Aw, man!!! We close the entire set of Taldren forums to get away from this 'n00b' and she finds us anyways!!! 
j/k Glad you found us... but stay away from the gas grills. 
Hey... Blame TRACEY...(I think she likes it anyhow, LOL) She told me where to find you
No worries about the gas grills and me... got a bit of a phobia about them after I lost some of my eyebrows in a horrible lighting incident... I don't want to talk about it.. it took several years of therapy just to be able to say BBQ again...
And did you notice, I even actually responded to Dizzy even after he almost made me cry (twice) because he said he didn't like me... 
It's ok.. an to think I was gonna offer him free beer... 
Dizzy is like a chihuahua.... all bark and very little bite.

But he is not a bad guy once you get past the attitude.
About the grill, reminds me of an ex of mine... grill-slayer was her name.
Got me a brand new $400 gas grill and was busy prepping the meat (Yeah, sounds wonderful, doesn't it?) for our meal.
So I asked her to start the grill....she said fine, goes out side, and a few minutes later.... WHOOMP!!!!

She never opened it...just turned on the gas, waited a minute, then lit it.

She blew the lid OFF my brand new grill!!! And lost both eyebrows and her vangs (is that how you spell that?) in the process.
I laughed SO hard, my gut hurt... I was ticked off over the busted grill... but it was just too funny not to laugh over.

She never started a grill again as long as I knew her... Jeez.... it has been about 8 years now since that incident...