Topic: atheorhaven...    (Read 1096 times)

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« on: June 05, 2003, 03:48:22 pm »
I just checked out your site. You've got some neat stuff!

I was looking at you in-game pics and saw three called "at hope". They are of a Constitution Class variant.

Is that one of your models? I've never seen that version before. If she's yours, Is she for SFC2/OP?

I'm a Constitution Class freak and I was hoping you wouldn't mind emailing her to me?

Much abliged!



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Re: atheorhaven...
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2003, 03:58:01 am »

I just checked out your site. You've got some neat stuff!

It's getting to be a good collection of stuff.. but if you really want to thank someone, first of all.. thank Mackie.    Without his webspace for this, I'd have no site online.  Mackie is the primary person that is making this all possible.  And then you can thank Atolm, p81, Mackie, Lord Schtupp, and many many others for giving me their meshes to work on.  Without their backbone, I'd just have created a lot of weird looking pictures.    When it comes to doing original meshes, I really haven't found The Program yet that'll let me model intuitively... though my TARDIS turned out pretty well.    But generally, I've been taking on projects that people have asked for... which is what makes the site a good resource I feel.  And until Kane is back online again.. it also has a mirror of the Babylon 5 portion of his "Station", one of biggest collections of Babylon 5 craft and stations on the 'Net.   A lot of people have gone into making the site what it is right now.. I'm mostly just the guy uploading and maintaining.  


 I was looking at you in-game pics and saw three called "at hope". They are of a Constitution Class variant.
Is that one of your models? I've never seen that version before. If she's yours, Is she for SFC2/OP?
I'm a Constitution Class freak and I was hoping you wouldn't mind emailing her to me?
Much abliged!

The at_hope pictures are ingame shots of my personal flagship ingame... and it's in SFC 1 and SFC 2.  But she's not for download.. sorry about that.  She was inspired by Captain Starkiller/WZ45's original OSF Lethality, and I used that ship as a basis to work from.  Her full name is the "Shining Hope" and the back story goes on her something like this:

B5 Universe: A group of Rangers (the An'la'Shok) get caught in a battle on the edge of a jumpgate.  They manage to mostly evade excessive damage right up until they enter the jump vortex when a shot cripples their ship.  They keep the engines powered long enough to get into hyperspace and a ways beyond the beacon.  Their propulsion systems then go offline... irreparably.  Faced with the choice of drifting further and further away from the travelled paths in hyperspace (and being lost forever) or taking a chance.. they rig up a way to create a gravimetric bubble around their ship with the idea of "floating uphill" in hyperspace until they got to a beacon.  It kind of backfires, and in the process throws them into normal space.  Lost.  Alone.  They put out a distress call and hope for the best.  They are picked up by a freighter after a period of time, and self-destruct their now useless ship so that no evidence of anything would be left behind.  They get to a trading post, and get a shock.

Federation space: The group of Rangers learn the lay of the land and start doing what they do best.  Intelligence work, bodyguard, anything and everything.  Always learning, listening, gathering knowledge.  And one is in the right place at the right time, and prevents an assassination attempt on a prominent Federation dignitary.  A promise of a future favor is made, and the Ranger goes on his way.  In another area of the Federation, research into alternative means of entering subspace are delved into, and a quantum scanning device is created.  The Rangers learn of all this, and a plan is born.  A favor is called in and a decommisioned Constitution Class ship is given to their cause.  Refitted and repainted, the newly rechristened "Shining Hope" is launched.  Her new mission, find a means to recreate their gravimetric experiment in reverse and get them home.

But thank you very much for your kind comments about her.. she looks incredibly beautiful ingame.  At least to me.    
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by atheorhaven »


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Re: atheorhaven...
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2003, 07:54:03 am »
In that case I also thank Mackie,  Atolm, P81, and Lord Schtupp as well! I just love the variety of Trek and non-Trek ships that have been created. I say, the more the merrier!

And thanks for letting me know about your beautiful personal flagship, Shining Hope! (I'm jealous!) If you ever decide to put her up for download, I'm gonna be the first in line!

