Topic: Sample Pic of my SFB Federation Heavy Crusier!!!  (Read 1414 times)

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Sample Pic of my SFB Federation Heavy Crusier!!!
« on: June 22, 2003, 10:12:21 pm »
Ok guys, this is just a test for now.  I don't know much about web development or HTML programming but I wanted to at least test this out by displaying a sample pic here to see if i can post images on the Taldren Board and show the community my latest creation with Milkshape.  Since I don't know much about Web programming, I'm only displaying one pic for now untill I get the hang of this.

About the ship:  I have been a big SFB fan since the early 1990's and I was a Star Trek fan for longer then that.  I was excited to buy my first copy of "Basic Set" SFB and all the rich history behind the SFB franchise.  I was sort of confused at first why the game was so much different then the Star Trek series.  As I found out information from people and reading material, I quickly learned why it was different.  But it did not discourage me from getting more SFB material since it was still a good game system and it still felt like Star Trek.  But one thing I sort of didn't like about SFB was all the TOS ships.  Granted, I do like TOS but I must agree with Beavis and Butt head ... er.. I mean Braga and Berman that the TOS ships did look sort of lilke toys.  So whenever I got an SFB material, I designed my own interpretation of what a Federation CA would like or a D6.  They were mostly sketchs of ships and not very detailed but I wanted to give the ships in SFB a little more "zip" you might say.  I've always liked the ship design of the Enterprise in the Motion Picture movies (especially the bridge design in Star Trek II and III) and wanted my designs to reflect that kind of advancment.  But I also wanted to keep a fairly simple design too.  I found a couple of my sketches about a year ago and since I started to get pretty good at modeling with Milkshape I thought "what the heck".  So I started working on this ship about 2 months ago and really like the results I got.

Ok, their are probably many SFB fans that will not like this design since it looks more like a TMP ship then a TOS ship or a design off of SFB material, but I wanted to give SFB a feel more like Star Trek II and VI  (my Favorite Star Trek Movies).  The model so far is compatable with SFC1, SFC2, and SFC:OP and even SFC3 (but it doesn't have glow effects).  I haven't figured out how to make hardpoints because Milkshape doesn't have that capability (at least not that I know of) and I'm still trying to figure out how to make break models.  And best part of all, I tried to keep the polys down.  This puppy only weighs in at 1600 polygons so that it can be used even on low end systems.  

Anyway, assuming this gets posted right, what do you guys think of her?  I hope a lot of SFB fans like my work because I'm planning to make more SFB ships like this.  I just hope someone could help me out by hosting my models since I don't have a website of my own and I don't know how to make a good one anyways.


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Re: Sample Pic of my SFB Federation Heavy Crusier!!!
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2003, 10:14:30 pm »
Ok guys, that didn't work.  I will post the web address here so that you can actually go to the website to check out the pic.



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Re: Sample Pic of my SFB Federation Heavy Crusier!!!
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2003, 01:16:16 am »
Very cool any more veiws???  


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Re: Sample Pic of my SFB Federation Heavy Crusier!!!
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2003, 08:15:08 am »
Very good work, Magnum357!

I think you should definately continue with your modeling. This debut ship of yours is very nice!

So it isn't canon. Who cares? I always say the more the merrier!

As a fan of The Motion Picture Enterprise, I think she will be a fine addition to the game!

Can't wait to download her!  


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Re: Sample Pic of my SFB Federation Heavy Crusier!!!
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2003, 08:51:03 pm »
Thanks guys.  I wish I could show some more views of her to you, but I know so little about web programming.  I tried contacting some guys at Fleetdock13 if they would post my models their, but I got no reply.  I may try Thulls site and see if he is interested.  

If you guys want, i could send you a copy if you guys provided an email address.  I could send both the SFC1 and SFC2 versions together through a .RAR file.


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Re: Sample Pic of my SFB Federation Heavy Crusier!!!
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2003, 08:58:35 pm »
Good work!!
As for posting pics, geocities won't allow remote linking.
You can upload the models to  SFC_MODELS  it is a yahoo group I created for that purpose. You can send me pics and I'll upload them for you to my site and send you the url...unfortunately, model files get corrupted when downloaded from my site, so just put 'em on the yahoo group.
Again, good job and keep 'em comin'.
EDIT: Almost forgot, you should be able to put your models on your geo 1st site was a geo and I was able to have stuf there.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2003, 09:02:33 pm by sandman69247 »


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Re: Sample Pic of my SFB Federation Heavy Crusier!!!
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2003, 09:17:25 pm »
Hey Sandman, that would be awsome!  Sure, I can send the pics and models to you if you wish.  Should I send the files to you personally?  If so, I will need an e-mail address.  

I really want to post my creations because I really think people will like my work and want to help promote the SFB material as much as possible.

James Formo

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Re: Sample Pic of my SFB Federation Heavy Crusier!!!
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2003, 10:14:46 pm »
Nice ship.  I once tried putting ships up at my yahoo club. The d/l kept getting cut off. Let me know how it goes.