Topic: Star Wars fic....  (Read 4733 times)

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Offline Strider

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Star Wars fic....
« on: June 25, 2004, 12:13:32 am »
Here's a fic I've been writing off and on for maybe 6 months now. Let me know how it's going, what you think of the characters, etc.

Chapter 1:
The Only Easy Day was Yesterday

Nova stepped off the landing ladder onto an unknown world.  It was dark, nighttime.  The dead of night in fact.  The dark cityscape shone against the background of the mountains that could only be made out because of their snowcapped roofs.  And there was not a single other person around, and Nova was in hostile territory. 

How did I manage this?

Nova stepped down onto the frozen ground.  It was cold, just above freezing.  The sky had a dark pink hue to it.  Another ship flew low overhead and around to Nova?s right.  It was a scout ship, probably looking for Nova. 

Time to get going.

Nova felt for his lightsaber on his belt and started walking.  His R2 unit, Emir, closed the canopy behind him.  ?Keep it warm, Emir.?  The R2 beeped complacently as the canopy sealed shut.  Nova picked out a city in the distance and headed towards it, leaping and bounding downhill with a little Force assistance.  Even though he was only a ?rookie? Jedi Knight, he had still mastered many techniques.

I?m no rookie! 

   With one final leap Nova was at the base of the mountain, about half-way between his ship and the city in the distance.  Nova continued at his self-defined Jedi?s pace, and arrived a few minutes later.  He quickly found the establishment he was looking for.  Nova flipped the hood of his dark cloak up and strode in.  He was immediately aware that just about everyone was looking at him. 

Not me, but the saber.  I?ll have to work fast.

   Nova sat down at the bar and ordered a quick, soft drink.  He immediately started to talk up the young twilek bartender. 

   ?What?ll it be, Jedi??

   ?Is that the first thing that everyone notices??
   ?No, they notice the big metal staff on your belt first.?  She responded, her lekku twitching a bit.

   ?Good point.?  Nova said as he took a gulp.  The drink burned going down, and was quite obviously laced with something.  He held onto it with the Force in his stomach for a moment.  He took another gulp and pushed it back into the glass.  It didn?t seem anyone noticed that one.   

   ?Hear any good stories lately??  Nova asked the bartender.

   ?Jedi stories??  she asked.

   ?Yes, Kyra, Jedi stories.?  Nova responded sarcastically.

   ?Don?t do that, and yes I have.  Seems that last week a young Jedi much like yourself wandered in her, much like you just did.?

   ?And?? Nova asked.

   ?And what?  She was killed, quickly too.?

   ?Funny, that?s not what I heard.?  Nova responded, pretending to take another swing.  He had already managed to neutralize most of the acid by bonding it with the air around it.  What was left didn?t burn at all. 

   ?Well then, Jedi, you tell me.?

   ?Well, for starters, I think this Jedi didn?t die.  In fact, I don?t think anybody in tune with the Force has been in here for centuries.  Except for yourself of course.?  The bartenders face dropped.
   ?We need to talk.?  She whispered. 

   ?Glad you caught on.?  Nova finished his drink and stood up.  ?Meet me out back in 5 minutes.?  The bartender nodded.  Nova turned to walk away and ran into a rather large human wearing body armor all over.  He stood a good foot taller than Nova. 

   ?Excuse me.? Nova said as he stepped around the large man.  Then he felt it, a spike of anger flying around at the left side of his head.  Nova ducked and kicked his leg out behind him, sending the larger man up and over the bar.  A blaster bolt hissed out at Nova.  He quickly drew his saber and sent the bolt searing back at its owner, missing his head by centimeters.  Nova looked around for a moment, reaching out with the force, his bright silver-blue lightsaber glowing brilliantly.

   ?Any other takers??  He asked.  Nobody responded.  He deactivated his lightsaber and clipped it to his belt as he walked out slowly. 

   Walking around back was an adventure in itself.  All manner of life hide in the alleyways of Corellia.  Nova found it easier to simply mask his presence to these beings.  Arriving at the employee entrance, he found his young Twilek bartender friend sitting on a trash bin. 

   ?You know of the Force.? Nova said.

