Topic: The Last Days, the End of an Era, a toast to Taldren (Repost)  (Read 1104 times)

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Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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This post seems to have gotten lost in the move, so I thought I would repost it as there were a lot of nice things people said.

Posted by FPF-TraceyG:

<taps on wine glass>

Well, we all new it would happen eventually. These are the last days

before the end of an era, before Taldren closes its doors for the last

time, and with it, these forums. Forums which have been our home and have

graced our desktops (for many of us) nearly every day of our lives for

For us, we, the gamers, Taldren has become a household name. The community

that has spring up around these forums has grown and matured over the

years, and of those that are left, many of us now call each other dear

friends, more than just friends.
Taldren didn't give us just a great game, they gave us family as well. So

I say to all of you, who are still here, here in the last days of a group

of people we all knew as Taldren, a group of people who went above and

beyond the call of duty to keep us happy, I say to all of you to raise

your glasses and make a toast to their outstanding efforts in appreciation

for all the work they have done over years. No other group has supported

their playerbase the way Taldren has. We will sorely miss them, and this

place they created for us.

Thankyou Taldren.

<raises wine glass>

 Captain FPF-TraceyG, Federation Protection Fleet
Posted by Crimmy:

Thanks peeps!


Well, the nine, the Nazgul are exposed and have crossed the river. War is

upon us.

One Party to Rule them All
One Party to Bind Them
One Party to Bring them All
And on the left, blind them.

Democrats have the cunning to embellish blasphemy and present it to the

Arab and Muslim nation as civilization- Al Qaeda

Posted by Age:

Her Her Her and A Great Toast to Taldren California and her is a Toast to

Brighter picture to Taldren South Korea.
<Raise my Glass>


Image above is a tribute to HMCS Warrior CV21, A Canadian Aircraft

Sig is By Pestalence

Posted by Rondo_GE:

Here Here!

I got slightly drunk last night

The pacifist actually refuses to defend what defends him; his country. In

the final analysis this is the most basic immoral position.

...George S. Patton

Posted by red_green:

I am confused, what did I miss. Taldren is still working on a new game. Is

there some announcement I missed or is this a hoax Oh and how do you make

fir\ends here. I been releasing ships for 2 years and I have gotten

perhaps 3 emails commenting on em and the rest flamers.

Making TNG era Hydran ships. Its a dirty job but someone has to do it.
Also making TNG Lyrans, but only so the Hydrans can blow them up. 

Posted by Cpt.Chaos:

To All at Taldren, past, present & future:

May your photons always hit,
May your Wild Weasles never be voided,
May your Stinger-IIs avoid all transporter bombs,
And may your HETs always make the breakdown roll...

Good Luck and Our Gratitude!



1, 2, 3(sleep)

Posted by Praxis:

*raises wine glass as well*

It is a sad day...we will miss you, taldren 

GFL Captain Rank 8
TNG Starfleets Fleet Vice Admiral

Posted by Praxis:



I am confused, what did I miss. Taldren is still working on a new game. Is

there some announcement I missed or is this a hoax Oh and how do you make

fir\ends here. I been releasing ships for 2 years and I have gotten

perhaps 3 emails commenting on em and the rest flamers.



Taldren is closing mean you MISSED it? 

GFL Captain Rank 8
TNG Starfleets Fleet Vice Admiral

Posted by Maxillius:

Hear hear! I'd like to thank you all at Taldren for allowing me to

interact with some of the most interesting people on the planet: the forum

members. Before that fateful day in March 2001, I was just muddling

through the single player portion of EAW, thinking I was l33t, but shortly

after I was acquainted to the fourm and started to play on the D2, I

discovered I was not l33t, but I also discovered those that were l33t were

l33t in real life as well, and showed me my many errors. I can now play

with the best (and still get schooled, but I last long enough to make a

shield or two red  ), and I owe it all to you guys at Taldren for creating

such a great game that, after 5 years, I'm still addicted to.

Once again, thank you Taldren! 

You did NOT just shoot that green sh-t at me!!! - Will Smith, Independence

"No one has the right to never be offended" - Rich Michaels
I'm not *a* bastard. I'm *THE* bastard. 

Posted by Fluf:

I will miss this place. It has been my home away from home. I will leave

with many memories of both good and bad times, but this is the place I

always came to be in my own little galaxy. The community will go on at, but I salute Taldren for everything they have done to make

my life a wonderful place for the last 4 years.

Thank you much Taldren!

