Topic: Nethak mistake in docks  (Read 3991 times)

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Nethak mistake in docks
« on: June 23, 2004, 09:53:19 pm »
KoraH didn't do the Klingon Nethak. He did modifications, which he had to get special permission for ... as required by their copyright "stuff."

It is Raven's -- and if you know him he is very particular about his credits, which is why KoraH himself was so careful with that "readme."

KoraH did hardpoints fixes and textures; basic stuff, really.

The model is Nightsoft and Raven


Original Readme follows...

Klingon "Nethak" class Transport
a Star Trek: Infinity concept

Design by Raven Night "Ravennx"

Model and Textures by Gabriel Crown "Mind-Blip"

Faces:  2089
LOD: no
Illuminated Textures: Yes
Breakup Model: Yes
Hardpoints: Yes (Klingon Light Cruiser)

This is a custom ship for use with Startrek: Starfleet Command 2 and / or Orion Pirates.
It is designed to serve as a TNG era Klingon Transport.  A Shipedit import file is included to get you started.  If you use it, make sure to change the path to the model to where you put the ship.

Let me know what you think of the ship, or if you encounter
any problems with the files.
More ships are available from my website.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2004, 09:55:50 pm by UnityTeam »

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Re: Nethak mistake in docks
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2004, 07:56:26 am »
There's a report button below every ship, which you can use to report problems and such. If Cue is a bit late on response (after all, all the reports are send to his mail address) you can contact me, by sending a pm or mail. You don't need to use the boards for these problems/suggestions.


PS: changed the credits... thanks for the suggestion!