   ?My mother was a Jedi, a long time ago.  She died, during the clone wars.  I was born in a laboratory using my father and mother?s DNA 18 years ago.  I was the last of the Emperor?s Elite Guard?s to be born.  Needless to say, I was never put to good use.?

   ?Where is my friend??  Nova asked

   ?Your friend is alive and well, but not here.  You would find him in the wilderness surrounding the city, somewhere.?  Nova closed his eyes and reached out in the Force, looking for his friend.  A very faint trail was present, but well hidden.  Only the bond between the two allowed him to see it.

   ?Indeed.?  Nova said.  ?Thank you, I need to go now.?  Nova turned to walk away, but was stopped by the Twilek?s grip.

   ?I want to go to the Jedi Academy.?  She blurted out. 

   ?You what?? Nova asked.  ?The Jedi academy is not for your average bartender you know.  What makes you think you can make it??  She pulled a part of his clothing off of her leg, to revealed a lightsaber strapped to her leg tightly. 

   ?Where?d you get that??  Nova asked as he reached for it.  He got slapped.

   ?Sorry.  Where did you get it?? he asked again. 

   ?It was my mother?s.? She said.  ?Emperor Palpatine gave it to me.?  Nova almost laughed, but caught himself as he realized she was serious.

   ?Alright, you can come with me.  Even if you?re not Jedi material, you will have tons of useful information for Master Skywalker.?    Nova started toward the forest where he sensed his friend. 

   ?Wait, I have a ship.?  Kyra said.  ?It?s in the landing bay right over here??  Just as Kyra finished her sentence, a dozen mercenaries turned the corner.  Nova drew his silver-blue saber and donned a defense stance. 

   ?I?d run.? He said to Kyra.  ?Get to the ship.  I?ll catch up.?  The lead mercenary drew his blaster and fired wildly at Kyra and missing.  ?GO!? Nova yelled.  He jumped forward and sliced the first mercs blaster into two pieces, while ducking a blast from another.  Two more set up across the street as Nova ducked and ran. 

   It?s time to go! 

   Nova set himself in the doorway to Kyra?s ship with his saber in front of him.  He closed his eyes and began to focus on the incoming blaster bolts.  He swung the saber around violently and sent it sailing toward the nearest group of hostile mercenaries, slicing off hands and arms.  The saber came sailing back and continued to be an effective shield. 

   ?Now would be a good time, Kyra!? he yelled over his shoulder.  Suddenly the Starchaser fighter?s repulsorcoils activated, and the ship turned toward Nova.  He jumped high and landed on the canopy.  ?NOW!? he yelled.  The Starchaser?s lasers fired and immediately caved in the door that Nova had been in.  The blaster bolts could still be heard impacting on the metal.  The canopy cracked open and Nova slid in.

   ?Jedi timing, Kyra.  Head west.?  Nova strapped himself in and brought up the targeting computer. 

   ?I?m not picking up any fighters, I think we?re safe.? Kyra said.  The fighter screeched skyward unchallenged.  Nova picked up his commlink.

   ?Emir, get the fighter ready.  I?m inbound, ETA 1 minute.?  The R2 beeped a response.

   ?You have a fighter nearby??  Kyra asked.

   ?Yeah, an X-Wing.  The newest model too.  And no, you can?t ask how I got it.?

   ?Right.  We?re coming up on it now.? Kyra added. 
   ?Make a low pass.?  Nova said as he hit the canopy release latch.  ?I?ll be in the air in a moment.? 

   ?Make a what?? She asked.

   ?A low pass.?  Nova responded matter-of-factly.

   ?Right. Jedi.  I?ll have to get used to this.?  Even before she finished her sentence Nova was freefalling the 10 meters or so to his fighter.  He landed without a sound and crouched down to a knee.  Standing up, the fighter was already opened up with the engines running.  Nova jumped from his landing pad on the ground onto the nose of his fighter and slipped into the seat.  The fighters systems came to life around him as he closed the canopy and engaged the repulsorlift coils. 
   ?Kyra, this is Nova. Do you copy??

   ?Of course!  Where are we headed??

   ?I?m not quite sure, so just follow me.  Take your ship up high so you can cover me if the need arises.?