<raises glass>

Patriarch Knights of the Hegemony
Kzinti League of Assembled Warchiefs Administrator Administrator
KOTH Litterbox Administrator
Battlezone Administrator

Posted by Nannerslug:

<kirk voice>

to absent friends

- raises glass of water -

</kirk voice>


"Government is not the solution, it is the problem"

Ronald W. Reagan

Posted by Reptor2:

To the end of an era, and to the beginning of a new era! Forever


~ Raises glass ~

Check out the ISC Theater!

Posted by Rogue:

Well said, TraceyG. Well said indeed.

As far as I am concerned... Starfleet Command is the only game that really

matters. There have been others that have been a lot of fun to play but

none of them have held the continuing fascination that this game has. As

for the Taldren forum... gosh, I will miss it. There is seldom a day that

passes that there hasn't been something shaking here. A model, a script, a

mod or some sort of supporting doo-hickey that made the game a little more

interesting. Just think of the hours of effort that people have poured

into Starfleet Command to achieve a vision they have had for it. Much has

been achieved and more is to come, to be sure.

Here is to whatever becomes of this little community on the web. And if

there is to be a new incarnation then let it be even better than it is

now... which could be done, don't you know.


Cogito ergo sum... mmm, donuts.

Posted by J.Carney:

I've said it in other posts... this is the only game that I've played that

ever carried over into other aspects of my life. Checking the Taldren

forums came before checking my E-mail on the 'list of things to do

online.' I even drove 10 miles every day I was off my last 4 months in

Iraq so I could get to a comp (since we had them available by then) and

check to see what was going on here.

I will miss this place and these people. *holds his Guiness high*

Thanks Taldren, and may you have brighter days ahead than the ones behind


Riov Kalabam ir'Iuruth tr'Sienov
RIS Oaiit'nnea'Okhala
"Everything I did in my life that was worthwhile I caught hell for." -

Earl Warron

"Perfection is such a nusance that I often regret having cured myself of

using tobacco." - Emile Zola

Posted by 3dot14:

To Taldren

Starfleet Universe

Posted by Karnak:

To Taldren.

To those that depart for uncharted shores never to return to the SFC

universe: may the undiscovered friends you are going to make remind you a

little of those you made here.

To those that carry on in the new era of SFC: may the end of the beginning

become the beginning of something you shall cherish.

To those that only wished to find an oasis of happiness in a somewhat

chaotic world and have now been cast adrift: fear not because you have an

inner star to steer by and may you find happiness in this chaotic world


Because it 'tis to inner glory we steer.

el-Karnak, Galactic Foreign Legion
EEK Mission Specs (SFC2-OP/SFC2-EAW) 
EEK-TNG Mission Specs (SFC3) 

Fav. mp3 => Lock 'n Load


Posted by Komodo:

Hear hear!

To departing loved ones


Founder of
Tooth and Nail - the Gorn reference site
The Federation Central Library and
Allegiance - Tribute to the fleets of SFC

Posted by Rod O'neal:



Here Here!

I got slightly drunk last night



You too, huh. I've been tipping the Sammies up myself. 

...and yes, thank you Taldren. Thank you very much. Best wishes on your


Nice toast Tracy, but you ain't gonna get rid of us that easily, I'm



Join Starfleet, visit strange new worlds and new civilizations,
then economically exploit them before the Klingons can conquer them.
(SFB bumper sticker)

Posted by Tirus:

Wow Tracey...really well said.

A toast to all at Taldren and the SFC community.

Posted by Merlinfmct87:

It's Been A Long Time
(S. Van Zandt)

We lived in a time and a world of our own
Making up the rules as we went along
Just one coat between us and we never felt cold
We were never gonna get old

Playing cards 'till the sun came up, rollin' dice
Down to the club and listen to the blues all night
Girls out on the corner get lonely now and then
We'd never be that free again

It's been a long time since we laughed together
It's been a long time since we cried
Raise your glass for the comrades we've lost
My friend it's been a long, long time

Workin' just enough to pay the rent
Money got made, baby, money got spent
Sleeping when we had nothin' left to do
Under the boardwalk and up on the roof

We never quite fit, baby, we never played the game
Came out explodin' like a runaway train
Up all night talkin' about dreams of better days
Ain't it funny how some things don't change?

