How do I post pics here?
Yes, I know, this was TWO topics on Taldren forums but I thought it would be fun to advertise here, LOL.
Here's what I have so far:
Any interest in some retextures I did tody on the Euromastyx, Ghdar and Cobra [?] class Gorn Ships from Kliingon Academy?
I thought I'd be brazen enough to make these retextures using more modern textures from Stock Gorn ships, In my mind they are TMP era refits.
Euromastyx GCC: its missing some polys to hold the top warp engine in place....
G' dhar CL: DD: apologize if I got the Gorn Destroyer named incorrectly as the Klingon Academy site is down and P81's readme list this incorrectly as the GCX...
If there is enough interest I'll post these as soon as I overcome a technical problem with the cobra: its textures change at a distance and its driving me nuts! My inspiration for all these came from the Gorn Tyrannus Battleship from the Unity mod.'s kitbashed GRENDEL BB Gorn CA
DarkMatrix has offered to host these as soon as I can get them to him. All the SFC3 TI/VL and BS shots will be included.