   ?Roger.?  Kyra?s Starchaser pulled upward lazily into the clouds above.  Nova?s X-Wing dropped to withing a few meters of the trees.  He reached out with the force and felt his friend.  And then, nothing.  She was gone.  There was simply a shell where she once was.  He pushed the throttle forward.  As the little snubfighter raced over the tree tops, Nova could feel a presence in the void where his friend once was.  A Dark presence. 

   ?Kyra, I?m going to have to land.?

   ?You?re kidding right??  She responded.

   ?So are you.?

   ?Now you?ve got to be kidding.?  She said angrily.

   ?No, I?ll land first.  There?s a Dark presence down there, probably a Dark Jedi Knight.  You should stay away from him.  I want you to land and pick up my friend.  He?ll be the one with the lightsaber I don?t want to kill.?

   ?Right, lightsaber, not killed. Got it.?  The larger Starchaser swooped down and behind Nova?s X-Wing into formation. 

   ?There they are.?  Nova said over the comm.  Two bright red lightsabers and one single green beacon of hope.  ?I?m going in!?  Nova yelled.  ?Emir, bring us down to withing 5 meters, then bring yourself back up to about 50.  I?ll signal when I need pickup.?  The droid simply beeped complacently.  Emir knew what happened if you agrued with Nova in a critical situation.  The fighter dropped low to the ground and the hatch popped open.  Nova jumped out and landed between the two Dark Jedi.  His saber in his hand, he quickly activated it and with a loud snap blocked a quick shot to his bicep. 

   ?Nice to meet you too.?  He said swinging back hard to the lower leg of the first Dark Jedi.  The blow connected, but not before the second Jedi realized what was going on.  He began to bring his saber around at Nova?s waist with all his might, but Nova jumped high onto a tree branch. 

   ?I?m only going to say this once, Sith.  Leave now.?

   ?Or you?ll what, Jedi??

   ?Or I?ll kill you.?  The Sith looked stunned by that remark.  ?What? Wasn?t expecting me??  Nova lunged down at the Sith and plunged the silver-blue saber through his chest.  The Sith fell over convulsing.  The second Sith was backed against a tree, nursing his severed ankle.

   ?Remember this face, Sith.  Fear it.  Now go, before I decide I?m angry.?  The Sith began to limp into the woods as Kyra ran out of her ship.  Nova, using the Force, picked up his friend.  She was badly injured, and needed attention desperately.  She protested the seperation immediately.

   Later. He told her.   He lifted her broken body into Kyra?s ship. 

   ?Kyra, follow me into orbit.  I?ll give you the coordinates of a safe place for us.?

   Moments later they settled into hyperspace, headed for a distant desert world.             

Offline Strider

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Re: Star Wars fic....
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2004, 12:14:23 am »
Chapter 2:
The Dynamic Duo

?I suppose that if you wanted me to know who she was, you would have told me already?? Kyra asked sarcastically.

   ?You?d be right.?  Nova responded coldly.  The two sat outside their fighters.  Nova was concentrating, working on his compatriots wounds. 

   ?Pressure.?  He said.  Kyra reached down onto a bloody cloth. 

   ?That should be ok, until we get back to the Errant Venture.  Or find Master Skywalker.  Whichever happens first.?

   ?Do you Jedi ever have a backup plan??  Kyra asked.

   ?Well, usually we are the backup plan.?  He responded.
   ?I see.  So why are we on Tatoonie??  Kyra stood up and shook some dust off her legs.

   ?It?s safe.  No Vong here.  No Dark Jedi.  At least, I can?t feel them.  Which generally means no.?  Nova walked over to his fighter, with Emir the white and red R5 unit perched on the top.

   ?Any luck getting a message to the Errant Venture??  The droid beeped in the conditional response, which ment Nova had to look at the X-wings readout to get an answer.

   ?Why can?t you ever just answer me??  The droid beeped again.  The monitor was instantly filled with over a hundred ships.

   ?You?re kidding.  Kyra, get into your ship and ready to go.?  Nova ran back to his friends side, who was now in a deep healing trance.

   ?What? Why? What?s going on??  Kyra asked.