It's been a long time since we laughed together
It's been a long time since we cried
Raise your glass for the comrades we've lost
My friend it's been a long, long time

We lived in a time and a world of our own
Making up the rules as we went along
Just one coat between us and we never felt cold
We were never gonna get old

It's been a long time since we laughed together
It's been a long time since we cried
Raise your glass for the comrades we've lost
My friend it's been a long, long time

Little Jake Music ASCAP

Thought I'd freak some Southside Johnny fans while summing up what I feel.

It's been a long time since someone made a game this good. It's going to

be a while longer.

Here's to Taldren still being around in 25 years.
*raises his glass*


I Love My Job

Honor is my Code
Truth is my Armor
Justice is my Blade
Love is my Soul.

Posted by kziti kat:

Cheers to SFC, a game that has the distinction of having remained on my

hard drive while other games have come and gone.


Beta Tester, Starship Commander, in general just an all around swell

guy... :-)

Proverbs 3:5-6

Posted by Aenigma:

Best wishes to all Taldren employees, and thanks for putting up with us 

BattleClinic Admin


Visit the Battleclinic here

Posted by DarkMatrix:

thank you Taldren. Thank you very much. Best wishes on your endeavors

its been a great few yrs here and the best Startrek Games to ever be made


Tos ships for a Tos world

Posted by CptCastrin:

To all,

This has been my online home for quite awhile and it pains me greatly to

see it end. I cut my online gaming teeth on SFC1, I matured through SFC2

and found my calling in SFC:OP. Through it all these forums were my home,

a place where I could read about the latest, debate the game, inform all

of my latest attempts at campaigns, and here the good and bad from them.

I?ve meet many people here both for good and ill but I respect them all.

Some I can call friends but all I can call my brothers in arms in one of

the greatest games ever made. We all have fought and bled together and

through it all the people in Taldren helped and supported us as much as

was possible ? which is far more than ANY other game I?ve played.

The end has come to Taldren and I will raise a glass to them and salute

them, they stand among the greats in the gaming industry. But the tale is

not over for SFC and we will write a new chapter in the coming days.

<raises glass>

To the honored fallen, may you find peace and chart your new course well.

Taldren Forever!



Sir Castrin ([RK]Castrin)
Grand Master of the Order of the Rebel Knights
Founding Member, Admin, and Campaign Coordinator of

"Which is the greatest quality (of knighthood)? ...
Truth. It must be truth, above all. When a man lies he murders some part

of the world." -- Arthur and Merlin in Excalibur

Posted by CaptStumpy:

<raises glass, checks to see it's not cool aid, takes drink>


OK what lizard put Tequila with red food coloring in the wine glasses?

SFCX Group

Posted by Harry:

Well, I don't know what happened to the other thread I posted in where

David said goodbye, so I'll post it here.

Good luck to everyone at Taldren. I enjoyed working with you guys and wish

you all the best. You did some amazing work and all of your efforts were

greatly appreciated. If you need a reference, let me know.


Executive Director, Interactive Product Development - Paramount Pictures

Posted by KRolling:

I..... am sad.

"Integrity Is Always The Issue"
Visit the SSCF


Posted by Crimmy:

I need a drink...

Make it two... 


Well, the nine, the Nazgul are exposed and have crossed the river. War is

upon us.

One Party to Rule them All
One Party to Bind Them
One Party to Bring them All
And on the left, blind them.

Democrats have the cunning to embellish blasphemy and present it to the

Arab and Muslim nation as civilization- Al Qaeda

Posted by Kaenyne:

For those who will not follow...I wish them well. Long live Starfleet

Command. Long Live Taldren.

"If I may be so bold, it was a mistake for you to accept promotion.

Commanding a Starship is your first, best destiny. Anything else is a

waste of material."

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Posted by Julin Eurthyr:

Good luck all...

Catch ya' on the flip side...


Captain FPF-TraceyG, Federation Protection Fleet Admin member Admin member
Voting member of the DGA
Member of XenoCorp, Squadron Commodore

Offline Merlinfmct87

  • When I am dead, I hope it is said, 'His sins were scarlet and his books were read'. --Hillaire Belloc
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Re: The Last Days, the End of an Era, a toast to Taldren (Repost)
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2004, 06:23:54 pm »
Glad to see this archived...Thank you TraceyG

*Plays It's been a long time*

Learned the Heart's Filthy Lesson from Joshua Watcher.

The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world own shame.
-Oscar Wilde

I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'
-Bob Newhart

Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.
-Victor Hugo

He Took it all too far..but boy could he play guitar
-David Bowie, Ziggy Stardust