Topic: More stuff at Mare Imbrium..  (Read 1667 times)

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More stuff at Mare Imbrium..
« on: June 05, 2003, 03:07:37 pm »
Well, I didn't get nearly as much done as I wanted on my days off.. my son has had a fever for the last few days, and that has kind of taken precidence.  However, I did get some ships converted over to SFC 1 like the Melak and the TOS Connie of Lord Schtupp's, plus a couple of others.    Feel free to take a look at the site..


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Re: More stuff at Mare Imbrium..
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2003, 06:50:06 pm »
Thanks again atheorhaven.  Beaming over bottles of Saurian Brandy. Energizing.  Do you have a copy of The Constellation that is undamaged for SFC1?  If not, would you be willing to change the registry of TOS Enterprise that I downloaded from Ghost.Fox Fleetdock13 website.  He used to have a name pack available online for this.  One last request, P81 and Atra-Hasis had the Drydock from "Star Trek:  The Motion Picture" available for SFC2, any chance you could make a SFC1 version of it?

Hope you son is doing better,

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by CyberHank1701 »

James Formo

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Re: More stuff at Mare Imbrium..
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2003, 08:43:23 pm »
Hey, I never realized that you had some of these ships up. Great assortment. Can't talk now must download.


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Re: More stuff at Mare Imbrium..
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2003, 08:00:32 am »
Any chance of a "fixed" Melak model in the near future?  


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Re: More stuff at Mare Imbrium..
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2003, 01:10:52 pm »

Thanks again atheorhaven.  Beaming over bottles of Saurian Brandy. Energizing.  Do you have a copy of The Constellation that is undamaged for SFC1?

I don't.. but I do have blanks and the original Enterprise of Lord Schtupp's.    It wouldn't take that long to do up.


If not, would you be willing to change the registry of TOS Enterprise that I downloaded from Ghost.Fox Fleetdock13 website.  He used to have a name pack available online for this.

I could I guess.. but I'd think that it'd be better, or more appropriate, to make registries up for the same ship that I kitbashed.  I'd have to approach ghost for permission to release new textures for the ships there, where LS has given me permission to release some work based on the pre-existing ship.


One last request, P81 and Atra-Hasis had the Drydock from "Star Trek:  The Motion Picture" available for SFC2, any chance you could make a SFC1 version of it?

If you can get me a download link, I should be able to convert it.  The thing will be getting permission to release it... I don't know if Atra is even here anymore, and I'm pretty certain that p81 doesn't read here anymore either.  I'd have to head over to their forum in order to ask most likely..


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Re: More stuff at Mare Imbrium..
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2003, 01:12:25 pm »

Any chance of a "fixed" Melak model in the near future?  

Always the chance.. bug Atolm about it..


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Re: More stuff at Mare Imbrium..
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2003, 09:43:33 pm »

One last request, P81 and Atra-Hasis had the Drydock from "Star Trek:  The Motion Picture" available for SFC2, any chance you could make a SFC1 version of it?


If you can get me a download link, I should be able to convert it.  The thing will be getting permission to release it... I don't know if Atra is even here anymore, and I'm pretty certain that p81 doesn't read here anymore either.  I'd have to head over to their forum in order to ask most likely..  


Well my search for Atra-Hasis TMP Drydock and P81 (Rick Knox) TMP Drydock  was unsuccessful.  However I did find something similar at , file "".   I used it as skin on the fleet repair dock "assets/ksd/ksd.mod" that came with SFC1.  So now the SFC1 Fed Drydock is brown instead of green.  I was wondering if you could convert the SFC2 version of this Drydock with these skins for SFC1?  The SFC2 version looks better than the SFC1 version.

Also during my search for TMP Drydock I found 2 SFC2 files that I would greatly appreciate if you would convert to SFC1.  First, I found Atra-Hasis Klingon D5, which resembles the D6 and D7 in shape, reworked by jrstandfast at the Starfleet Universe Website ,file "" stored at GameSpy FilePlanet Website .  This zip file contains the SFC1 and SFC2 bitmaps however the model file "kcl.mod" will not work in SFC1, SFC1 terminates when I try to use this mod even though I can view this mod with Taldrens MOD Viewer.  Any chance you could make the SFC1 version of this mod?

Second, I found a file called "" at The New Galveston Shipyards Website  that is an accurate rendering of TOS Klingon Disruptors, elliptical shaped (rain drop shapes) .  The zip file contains 1 bitmap file "disruptor-burst.bmp" for SFC2.  However the disruptor graphic data for SFC1 is in file "fx0.pcx"  along with other graphics data for other weapons.  So it may not be possible to convert this SFC2 data to SFC1.  The SFC1 disruptor image is massive green lightening bolts, which looks nothing like TOS version.



« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by CyberHank1701 »


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Re: More stuff at Mare Imbrium..
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2003, 04:19:06 pm »

Well my search for Atra-Hasis TMP Drydock and P81 (Rick Knox) TMP Drydock  was unsuccessful.  However I did find something similar at , file "".   I used it as skin on the fleet repair dock "assets/ksd/ksd.mod" that came with SFC1.  So now the SFC1 Fed Drydock is brown instead of green.  I was wondering if you could convert the SFC2 version of this Drydock with these skins for SFC1?  The SFC2 version looks better than the SFC1 version.

Again, if you can get permission to release it, np.. or if you're simply going to use it for yourself.. that's okay as well.    It's when stuff is released that is converted without permission that it's a problem..


Also during my search for TMP Drydock I found 2 SFC2 files that I would greatly appreciate if you would convert to SFC1.  First, I found Atra-Hasis Klingon D5, which resembles the D6 and D7 in shape, reworked by jrstandfast at the Starfleet Universe Website ,file "" stored at GameSpy FilePlanet Website .  This zip file contains the SFC1 and SFC2 bitmaps however the model file "kcl.mod" will not work in SFC1, SFC1 terminates when I try to use this mod even though I can view this mod with Taldrens MOD Viewer.  Any chance you could make the SFC1 version of this mod?

Should be able to..


Second, I found a file called "" at The New Galveston Shipyards Website  that is an accurate rendering of TOS Klingon Disruptors, elliptical shaped (rain drop shapes) .  The zip file contains 1 bitmap file "disruptor-burst.bmp" for SFC2.  However the disruptor graphic data for SFC1 is in file "fx0.pcx"  along with other graphics data for other weapons.  So it may not be possible to convert this SFC2 data to SFC1.  The SFC1 disruptor image is massive green lightening bolts, which looks nothing like TOS version.

Actually, if I can get the full graphic from SFC 1 emailed to me, I can convert it also.. that shouldn't be too much of a problem.  I just don't have the full version of SFC 1 installed right now.


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Re: More stuff at Mare Imbrium..
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2003, 05:40:03 pm »

Again, if you can get permission to release it, np.. or if you're simply going to use it for yourself.. that's okay as well.    It's when stuff is released that is converted without permission that it's a problem..

According to the "xsdReadme.txt" file within the compressed file "" someone named John Stone with the e-mail address "" created the Drydock Skins for the Drydock in SFC2.  I have the skins I just need the SFC2 Original Drydock Mod File that came with the SFC2 game converted for SFC1.  Then I will apply John's skins to the converted Drydock Mod File.  Are you saying that I need to get permission from Taldren or Interplay and/or John inorder for you to convert the Drydock Mod File from SFC2 to SFC1?  I am simply going to use the converted Drydock Mod for myself.


Actually, if I can get the full graphic from SFC 1 emailed to me, I can convert it also.. that shouldn't be too much of a problem.  I just don't have the full version of SFC 1 installed right now.  

The SFC1 texture files that I use are available at in the compressed file "".  According to the "texturesReadme.txt" file John Stone states that file "fx0.pcx" contains the disruptor graphic fire.  However, I am willing to e-mail you the "fx0.pcx" file if you don't want to download all the other texture files in the zip file.  Let me know if you still want me to e-mail you the "fx0.pcx" file or not.



« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by CyberHank1701 »


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Re: More stuff at Mare Imbrium..
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2003, 04:03:38 am »

According to the "xsdReadme.txt" file within the compressed file "" someone named John Stone with the e-mail address "" created the Drydock Skins for the Drydock in SFC2.  I have the skins I just need the SFC2 Original Drydock Mod File that came with the SFC2 game converted for SFC1.  Then I will apply John's skins to the converted Drydock Mod File.  Are you saying that I need to get permission from Taldren or Interplay and/or John inorder for you to convert the Drydock Mod File from SFC2 to SFC1?  I am simply going to use the converted Drydock Mod for myself.

It's more if you intend to release it for public downloading, you should ask for John's permission... that's just polite.


The SFC1 texture files that I use are available at in the compressed file "".  According to the "texturesReadme.txt" file John Stone states that file "fx0.pcx" contains the disruptor graphic fire.  However, I am willing to e-mail you the "fx0.pcx" file if you don't want to download all the other texture files in the zip file.  Let me know if you still want me to e-mail you the "fx0.pcx" file or not.

Let me see what's in there and try it with the ones from John's site.  If it works, then fabulous..  Otherwise, I'll get you to email me the one that you have..