   ?JUST DO IT!?  Nova shouted back, the anger bleeding from his tounge.  Kyra backed off and boarded her fighter.  After Nova loaded his friend onto the bed of the Starchaser, he slid into his own fighters cockpit.

   ?Let?s go.  The Errant Venture is passing through this system and is being harassed by two Yuzzhan Vong corvette ships.  It looks like they?ve got a few squadrons with them.?

   ?Right.  Let?s go.  I?ll coordinate from the rear if need be.  I?ll make a sprint for the Venture when I can.?  Kyra said as her ship lifted off, and accelerated to breakaway speed.  The big craft skimmed the surface of the planet and suddenly shot upward like a rocket.

   ?Nice trick.?  Nova said.  He powered up his repulsorlift coils and his engines as he hauled back on his control stick.

   ?But I?ve got a better one.?  The fighter rose to stand on its engines and he hammered the throttle forward.  The fighter launched straight into the air, accelerating at an impossible speed.  Before long, Nova could make out the two corvette?s chasing down the Venture

   ?I?ve got two corvette sized analogs chasing the Venture.  I?m picking up a handful of A-Wings and X-Wings.  Not a whole ton though, but enough it seems.?  Nova said to Kyra over his comm.  Before she could respond a loud interruption came on the speaker.

   ?Nova, is that you??  It was Karrade. 

   ?It would appear so.  Hey, I?ve got an R-41 Starchaser tailing behind me.  I?ve got a?.package onboard.  Can you clear her for landing??

   ?It had better be good, kid. Now get yourself over to sector 04.  They could use a hand.  We?re jumping in 3 minutes.? 

   ?Roger that, I?ll be glad to help.?  Nova peeled off to the left behind the huge Star Destroyer and dove through a formation of Yuzzhan Vong fighters, lasers blasting one of them to bits. 

   Luck, but I?ll take it. 

   Nova pulled back hard and twisted around to avoid a blast from one of the Vong corvette?s.  He caught a skip in his sights and ducked just as it fired at him, or so he thought.  The plasma ball caught his left wing strut, vaporizing one of the laser cannons.  He pushed hard on the left rudder and squeezed the trigger, lacing the fighter with crimson red light.  When the Dovin Basals gave out on the skip, he squeezed harder, incinerating the ship.  The small Heads Down Display light up with a message from Emir.  ?All fighters prepare for hyperspace.? 

   ?Are we early, Emir?? Nova asked.

   ?Affirmative.  2 minutes and 10 seconds early.?


   ?Unknown.  Likely open space.?

   ?Of course.?  The countdown came up on his canopy?s display.  He immediately came to the designated heading and engaged at time 0.00 with the other ships.

45 minutes later

   Nova settled his damaged X-Wing onto the floor of the Errant Venture next to Kyra?s R-41 Starchaser.  He popped open the canopy and jumped to the floor, racing to the ramp of the Starchaser.  Without thinking , he gently pulled it down with the Force once it had unsealed. 

   ?How is she??  He asked before even seeing Kyra. 

   ?Pretty bad.  We got a little beat up on the way in.?  Kyra responded soberly.  The medics came a moment later and carted her off.  Nova ran a hand through his flowing dark hair. 

   ?There?s nothing you could have done.?  Kyra said.  Nova just sat on the landing ramp to the Starchaser, his lightsaber dangling from his belt.

   ?So who is the girl??  Kyra asked.  Nova looked up, obviously quite upset with both the situation, and her. 

   ?Just a girl.?  Nova said.  Kyra diverted her eyes to the floor against Nova?s stare.  Nova stood slowly and walked toward the bridge.

   ?She uh, she dropped this.?  Kyra said, handing a small, thin lightsaber to Nova.

   ?Thank you.?  He said.  He looked down, into his thoughts.  ?Come on, I want to show you something.?  He said.  A moment later they were in Nova?s temporary housing aboard the Venture

   ?Sit down.?  Nova sat at a small workbench, with Kyra standing over his shoulder.  ?Have you ever disassembled your lightsaber??  Nova asked.

   ?Yes, once.?  She answered, a bit confused.

