma, and some new weird thing(PPD).  Ok, charge weapons!  Why wont those I torps all charge?  I've got the power.  Still not charging, weird.  Maybe they're broken?  Ok, loaded, and... hmm, this weird weapon (PPD) seems to be a raged weapon.  Ok, fire weird thing (PPD)!   VooPa VooPa VooPA bleeeeerggghhh.  Well, it was hitting, wonder why it stopped? (Because you turned out of it's firing arc, it loses lock on)  Turn away and fire the I torps!  Now why can't I fire both of my I torps?  STOP BEEPING WHEN I HIT FIRE!  Just fire dammit!  (30 seconds of holding down the fire button and getting beeped at)  There, finally!   Recharge weird thing (PPD) and repeat as needed, fire plasma if enemy ever gets close enough."  Ok, good ships, good phasers, decent plasma, and a new weapon to learn.  ISC are nasty vessels PvP (player vs player) and rather cheesy.  Flying ISC will not cause you to learn the game, it's missions all take more time than other races, and, well, you really want to be a rabid frog with a nasal whine?  To charge all of the I torps, you have to set the weapon to Defensive, and can only fire one a turn, from either launcher, not both.

Mirak:  "Hey, thse guys got ALOT of drones.  Drones Drones Drones, kewl."  Mirak have the same direct fire weapons as lyran and Klingon, but less of the stronger phasers, more of the point defense ones (Ph3).  You won't have to be as fine with power management, or firing ranges, as mirak droes can overwhelm an ai rather quickly.  Miraks can do really fast missions (though are sub par vs humans).

Think I'd agree with mirak as easiest, least frustrating for a new player to learn. OK ships, decent hull strength, and lotsa lotsa drones.  Only thing is, you'll have more to learn when you start playing vs humans, and they just avoid and out run all your drones.  Choice is yours.

Problem with the plasma races is mostly recharge time, and getting the damn ai to chase you (sometimes it just runs away, very irritating if you only have phasers to fire back from range 20).  With mirak you have disruptors for that occasion.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by MadElf »


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Re: Easiest race/cruiser for newbies?
« Reply #19 on: June 06, 2003, 10:46:48 am »
Nice effort there, MadElf!

I'm thinking that Hydran and Fed is probably the most intuitive race to learn for most people.  That doesn't mean they are easy, it just means that the usual default strategy of a new player is going to work fairly well in those ships.  Mirak are great vs. the AI, but not terribly hot in PvP battles (except for a few notable hulls).  The Mirak ships are a good place to start, though...especially if you think you might like to fly Klingon some time down the road.  The extra drone racks will get you out of far more pickles than the Klingon Ph2s...heheh.