Topic: Who Here Knows How To Configure A Router For Online Gaming Through A Cable Modem???  (Read 4678 times)

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  • Guest
I just purchased a Blitzz Wireless router (model BWA611), and a Blitzz wireless PCI card.  It's great except for one thing...  Now I can't play or host TCP/IP games online or hook up through Gamespy.  It says my external IP is different than my internal IP.  I talked to tech support for the router and PCI card, but the guy talked to fast I could not get everything, plus he said that they normally don't walk people through "these types" of settings.  Am I doing something illegal here for just wanting to play games online through a router??  Can anyone help me???    


  • Guest
Wellcome to a new world of misery. I don't know anything about your router, but this is some of the info that I think you are looking for:

Configuration of LinkSys BEFSR41 for GSA and SFC (all types.)

Port range forwarding table:

47624 to 47624 TCP
2300 to 2400 Both
6667 to 6667 TCP
3782 to 3783 Both
27900 to 27900 UDP
28900 to 28900 Both
29900 to 29901 Both
6500 to 6515 Both
6073 to 6073 UDP
13139 to 13139 UDP

Don't use DMZ and make sure you have the latest firmware.

I have a Linksys and this works for me. I used both modes when I don't know what it is.  


  • Guest
I use the same LinkSys router that you do, but my port settings are just a bit different.
Can you separate which settings are for what programs?

I have 3 PC's that I use for a Web Server, D2 Server and SFC Client. Right now I only am using EaW, but may add OP and SFC3 if they get SQL option working.

I'm interested in knowing what ports are for what.

What you have...          What I have...
47624 to 47624 TCP     (47624 as Client)
2300 to 2400 Both        (2300-2400 as Client)
6667 to 6667 TCP         (6667 as Server)
3782 to 3783 Both        (Unknown)
27900 to 27900 UDP     (27100-27900 as Server)
28900 to 28900 Both    (28100 only as Server)
29900 to 29901 Both    (Unknown)
6500 to 6515 Both        (6500 only as Client)
6073 to 6073 UDP         (currently disabled, must be for OP)
13139 to 13139 UDP    (Unknown)
Not in your setup         (15101 to 15300 as Server)

Any info would be appreciated.



  • Guest
Well, actually I've forgotten.

Eliminate the SFC2 ports (47624 & 2300-2400), SFC-TNG ports, and the rest are GSA ports that allow you to make rooms, and use Roger Wilco.

I'm being a little obtuse because I can't be bothered finding my SFC-TNG disc to find out what it's ports are. I got most of the definitions from the network help section of GSA but don't remember what they are either.  


  • Guest

An extract of my linux firewall shellscript:

# to host:
forward tcp 47624 $SFC 47624
forward udp 47624 $SFC 47624
#To join:
forwardmany udp 2300 2400 $SFC
forwardmany tcp 2300 2400 $SFC
forwardmany tcp 8000 9000 $SFC
forwardmany udp 8000 9000 $SFC
# gamespy
forward tcp 13139 $SFC 13139
forward udp 13139 $SFC 13139
forwardmany udp 3782 3783 $SFC
forwardmany tcp 3782 3783 $SFC
forwardmany tcp 6500 6515 $SFC
forwardmany udp 6500 6515 $SFC
forward udp 27900 $SFC 27900
forward tcp 27900 $SFC 27900
forward udp 28900 $SFC 28900
forward tcp 28900 $SFC 28900
forwardmany udp 29900 29901 $SFC
forwardmany tcp 29900 29901 $SFC
forward tcp 6073 $SFC 6073
forward udp 6073 $SFC 6073


  • Guest
Many thanks Firesoul (you too Cleaven),
I've gathered many configs. Just wanted to refine what I've found.


  • Guest
Related to this kinda...

I have a hardware router to access the internet.  As such, my internet IP address and my 'local' IP address are always going to be different.  I can't seem to find any way to prevent that, and I *think* that prevents SFC:OP from working at all online.

Am I missing something?


  • Guest


  • Guest
What about routers that do not have a both setting for UDP/TCP?


  • Guest
Okay, what then?

I've search on these forums, and configured every port to pass-through even suggested (way more than needed, I'm sure).  I've even tried putting my PC in the DMZ of my router - still no good.  XP firewall disabled, zone alarm turned off (or with everything in 'trusted' zones).  Nothing seems to matter - OP always detects the firewall and says I cannot connect.

When I try to use Gamespy directly, it tells me that my internet IP address and local IP address are different.  Well, that's true. It reports that this means I will not be able to host a server and many games with have problems.  Since OP uses Gamespy arcade, I assume that's what its problem is, too.

There has got to be some way around this, but I can't find it searching here.

(BTW, FWIW, I have no problem using DirectPlay games - America's Army, Tribes 2, UT2K3, etc - all those connect to internet servers just fine.  I can even host with the proper ports open!  But, OP just stubbornly refuses to work.)


  • Guest
The Linksys seems to be the best router for setting up SFC (1,2,OP & TNG). There are other routers can do it as well, and even more routers that don't support things like port range forwarding. If there is no choice for UDP or TCP then it's probably both, but I don't know.    