   ?So you know of the crystal inside.  I want you to see this.?  Nova pulled the crystal from his saber.  It glowed with the color of his blade.  He removed it from its power source, and yet it continued to glow.  ?This is the Mantle of the Force.  It is an ancient Jedi Crystal used in every major conflict, dating back to the Exaar Kun War.?  He worked quickly and took another crystal out of his friends saber.  ?This is the Heart of the Guardian.  It is the other part of the duo that defeated Kun.  Together, supposedly, they are an unbeatable force.  One with the Force, in reality.?  Both crystals sat on the workbench glowing brightly, pulsating together brightly.  Kyra pulled out her saber. 

   ?So what about mine??  she asked. 

   ?Yours is normal. Very close to perfection, but still normal. It even has variable length without extra crystals, a feat many Jedi strive for. You should be proud.  But for now, go get some sleep.?

   ?Alright. You too.? Kyra responded as she stood, claiming her lightsaber.

   ?I have to go talk with Talon if he?s still awake.?

Offline Strider

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Re: Star Wars fic....
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2004, 12:17:38 am »
Chapter 3: History Repeats Itself

   ?Where?s Karrade?!? Nova was screaming now in the middle of the bridge of the Errant Venture. 

   ?He?s sleeping. For the 5th time.? A young officer responded coldy.

   ?I don?t care if he?s hibernating, wake him up.? Nova stood tall, his black Jedi?s cloak falling on his shoulders. He seemed to tower over the entire bridge.

   ?Yes, Sir.?  The young officer hurried off.  Nova reached out with the Force to calm himself.  He found his companion, awake, but groggy in the infirmary.  She would be back in a day or so.  Then there was a black spot.  A hole in the Force. 

    The hunt is on. He thought to himself.  He quickly flipped the hood of his cloak up and drew it tight around him, gripping his lightsaber in one hand.  He strode out the door quickly and nearly knocked Talon Karrade over.  Karrade stumbled a half step back, stepping on the toes of the young officer sent to wake him.

   ?This better be good, Skye.? He boombed.

   ?Indeed, it is.?  Within a tenth of a second, Nova?s cloak was off and his saber drawn, a millimeter away from the throat of the young officer.

   ?WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!? Karrade yelled.  ?SECURITY!? Nova flicked the spot where it would make the ooglith release its hold, or cause 3rd degree burns if he was wrong.  It worked.  The ooglith began reverting when the officer turned around and ran.  Nova shoved Karrade out of the way and sprinted after the intruder, the alarm klaxons ringing.  Suddenly, a presence filled Nova with a single word.


   Nova slide to a halt half a meter from a 90 degree bend in the hallway. Suddenly the snap hiss of a lightsaber reverberated in the hallway, and the hallway filled with an orange-red glow.  The Vong intruder, walking backwards now, turned around the corner again.  He was being pursued by a lightsaber wielding woman with long dark hair.  The Vong lunged at her, but Nova?s quick reflexes caught the intruder by the legs before he could land a blow.

   ?Come on Slimy.  We?re going to have a chat.?  The Vong slumped to the ground as the dark haired woman landed a blow with the hilt of her saber. 

   Talon Karrade?s room had become a literal bank of Force energy.  The combined efforts of the young Jedi onboard, Nova, and any other Jedi that might be around was hampering any transmissions of any sort, at least, that was the plan.  Nova stood in the dimly lit room, the Vong prisioner seated, no, strapped into the chair across from he Trina, who had joined him against his wishes.  She was still hurt, but was too stubborn to stay in bacta any longer.  The interrogation had lasted two hours already, and all Karrade had managed to extract was that the prisioner was indeed Yuzzhan Vong. 

   ?This is going nowhere, Karrade.? Nova said.  Trina snapped out of a light healing trace upon hearing Nova speak. 

   ?I agree.? Her voice was almost as a whisper, yet it filled every corner of the room.  ?I think we should kill it.? The statement caught Karrade by surprise. The Vong didn?t flinch.

   ?I think if it wanted to be dead it would have fought back.  I agree.? Nova said.  Karrade looked wide eyed at the two Jedi staning before him for a moment and hurridly caught on.

