DH is pregnant...
In other news, Dynaverse Improvement Project (DIP) Phase II and III have been solved.
2. Phase II - Mission times balance
3. Phase III - Include X-Ships
For Phase II - New EEK mission matching for AI spawning in cooperation with simple and easy OP+ server-side modifications will allow proper spawning of friendly and enemy AI adjusted per any individual race and ship flown.
For example, Romulan AI, generally regarded thoughout all early era servers as downright useless and pathetic causing mission time inequality when compared to most other races, it is now possible to easily fix this issue for the romulans so their AI allies don't suck.
In addition, individual primary AI matching will now be based directly off of the ship you fly depending upon its combat effectiveness.
Phase III - Has been addressed with a DH type shiplist implementation of pre-X designs that come out at the proper time followed by FS's 1st Gen X ships, then followed by Taldren stupid cheese, then followed by you inserting your sfc3 disk...

Cool, huh?
More details later.