  • Guest

Okay, what then?

I've search on these forums, and configured every port to pass-through even suggested (way more than needed, I'm sure).  I've even tried putting my PC in the DMZ of my router - still no good.  XP firewall disabled, zone alarm turned off (or with everything in 'trusted' zones).  Nothing seems to matter - OP always detects the firewall and says I cannot connect.

When I try to use Gamespy directly, it tells me that my internet IP address and local IP address are different.  Well, that's true. It reports that this means I will not be able to host a server and many games with have problems.  Since OP uses Gamespy arcade, I assume that's what its problem is, too.

There has got to be some way around this, but I can't find it searching here.

(BTW, FWIW, I have no problem using DirectPlay games - America's Army, Tribes 2, UT2K3, etc - all those connect to internet servers just fine.  I can even host with the proper ports open!  But, OP just stubbornly refuses to work.)  

The settings I describe above (with the addition of disablling UPnP) allow me to play all 4 SFC's online and use GSA with full function (I have to turn of the GSA firewall warning).  


  • Guest
My router does not allow me to enter that many port forwards...  I just have to disconnect from the router and hook up directly to the cable modem in order to play GSA or TCP/IP...  


  • Guest
I just purchased a Blitzz Wireless router (model BWA611), and a Blitzz wireless PCI card.  It's great except for one thing...  Now I can't play or host TCP/IP games online or hook up through Gamespy.  It says my external IP is different than my internal IP.  I talked to tech support for the router and PCI card, but the guy talked to fast I could not get everything, plus he said that they normally don't walk people through "these types" of settings.  Am I doing something illegal here for just wanting to play games online through a router??  Can anyone help me???    


  • Guest
Wellcome to a new world of misery. I don't know anything about your router, but this is some of the info that I think you are looking for:

Configuration of LinkSys BEFSR41 for GSA and SFC (all types.)

Port range forwarding table:

47624 to 47624 TCP
2300 to 2400 Both
6667 to 6667 TCP
3782 to 3783 Both
27900 to 27900 UDP
28900 to 28900 Both
29900 to 29901 Both
6500 to 6515 Both
6073 to 6073 UDP
13139 to 13139 UDP

Don't use DMZ and make sure you have the latest firmware.

I have a Linksys and this works for me. I used both modes when I don't know what it is.  


  • Guest
I use the same LinkSys router that you do, but my port settings are just a bit different.
Can you separate which settings are for what programs?

I have 3 PC's that I use for a Web Server, D2 Server and SFC Client. Right now I only am using EaW, but may add OP and SFC3 if they get SQL option working.

I'm interested in knowing what ports are for what.

What you have...          What I have...
47624 to 47624 TCP     (47624 as Client)
2300 to 2400 Both        (2300-2400 as Client)
6667 to 6667 TCP         (6667 as Server)
3782 to 3783 Both        (Unknown)
27900 to 27900 UDP     (27100-27900 as Server)
28900 to 28900 Both    (28100 only as Server)
29900 to 29901 Both    (Unknown)
6500 to 6515 Both        (6500 only as Client)
6073 to 6073 UDP         (currently disabled, must be for OP)
13139 to 13139 UDP    (Unknown)
Not in your setup         (15101 to 15300 as Server)

Any info would be appreciated.



  • Guest
Well, actually I've forgotten.

Eliminate the SFC2 ports (47624 & 2300-2400), SFC-TNG ports, and the rest are GSA ports that allow you to make rooms, and use Roger Wilco.

I'm being a little obtuse because I can't be bothered finding my SFC-TNG disc to find out what it's ports are. I got most of the definitions from the network help section of GSA but don't remember what they are either.  


  • Guest

An extract of my linux firewall shellscript:

# to host:
forward tcp 47624 $SFC 47624
forward udp 47624 $SFC 47624
#To join:
forwardmany udp 2300 2400 $SFC
forwardmany tcp 2300 2400 $SFC
forwardmany tcp 8000 9000 $SFC
forwardmany udp 8000 9000 $SFC
# gamespy
forward tcp 13139 $SFC 13139
forward udp 13139 $SFC 13139
forwardmany udp 3782 3783 $SFC
forwardmany tcp 3782 3783 $SFC
forwardmany tcp 6500 6515 $SFC
forwardmany udp 6500 6515 $SFC
forward udp 27900 $SFC 27900
forward tcp 27900 $SFC 27900
forward udp 28900 $SFC 28900
forward tcp 28900 $SFC 28900
forwardmany udp 29900 29901 $SFC
forwardmany tcp 29900 29901 $SFC
forward tcp 6073 $SFC 6073
forward udp 6073 $SFC 6073


  • Guest
Many thanks Firesoul (you too Cleaven),
I've gathered many configs. Just wanted to refine what I've found.


  • Guest
Related to this kinda...

I have a hardware router to access the internet.  As such, my internet IP address and my 'local' IP address are always going to be different.  I can't seem to find any way to prevent that, and I *think* that prevents SFC:OP from working at all online.

Am I missing something?