   ?What do you think, should I let them kill you??  Karrade stood a mere meter in front of the alien.  Still, no response.  Then, suddenly a presence caught Nova?s attention.  He turned to look at Trina, who instinctively had her hand on her lightsaber.

   ?We?ve got no time.? Nova stepped out of the door and started down the hallway.  Trina came up beside him, her long black hair still unkempt.  She stood around 1.8 meters or so, a fairly average height, but still smaller than Nova.  Her figure with small, and petite but exuded power and confidence. 

   ?What do you plan on doing?  We don?t even know whats happening yet?? Trina asked.  Nova stepped into the turbolift.

   ?Jedi Training Room.? He said in an annoyingly loud voice.  ?First, we?re going to see who else has felt the impact of this?dark presence.?

   ?How?"  She asked.

   "The girl that helped me bring you here, she's Force sensitive.  She might not know she felt it, but it's possible she did."  Trina just nodded, half to herself.  Nova opened the door to the training room to find a handful of students dueling with wooden blades, and some of the more advanced student practicing with working sabers.  Nova felt immediately that everyone was looking at the 'newcomers'.  Since nobody had seen Nova since he left Luke's New Jedi Order when the academy was still in Yavin, none of the new Jedi knew Nova, much less Trina. 

   "Hi, I'm Tal."  A young man got up from a table of friends and walked over to Nova and Trina. 

   "The names Nova.  This is Trina."  Trina nodded.

   "I don't recognize you, and I doubt Master Skywalker sent an unknown Jedi to teach the students.  So, who are you?"  This young man was obviously the leader of the students, official or otherwise.  The rooms attention was now focused entirely on their direction.

   "We're..." Nova paused to think. "We're not with Master Skywalker's Order."  Nova said.  Tal looked stunned.

   "I hadn't realized that there was more than one."

   "I'll tell you all about it sometime. Right now, I'm looking for a girl named Kyra, she came in earlier."

   "You're pretty curious for someone not with Master Skywalker's 'Order'". Tal said.  Nova could feel the tension in his voice, it was bordering on anger. 

   "And you're pretty nosy for a kid."  Nova sensed the outburst of insane rage in the young Jedi.  Tal's hands moved for Nova's throat but, sensing the impending impact Nova jumped back and sprung off the rear wall, propelling himself forward into Tal's abdomen.  Nova landed in a roll and stood up, with Tal coming up a half-second later.

   "Don't give in to your emotions, young one." Trina said, now positioned behind Tal.  Tal spun around and shot a dark glance at her.  The group that had been watching the confrontation was now surrounding the three Jedi.  Nova stepped back and removed his black Knight's Robe's.  He took up a defensive stance and stood to face Tal. 
   ?TAL!? Kyra was runnin toward the growing circle. 

   ?You make friends fast, Kyra.? Nova stepped back and bowed to Tal. ?Maybe another time, Young Jedi.?  Nova picked his cloak up off the floor and motioned for Kyra to follow.

   ?How are you?? Nova asked, sitting down at a small circular table.

   ?Just fine. The Jedi onboard are all so cautious of new people, though I suppose that?s expected.?  Kyra sat down, her long thin Twi?lek lekku settling by her shoulders.

   ?Do they know about you yet?? Trina asked.  Kyra hadn?t noticed Trina, and was taken back by the perceived intrusion. 

   ?You?re the one helped Nova rescue, right?? Kyra asked. Trina nodded slightly.  ?And yeah, a few kids have noticed. At least, they noticed something. I doubt anyone really knows.

   ?Good.? Nova sat back and relaxed for a moment, then folded his hands together on the table.

   ?Prepare your ship for departure, we need to get going.?

   ?What? Are you kidding? I haven?t even finished repairing it yet!? Kyra complained.  ?You can?t just tell me what to do!?  Kyra?s eyes were wide with an array of emotions.

   ?No, but I can tell you that I?m leaving, and Karrade is going to hide his ship in a nearby nebula. Look around you, and see what everyone in charge is doing. Then make your decision.?  Nova stood up and walked out the door, closely followed by Trina.

   ?She reminds me of myself.? Trina said.

   ?You were never smart enough to listen to me either.? Nova looked over at Trina, smiling.